Saat,
meint
ihr
nit,
et
wöhr
ald
ziemlich
spät?
't
ess
joot
en
Stund
her,
dat
mer't
letzte
Leed
jespillt
un
ahnsaat
hann,
dat
donoh
dä
Vüürhang
fällt.
Parforceritt
durch
drei
Johrzehnte
Repertoire,
dat
do
jet
fähle
moht
woor
jedem
klar,
denn
ir'ndwie
sieht
et
uss,
als
hätt
dä
Trip
üch
Spass
jemaat.
Wahnsinn
wie
schnell
drei
Stunde
verjonn,
op
su
'nem
Ritt
durch
die
Zigg
un
wo
se
nit
all
uns
Leeder
verstonn!
Ess
et
nit
herrlich?!
Morje
ess
et
widder
su
wigg.
Denn
morje
spill
mer
enn
dä
nähxte
Stadt.
Och
nit
zum
eezte
Mohl,
denn
wie
jesaat:
Noh
all
dä
Johre
ess
uns
kaum
en
Steckdos
unbekannt.
Ich
hoff,
mer
sinn
uns
widder,
irjendwann.
Wat
mich
betrifft,
ich
benn
ald
jetz
jespannt,
wat
bess
dohin
passiert.
Hey,
passt
joot
op
üch
op,
bess
dann.
Wenn
et
Saalleech
anjeht,
läuf
noch
elejant
"We'll
meet
again"
als
Lullaby
vum
Band,
die
Bühn
weed
affjebaut
un
noh
un
noh
em
Truck
verstaut.
Jläuv
mir,
die
Crew
weet
langsam
nervös,
dä
Nightliner
waat
em
Ähnz
wenn
ihr
morje
fröh
wachweed,
dann
steht
dä
janze
Krempel
he
ald
widder
enn
ner
andere
Stadt
Girl,
don't
you
think
it's
getting
quite
late?
It's
been
an
hour
since
we
played
the
last
song
and
announced
that
the
curtain
would
fall
after
that.
Forced
through
three
decades
of
repertoire,
that
something
would
be
missing
was
clear
to
everyone,
because
somehow
it
seems
that
the
trip
gave
you
a
lot
of
fun.
Madness
how
quickly
three
hours
pass,
on
such
a
ride
through
time
and
where
not
all
of
them
understand
our
songs!
Isn't
it
wonderful?!
Tomorrow
there
will
be
another
one
just
as
far
away.
Because
tomorrow
we
are
playing
in
the
next
town.
Not
for
the
first
time
either,
because
as
said:
After
all
these
years,
hardly
a
power
outlet
is
unknown
to
us.
hope
we
will
see
each
other
again,
someday.
As
for
me,
am
already
curious
about
what
will
happen
until
then.
Hey,
take
good
care
of
yourself
until
then.
When
the
lights
go
on,
"We'll
meet
again"
will
run
elegantly
as
a
lullaby
from
the
tape,
the
stage
will
be
dismantled
and
gradually
stowed
away
in
the
truck.
Believe
me,
the
crew
is
slowly
getting
nervous,
the
nightliner
is
waiting
at
the
hook
when
you
wake
up
tomorrow
morning,
then
the
whole
junk
will
be
standing
here
again
in
another
city