BUMP OF CHICKEN - Colony - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BUMP OF CHICKEN - Colony

どこだろう 今痛んだのは
WHERE is it? It's aching now
Once I put my hand on it, I will know no more
名前のない 涙がこぼれて
Nameless tears start to fall
I no longer know the boundaries of my body
世界は蜃気楼 揺らいで消えそう
The world is a mirage, shimmering and fading
I'm about to be swallowed up and taken away
重なった 優しい温もりに
I cling to the warmth and comfort that overlaps
Trembling all the while
聴こえた命の音は よく似ているけど違っていて
I hear the sound of life, it's so familiar yet different
It changes into rain and beats upon my skin over and over
閉じた目に 真昼の恒星 キラキラ無数に散らばった
My closed eyes see a midday star, countless sparkles scattered
その中のひとつとひとつ それだけ
Just one among them, and one more, that's all
見つけた事 失くした事 心が作った街で起こった事
Things I've found, things I've lost, things that happened in a city of the mind
こんなに今生きているのに 嘘みたい 掌で教えて
I'm so alive right now, but it feels like a lie. Teach me with your palms
何もない あんなに抱えていた
I had nothing then, I held so much
Words as a shield to protect my form
残っていない 弱くても持っていた
I have nothing left, but I had it once, however weak
The will to forge a path, a sword of intent
世界は蜃気楼 張りぼての城
The world is a mirage, a paper-mâché castle
Creatures that can't seem to vanish, yet can't stay
ありがとう あなたは光
Thank you, my dear, you are the light
That's the only reason I keep going
聴こえた自分の音は 正体を当然知っていて
I hear my own voice, it knows its true nature, of course
When it resonates, it becomes a true arrow and returns
卑怯者 鏡の奥に 気付く前に目を背けた
Coward, behind the mirror, I turn away before I see
助けを呼ぶひとつとひとつ 狙い合う
Calling for help, one at a time, they take aim
生まれた事 知らせた声 どこまでも遠く全部を抱きしめた
The sound of my birth, a voice announcing, embracing everything from afar
解らないまま 何もないまま 全てを 全てで抱きしめた
I don't understand, I have nothing, but I embrace everything with everything
あの時みたいに出来るかな 心が作った街で起こった事
Can I do it like that time? Things that happened in the city of the mind
こんなに今生きている事 触ったら 同じように応えて
I'm so alive right now, if I touch it, will it respond in the same way?
側にいて 行かないで 微笑んで 頷いて
Stay by my side, don't go away, smile and nod
側にいて 行かないで 重なって 音を聴いて
Stay by my side, don't go away, overlap and listen to the sound
側にいて 行かないで 微笑んで 頷いて
Stay by my side, don't go away, smile and nod
今会えた 名前のない 涙に触らせて
I've met you now, let me touch these nameless tears
どこだろう 今痛んだのは
WHERE is it? It's aching now
どこだろう あなたは光
WHERE is it? My dear, you are the light

Авторы: 藤原 基央, 藤原 基央

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