BRUJA feat. Macanache - Mooye - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BRUJA feat. Macanache - Mooye

Ma uit la cer
I look at the sky
Si fac stelele sa planga
And make the stars cry
Muie pentru toti aia care nu ma asculta
Mooye to all those who don't listen to me
Dem aici in casa lucreaza la hit
From here in the house, working on a hit
Poate facem cu baietii un feat-uring
Maybe we'll do a featuring with the boys
Te fac la box de cand erai mic
I've been boxing you since you were little
1,2 ey haide pe la noi
1, 2, ey, come over to our place
Daca te dai tare si mare
If you act tough and big
Cotoi sa ti-o arzi cu noi
Kitty, you should hang out with us
Tre′ sa fii racheta, tre' sa fii racheta
You gotta be a rocket, you gotta be a rocket
Cum sa fii racheta
How can you be a rocket
Cand ti-o arzi in centru cheta
When you're hanging out downtown like a cheta
Bruji, Bruji
Bruji, Bruji
Te arde la mustata
She burns you on your mustache
Intra peste tine in casa e groasa
She enters your house, she's thick
Vine si-ti pune p*zda pe fata
She comes and puts her p*ssy on your face
Ey haus Santa Claus
Ey, yo Santa Claus
Ai sacu′ gol cu jucarii
You got an empty bag of toys
Click stanga delete pe mouse
Left click delete on the mouse
Sashasha sasha velour boom
Sashasha sasha velour boom
Boom shakalaka boom boom
Boom shakalaka boom boom
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Numai fi nebun
Don't be stupid
Numai fi fa palalila
Don't be a palalila
Cand ma vezi pe strada
When you see me on the street
You better jos palaria
You better take your hat off
Sunt la scoala stiu toata materia
I'm at school, I know all the material
Le am cu brujeria
I'm good at witchcraft
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Boom Shakalaka boom boom
Numai fumati legale cu tutun
Only smoke legal stuff with tobacco
Bei ca prostu' si-ti spargi gaoaza
You drink like a fool and crack your head open
Nu ma pup cu tine ca mirosi a caca
I won't kiss you because you smell like poop
Bow wow wow yupi yo yupi yay
Bow wow wow yupi yo yupi yay
Esti molima radiatiei
You're the plague of radiation
Bing bang, bada boom
Bing bang, bada boom
Vino mai aproape ca sa te scuip (ptuuu)
Come closer so I can spit on you (ptuuu)
Jegule daca-ti zic de ma-ta iti da cu virgule
Jerk, if I tell you about your mom, she'll give you commas
Hip-hop si-ti dau capac
Hip-hop and I'll give you a cap
Cand ma vezi pe strada
When you see me on the street
Gata, te pisi pe crac
That's it, you piss yourself
Ghena si mancarime
Dumpster and itching
Numele tau de familie e mandarie
Your last name is pride
Mama mama ce rime
Mama mama what rhymes
Esti atat de varza
You're so cabbage
Ca lucrezi la ospatarie
That you work as a waiter
Ai caramba la mic e
Ai caramba, the mic is
Profu' tau de samba
Your samba teacher
Am venit cu smardoiala
I came with the swagger
O dai in cabala cu mine
You're into kabbalah with me
Si dupa schimbi yala
And then you change the lock
Iala, sama
Iala, sama
Sa ma desfasor
Let me unfold
Am zis sa va iau usor
I said I'd take it easy on you
La palme sa nu va omor
So I wouldn't kill you with slaps
Va strivesc cu fiecare vers
I crush you with every verse
Pana va stafidesc
Until you shrivel up
Eu scuip rime de se crapa beatul
I spit rhymes that crack the beat
E ceva firesc simt ca intineresc
It's something natural, I feel like I'm getting younger
Nu pot sa ma opresc
I can't stop
Bucata asta-i pentru toti
This piece is for everyone
Care ma ling in cur
