BCRecords - Running in the block (feat. VFx8) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский BCRecords - Running in the block (feat. VFx8)

Running in the block (feat. VFx8)
Running in the Block (feat. VFx8)
Manin no te apure que cuando te frene con to lo shooter
Don't rush, girl, 'cause when I stop you with all my shooters
Mas te vale que tu vida asegure tu fuma haraka nostro el pure
You better make sure your life is insured, you smoke haraka nostro, the pure
Vivimo rapando de lune lune tenemo lo blundt que no se consumen
We live rapping from Monday to Monday, we have the blunts that never run out
Vesace givenchy son lo perfume si tu me critica no me salude
Versace, Givenchy, those are my perfumes, if you criticize me, don't say hi
El jambo en el suelo llorando esperando a que le demos el tiro
The sucker on the ground crying, waiting for us to give him the shot
Y yo esperando luz verde para poder apretar el gatillo
And I'm waiting for the green light to pull the trigger
Ellos hablan de rambo y mantequilla son to sus cuchillos
They talk about Rambo and butter, that's all their knives are
Ey son to sus cuchillos de mantequilla son to sus cuchillos
Hey, they're all butter knives, all their knives
A mi no me hables de rambo si en el bando no te han echo correr
Don't talk to me about Rambo if you haven't been made to run in the hood
Tampoco me hables de bando si no te quedas hasta amanecer
Don't talk to me about gangs if you don't stay up until dawn
Joseando joseando para a casa llevar de comer
Hustling, hustling to bring home something to eat
Y la mama vea que me busco aunque no tenga eso y bachiller
And for mom to see that I'm trying, even if I don't have that and a high school diploma
No me hace falta estar en la cocina para seguir facturando
I don't need to be in the kitchen to keep making money
Tengo mis menores que estan activos y es original su rambo
I have my youngsters who are active and their Rambo is original
Que si lo sacan te hacen pupita primo no te vayan llorando
If they take it out, they'll hurt you, cousin, don't come crying
Aqui tenemo shin shin para todo tu bando
Here we have shin shin for your whole crew
Aunque smoke se haya ido primo nadie se sienta en su silla
Even though Smoke is gone, cousin, no one sits in his chair
Apuesto que si saco el rambo tu sangre corre por la alcantarilla
I bet if I pull out the Rambo, your blood will run down the drain
Menores frustraos con la sangre que en la boca se guardan cuchillas
Frustrated youngsters with the blood that keeps blades in their mouths
Si hablas mierda en la cara te hacen la raja de la putilla eyy
If you talk shit to their face, they'll give you the whore's slit, hey
Y que nos van a contar hablan de bando pero viven en las rozas
And what are they gonna tell us, they talk about gangs but live in the suburbs
A mi dios siempre le rezo pa que los perros no me pongas esposas
I always pray to my God so the dogs don't put handcuffs on me
Niñatas que hacen el tonto en tiktok d1 ve se vuelven famosas
Little girls acting silly on TikTok, D1 see, they become famous
Ve dile a tu puta que me debe polvo a esa puta morosa
Go tell your bitch that she owes me dust, that delinquent bitch
Primo no nos rayes que te frena el cuba y te saca el puto rambo
Cousin, don't mess with us, the Cuban will stop you and pull out the damn Rambo
Y tu esperando que la pepa te suba pa poder sentirte rambo
And you waiting for the bullet to go up so you can feel like Rambo
Primo los tiros suenan como mambo
Cousin, the shots sound like mambo
Los tontos 25 gramos pasando y ya se creen que son contrabando
Fools passing 25 grams and they already think they're smuggling
Me pille un pasamontañas primo para que no me pillasen
I got myself a balaclava, cousin, so they wouldn't catch me
No he subido ni una puta canción y ya me estan mandando bases
I haven't uploaded a single damn song and they're already sending me beats
La poli investigando porque a tu fan le tráfico base ey
The police investigating because I traffic base to your fan, hey
No soy responsable primo de lo que en el bando a ti te pase
I'm not responsible, cousin, for what happens to you in the hood
Estamos controlando en el bando mientras tu no paras de llorar
We're controlling the hood while you don't stop crying
Porque tus padres para navidades la play no te van q dar
Because your parents won't give you the PlayStation for Christmas
Mientras primo yo vivo joseando pa los retros poder pisar
Meanwhile, cousin, I live hustling to be able to step on the retros
Asi que primo no me hables mierda
So cousin, don't talk shit to me
Si you don't running in the block
If you don't run in the block

Авторы: V X8

BCRecords - Running in the block
Running in the block
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