Et
weed
langsam
hell,
ald
widder
kaum
jeschloofe,
jed
volle
Stund
de
Glockeschlääsch
jezällt.
Durch
et
Projramm
jezäppt,
jootweißwer
ahnjeroofe,
en
Messestadt,
irjend′
e
Hotel.
Zemmer
met
Fröhstöck,
Bibel
un
Pay
T.
It's
getting
light,
hardly
slept
again,
counted
every
hour
the
bell
rang.
Zipped
through
the
program,
don't
know
who
to
call,
a
hotel
somewhere
in
the
trade
fair
city.
room
with
breakfast,
Bible,
and
Pay
V.
un
nem
Porträt,
dat
övver'm
Bett
hängk:
En
holde
Fee,
en
ener
Art
vun
Huhziggskleid.
Vüür
Johr
un
Daach,
unnohbar
wie′n
Königin,
vüür
Johr
un
Daach,
unwirklich
wie'n
Fee,
vüür
Johr
un
Daach,
hätt'e
Mädche
su
ussjesinn,
vüür
Johr
un
Daach,
lang
lang
vorbei.
Wer
sie
wohl
woor?
Kein
Ahnung,
ir′ndne
Schoss
halt,
dä
vüür
Johrzehnte
wer
met
Akrebie
jemohlt.
Woor
sie
verwandt
me′m
Möhler
oder
bloß
ne
Auftrach,
dä
ihn
ahm
Levve
heelt,
ne
Job
für
paar
Mark
Sold?
Em
Ärm
ene
Bloomestruhß,
däät
saare
Lilije,
en
ihrem
Bleck
datselve
Rätsel,
dat
mich
schlooflos
jemaht,
schon
die
jottweißwievillte,
jottverdammte
Naach
V.
and
a
portrait
hanging
above
the
bed:
beautiful
fairy
in
a
kind
of
wedding
dress.
Four
years
and
a
day,
unapproachable
like
a
queen,
four
years
and
a
day,
unreal
like
a
fairy,
four
years
and
a
day,
the
girl
would
have
looked
like
that,
four
years
and
a
day,
long,
long
ago.
Who
could
she
be?
No
idea,
some
diva,
probably,
who
was
meticulously
painted
decades
ago.
Was
she
related
to
the
painter
or
just
an
order
that
kept
him
alive,
a
job
for
a
few
marks?
bouquet
of
flowers
in
her
arm,
it
seems
like
lilies,
in
her
gaze
the
same
riddle
that
has
kept
me
sleepless,
already
for
God
knows
how
many,
God-damned
nights