Who licks my ass
Ma doare-n p*la de ce crezi tu
I don't give a f*ck what you think
Poti sa fii sigur
You can be sure
Ca nu am arfe de vedeta
That I don't have celebrity airs
Ba si nici figuri
Nor figures
Ca nu mananc cacat ca altii
Because I don't eat sh*t like others
Ba si nici fripturi
Nor steaks
Sa facem recapitulare
Let's do a recap
Tu dormi cu mine in difuzoare
You sleep with me in the speakers
De la prima difuzare deci
From the first broadcast so
Cand fac feat-ul fii-tu sare
When I do the feat, your son jumps
Rup tot beatu′ mitu′ moare
I break the whole beat, the bribe dies
Poti sa fii tu micu' mare
You can be small or big
Pleci sau vii cu mic cu mare
You leave or come with small or big
Scot cutitu′, hitu' care
I pull out the knife, the hit that
Te-a cordit un pic se pare
Pissed you off a bit, it seems
Sunt iubit subit sub soare
I'm suddenly loved under the sun
Boom shaka laka boom boom
Boom shaka laka boom boom
La cum joaca maca n-ai cum
The way maca plays, you can't
O ardem tiki taka par fum
We burn it tiki taka like smoke
Si cum se schimba placa dau tun
And how the record changes, I shoot
Te fac sa ma visezi intruna
I make you dream of me constantly
Cum iti fut aproapele
How I f*ck your neighbor
Iti scot ochii din cap cu mana
I'll take your eyes out with my hand
Sa-ti atarne pleoapele
So your eyelids hang
Nu incetezi cu gafele
You don't stop with the blunders
O sa-ti tulburi apele
I'll stir up your waters
Te pupi in p*la singur
You kiss your own ass
Cred ca joci la doua capete
I think you're playing both sides
Imi curg lacrimi din capul pulii
Tears are flowing from the head of my dick
Cand te vad ca suferi
When I see you suffer
Ma pis pe tine in cerul gurii
I piss on you in the roof of your mouth
Daca ma mai superi
If you annoy me anymore
Te chinui pana faci infarct
I'll torture you until you have a heart attack
Noaptea pe o banca in parc
At night on a park bench
In timp ce numar banii spart
While I count the change
Nu ti se pare funny man
Don't you think it's funny man
Ca fanii tai fani iban
That your fans are iban fans
E timpu sa faci nani, man
It's time for you to sleep, man
Mai zi-le si tu hunny bun
Tell them hunny bun too
Ca eu ti-i frang ca hannibal
Because I'll break them like hannibal
Eu m-am nascut ca sa fac asta vere
I was born to do this, bro
Fara pic de stres
Without a bit of stress
Si fac ce fac ca de ca na
And I do what I do because of ca na
Ca nu am de ales
Because I have no choice
Si nu ma lua cu ete na
And don't take me with ete na
Ca nu te prea halesc
Because I don't really like you
Ma pis pe prietenia ta
I piss on your friendship
Constant cam des
Constantly, quite often
Ca-s prea real sa ma compari
Because I'm too real to be compared
Cu Racing Santader
With Racing Santader
Sunt varf de lance in rapu′ asta
I'm the spearhead in this rap
Ca si caracter
As well as character
Iti interzic sa mai vorbesti
I forbid you to speak anymore
Zece ani d'acuma
Ten years from now
Si cand ma vezi in public
And when you see me in public
Sa vii sa-mi pupi mana (mana)
Come and kiss my hand (hand)
Check it out
Check it out
Ciocu′ mic
Little beak
Cand ma vezi ca trec
When you see me pass
Cand apar la microfon se da rec, rec
When I appear at the microphone, rec, rec is given
Imi place sa beau si rom si vin sec
I like to drink rum and dry wine
Vin din viitor ca star trek
I come from the future like star trek

BRUJA feat. Macanache - Mooye
дата релиза

1 Mooye

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