BUMP OF CHICKEN - コロニー - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BUMP OF CHICKEN - コロニー

どこだろう 今痛んだのは
Where could it be? My pain is throbbing
Once I put my hand there, it's a mystery no more
名前のない 涙がこぼれて
Tears that have no name are falling
My body's boundaries are fading
世界は蜃気楼 揺らいで消えそう
The world's a mirage, wavering and fading away
I'm being swallowed up and carried off
重なった 優しい温もりに
In this overlapping gentle warmth
I'm trembling as I cling to it
聴こえた命の音は よく似ているけど違っていて
The sound of life that I heard is so familiar, yet it's different
It turned into rain and repeatedly thumped against my skin
閉じた目に 真昼の恒星 キラキラ無数に散らばった
Behind my closed eyes, the midday star sparkled, countless, scattered
その中のひとつとひとつ それだけ
I am one with every single one of them
見つけた事 失くした事 心が作った街で起こった事
Things I've found, things I've lost - events in a city built by my own heart
こんなに今生きているのに 嘘みたい 掌で教えて
I'm so alive right now, yet it's like a lie - tell me, teach me with your palm
何もない あんなに抱えていた
There's nothing left, I held so much in my arms
The shield of words that shielded my form
残っていない 弱くても持っていた
I have nothing left, but despite my weakness
I held the sword of will that cuts through the path
世界は蜃気楼 張りぼての城
The world's a mirage, a cardboard castle
A creature that seems to vanish yet doesn't
ありがとう あなたは光
Thank you, you are my light
That's the only reason I can keep going
聴こえた自分の音は 正体を当然知っていて
The sound of myself that I heard, of course I know its true identity
When it resounded, it became a true arrow and returned
卑怯者 鏡の奥に 気付く前に目を背けた
A coward, facing the depths of the mirror, turning away before I could be noticed
助けを呼ぶひとつとひとつ 狙い合う
The many calls for help, they target each other
生まれた事 知らせた声 どこまでも遠く全部を抱きしめた
The moment I was born, the voice that made it known, so distant yet embracing everything
解らないまま 何もないまま 全てを 全てで抱きしめた
Still unable to understand, still in the void, embracing everything with everything
あの時みたいに出来るかな 心が作った街で起こった事
Can I do it again like that time? Events in a city built by my own heart
こんなに今生きている事 触ったら 同じように応えて
I'm so alive right now, if I touch it, it will respond the same way
側にいて 行かないで 微笑んで 頷いて
Stay by my side, don't go, smile at me, nod your head
側にいて 行かないで 重なって 音を聴いて
Stay by my side, don't go, overlap and listen to the sound
側にいて 行かないで 微笑んで 頷いて
Stay by my side, don't go, smile at me, nod your head
今会えた 名前のない 涙に触らせて
Let me touch the unnamed tears that I meet now
どこだろう 今痛んだのは
Where could it be? My pain is throbbing
どこだろう あなたは光
Where could it be? You are my light

Авторы: Motoo Fujiwara

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