Bahoi feat. Kvaxa & Rakova - Nu ţi-ai făcut temele - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bahoi feat. Kvaxa & Rakova - Nu ţi-ai făcut temele

Nu ţi-ai făcut temele
You didn't do your homework
Prietene valoreaza
Dearest girl
Ai venit aseara imbatat
You came home drunk last night
Si n-ai ascultat-o, si n-ai ascultat-o
And you didn't listen to me, you didn't listen to me
Ai vrut sa furi din frigider o sunca
You wanted to steal a leg of ham from the refrigerator
N-ai vrut sa furi dar s-a parut ca
You didn't want to steal it but it seemed that
Nu ti-ai facut temele
You didn't do your homework
Te urmeaza viitoru′ si blestemele
The future and curses are following you
Nu ti-ai facut temele
You didn't do your homework
Te urmeaza amu blestemele
Now the curses are following you
Adevarat, e un simplu vals
It's true, it's just a simple waltz
Mama ta prin casa danseaza vals
Your mother is dancing a waltz in the house
Mama ta danseaza si te viziteaza
Your mother is dancing and visiting you
Si iti spune "stai"
And she tells you "stay"
Your mother
Urci scara medievala, iti rupi oasele
You climb the medieval stairs, you break your bones
Iti arat fantomele cu al treilea ochi fantoma
I show you the ghosts with the third eye ghost
Membru'-n coma si tratez aceeasi boala
A member in a coma and I'm treating the same disease
Scriu piesa, nu tema, imensa greseala
I'm writing a song, not a theme, a big mistake
Bahoi, Kvaxa, Treispe paranormali, eu sunt
Bahoi, Kvaxa, Treispe paranormal, I am
Sub lumina artificiala, s-mai umbrit de fel
Under artificial light, I'm a bit shaded
Am un pahar si-un tel, apa rece crunt
I have a glass and a wire, cold water
Si fur din centura lui Saturn un inel
And I steal a ring from Saturn's belt
Te viziteaza in casa fantomele (ghostwriter)
Ghosts visit you in the house (ghostwriter)
Te prind in noapte si tu vezi ca trec orele (Rolex)
They catch you in the night and you see the hours passing by (Rolex)
Nu ti-ai facut temele (niciodata)
You didn't do your homework (never)
Fa-le repede (acum neaparat)
Do them fast (now, unbedingt)
Te bantuie
They haunt you
La fel ca prima data
Just like the first time
El e mare om mare caracter
He's a great man, great character
Simte-te lejer
Feel comfortable
Kvaxa canta peste negative
Kvaxa sings over negatives
De cartier
From the neighborhood
Lofi ca-i fratele cu rapu′ de peste nori
Lofi as he's the brother with the rap from over the clouds
Bahoi canta imnul national sub tricolor (desteapta-te romane)
Bahoi sings the national anthem under the tricolor (wake up Romanians)
Nu ti-ai facut temele...
You didn't do your homework...

Bahoi feat. Kvaxa & Rakova - Nu ţi-ai făcut temele
Nu ţi-ai făcut temele
дата релиза

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