In the good old days, the world was round and full of lush vegetation. In the early days of Taiwan, there were gushing waters everywhere.
乒乒乓乓黑白 TWOON 啊 魚仔鳥仔死翹翹
There were deadly battles and the sound of clashing swords, and the fish and birds were all killed.
存咱這一陣 YXYX 摩登原始人
We are the modern primitive people, living in this crazy time.
摩登原始人啊摩登原始人 摩登原始人啊摩登原始人
Modern primitive people, modern primitive people, modern primitive people, modern primitive people.
七早八早就要起床頭昏昏 客來客去早餐沒吃腦頓頓
We have to wake up early in the morning, feeling groggy. We have guests coming and going, but we don't have time to eat breakfast, and our brains are not working.
一手拿著大哥大 一手握著 handle 高架橋上大停車場講生意
We hold a cell phone in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. The elevated roads are like giant parking lots, and we can talk about business there.
透早都講生意 大家攏大賺錢 透早都講生意 大家攏大賺錢
We talk about business early in the morning, and everyone makes a lot of money. We talk about business early in the morning, and everyone makes a lot of money.
麻辣鍋 hiam gi gi 枝仔冰冷吱吱(擱貴卡嘛死)
Spicy hot pot, cold ice cream (it's expensive and it'll kill you)
We love to eat strange and unusual things, like cold fried food.
(A song by the Bunun people)
Drink up the old rice wine. When I was young, I went hunting in the mountains and caught five wild boars and five deer. My mother is from the Suolan tribe.
古早古早天下攏馬是咱耶 卡早卡早台灣一粒仔算啥貨
In the old days, the world was all ours. In the early days, Taiwan was nothing but a small island.
Liam mi 青康藏高原 Liam mi 吐魯番烏魯木齊
I go to Tibet, to the Turpan Basin, and to Urumqi.
I go to Emei Street to see a movie.
七俗八俗賣田賣地頭 gang gang 凹落放久拆路起價攏嗎是你耶
We sell our fields and land for cheap, and then we buy it back for a higher price when it's developed. It's all your fault.
三民主義讀尚多 漲價歸公是誰講耶 不要怨嘆祖公仔 沒加放一地啊
We've studied the Three Principles of the People, but who's responsible for raising the prices? Don't blame our ancestors for not leaving us more land.
沒加放一地啊 沒加放一地 沒加放一地啊 沒加放一地
We don't have any more land, we don't have any more land, we don't have any more land, we don't have any more land.
蕃薯粥配菜哺蛋 吃白飯配滷蛋
Sweet potato porridge with preserved egg, white rice with braised egg.
衛生竹筷 保麗龍碗,尚衛生
Bamboo chopsticks and Styrofoam bowls, very sanitary.
古早古早穿裳整齊規矩多 左衽又衽搞不清楚孔子會罵
In the past, people dressed properly and followed the rules. If you wore your clothes inside out, Confucius would scold you.
內褲闊闊若布袋胖迪化街耶布起價 存一粒子彈穿落甘沒憋
Our underwear is loose and baggy, like a sackcloth from Dihua Street. If you wear them too tight, you'll get a hernia.
穿落甘沒憋啊 穿落甘沒憋 穿落甘沒憋啊 穿落甘沒憋
If you wear them too tight, if you wear them too tight, if you wear them too tight, if you wear them too tight.
五顏六色花花綠綠不新鮮 簡簡單單破破爛爛要花更多錢
Colorful clothes are nothing new. Simple and plain clothes cost even more money.
理光頭還是留嬉皮 卡其褲配牛仔衣
We can shave our heads or grow long hair. We can wear camouflage pants with jeans.
It's not a crime to be a rebel, and it's okay to dress the way we want. Don't you agree?
不囉唆吃個飯,喝口水 稍休睏一下
Let's stop talking, eat something, drink some water, and rest for a while.
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