Baaba Maal - Diahowo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Baaba Maal - Diahowo

Diahowo (English)
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
So Ene Debba e maaje
She is Debba, full of majesty
Ene jola e laana
She is Jola, graceful and elegant
Ene mute e lugge
She is Mute, with a captivating gaze
Ene Yabba e leydi
She is Yabba, radiating joy
Ene werlo kaaje
She is Werlo, hardworking and skilled
Maa debbo lomto njool mum
A beautiful woman, a true Fulani
Baleejo mo jom bakka rommbal
With a walk that captivates, full of rhythm
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Pullo sippi gayni
Fulani girl, so elegant
OO gayni
Oh, so elegant
Pullo Ummo haa kooten
Fulani woman, please stay a while
Ko kooten
Just a little while
Mi salaaki, mi waawa ummaade
I greet you, I sing your praises
Pelle Ngassi gnaamnde
Like the Pellel Ngassi bird's sweet melody
Kobe pullo
Oh Fulani girl
Ko leykal nokkano
With your captivating beauty
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Yoo allah wattam gnuugnu
Oh Allah, grant us peace and tranquility
Wattami mettellu
Peace that endures
Polel mariama
Through the intercession of Mariama
Haa mi diwa e gande
Grant me wisdom and understanding
Juuro e gannjeeje
And a long and healthy life
So dakudi firaani
For the path ahead is long
Mbaadi so waylaaki
And the journey is arduous
Mi faytata nenooyam
I commend myself to your care
Mo tiida mbootu
And entrust my destiny to you
Keeci ki wambaani janngol
Like the weaver bird builds its intricate nest
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Ee mbodo haba e bonndo
Oh, she has a captivating smile
Ko bonndo
Such a captivating smile
Bonndo miy bonndo
A smile that melts hearts
Miy bonndo
A truly captivating smile
Ene nanngi e mbonnge
She speaks with eloquence and grace
Koo mbe ngaari mbondi
A voice that soothes and calms
Omo dogga, omo diira
She walks with confidence and pride
Omo ngueefa leydi
She dances with joy and energy
Omo fero kaaje
She works with skill and dedication
Omo heela ledde
She sings with a voice that touches the soul
Woto taccam cakka
She gathers firewood with strength
Woto seekam wutte
She draws water with grace
Woto hellam jungo
She cooks with expertise
Woto boddam yoole
She cares for her family with love
Aan a woona njoolam, baleejo
Have you ever seen a woman like her, so graceful
Mo jom bakka rommbal
With a walk that captivates, full of rhythm
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Ee walla mi yidii yaade
Oh, I remember the good old days
Somi yidii yaade fuuta e kummbaalu
The days of abundance and joy in Fuuta
Koto coynateemi, koto keptinteemi
When we were young and carefree
Koto padam boortate gila lelaani
And the land was fertile and green
Ee Walla mi yidii yaade tooro e mbel leldi
Oh, I remember the days of love and laughter
Nokku mo ngowaami
And the warmth of your embrace
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leela woy leeli
Leela woy leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leli lela leeli
Leela woy leeli
Leela woy leeli
Jam leeli mbaalu
Jam leeli mbaalu
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Gubbol Hamme en hirndiima Joordi
Gubbol Hamme, the brave warrior of Jolof
Hirndi Joordi, waali mbodeeri
The pride of Jolof, a leader among men
Wubbi leddi, wubbori liwoogu
With a sharp wit and a generous heart
Bajo jolnaama e bajal tufnde
He was known for his wisdom and his strength
Yengtinaa ma e ceede ndenndi
He ruled with justice and compassion
Sawlo-sawlo fayi daande maayo
His fame spread far and wide
Bayto-bayto fayi ngoral maayo
His legacy lives on
Bee bii wooni, bee bi wonaani
She is admired by all who know her
Aysata Baa ko Pullo Fuuta
Aysata Baa, the Fulani woman from Fuuta
Ngalanka woni debbo saare
A woman of grace and dignity
Itti jeddi, yee itti jeddi
She is truly exceptional
Ittinimi jeddi, naaram baleejo Maamudu silla
I sing her praises, as I do for the noble leader Maamudu Silla
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Maamu Silla kam e Sammba Ummu
Maamu Silla and Sammba Ummu
Tuggi laana ene payi Genndooki
They settled in the land of Genndooki
Gelle Ndooki ndo ndookanaaka
The land of Ndooki, a place of abundance
Laana moodon buri salanka
A land that welcomes all
Buri jankalanka
A land of diversity and unity
Buri dulenndu, buri hendu yaawde
A land of peace and prosperity
AR nawam Loodo, batel Jeeri
From Loodo to Jeeri
Lampa Sara Wokaam
And all the way to Sara Wokaam
Eehey Diahowo
Oh Diahowo
Saa woodi yaade kam e yettoyaade
The one who brings memories, I remember you
Mbido salmina Njool am baleejo
Greetings to Salmina, the Fulani girl with the beautiful walk
Mo jom baka rommbal
She walks with grace and rhythm
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara, saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara, saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Allay dey ko waale lappi Fuuta Tooro, saara bayye
May Allah bless the land of Fuuta Tooro, let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
EEyo Futankoobe curi en
Oh people of Fuuta, join us
Curi en teddini en
Join us in celebration
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Geddenaabe curi en,
People of Gedde, join us,
Curi en teddini en
Join us in celebration
Saara Bayye
Let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara
Sing with me, let the music fill the air
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo giddam bolle nanii
Let all the people of the world join hands
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Fanaynaabe nanii
I remember the people of Fanay
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo, Canngaynaabe nanii
Let the people of Cannga join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Jannunnaabe nanii
I remember the people of Jannun
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo, Dimatnaabe nanii
Let the people of Dimat join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide giddam bolle nanii
I remember all the people of the world
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Cilenaabe nanii
Let the people of Cile join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Pendawnaabe nanii
I remember the people of Pendaw
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Cewlenaabe nanii
Let the people of Cewle join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Gnannganaabe nanii
I remember the people of Gnannga
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Tareejinaabe nanii
Let the people of Tareejin join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide giddam bolle nanii
I remember all the people of the world
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Agnamnaabe nanii
Let the people of Agnam join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Geddenaabe nanii
I remember the people of Gedde
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Leraabenaabe nanii
Let the people of Lerabe join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Miim mi yiide Gamaaji Saare naani
I remember the people of Gamaaji Saare
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Oolel yoo Njummannaabe nanii
Let the people of Njumman join us
Saara bayye
Let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saara bayye
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound
Leeliyo e leele, jawol leeli ngara saaaaaaa.
Sing with me, let the music fill the air, let joy abound.

Авторы: Baaba Maal

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