Bahram - Namei Be Raees Jomhoor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bahram - Namei Be Raees Jomhoor

Namei Be Raees Jomhoor
A Letter to the President
واقعا مشکل مردم ما الآن شکل موي بچه هاي ماست؟
Is the real problem of our people really the hairstyle of our youth?
خب بچه هاي ما دوست دارن موشون و هر جوري بزنن به من و تو چه ربطي داره
Well, our young people like to style their hair any way they want, what does it have to do with us?
دولت بايد بياد اقتصاد رو سامان بده.فضاي کشور و آرامش ببخشه
The government should come and fix the economy, bring peace to the country
امنيت رواني ايجاد کنه.پشتيباني بکنه از مردم
Create psychological security. Support the people
يعني الآن مشکل مهمه جوانهاي ما اينه که مدل موشون و چه جوري بزنن و دولت هم نميذاره!
So now the main problem of our youth is how to style their hair and the government won't let them!
الآن مشکل کشور ما اينه که مثلا فلان دختر ما فلان لباس رو پوشيد؟!
Is the problem of our country now that, for example, our daughter wore such and such clothes?!
الآن مشکل کشور ما اينه؟ يعني مشکل مردم ما اينه؟!
Is this the problem of our country now? I mean, is this the problem of our people?!
مي خوام روشني عقده مو خاموش کنم
I want to extinguish the light of my hair complex
ولي نمي تونم حرفاتو فراموش کنم
But I can't forget your words
وقتي قلم و کاغذم توي دست من بود
When my pen and paper were in my hands
پس مي نويسم نامه اي به رئيس جمهور
So I'm writing a letter to the president
با عرض سلام خدمت رئيس جمهور محترم
With greetings to the honorable president
واسه گفتن حرف مي شمرم فرصت و مغتنم
I consider the opportunity to speak as precious
تو که گوش مي کني به حرف هر سليقه اي
You who listen to the words of every taste
ميشه وقتتو به من بدي چند دقيقه اي؟
Can you give me a few minutes of your time?
من نگرانم واسه تاريخ تحريف شده
I'm worried about the distorted history
واسه مغز جوونايي که تحريک شده
For the minds of young people who have been provoked
درد ما دوا نشد دکتر مملکت
Our pain was not cured, doctor of the country
که شعارهاتونم بدتر به ماها حمله کرد
That your slogans also attacked us worse
مخم بيداره ولي ترجيح ميدم باشه تو خواب
My brain is awake, but I prefer it to be asleep
تا اينکه سينه م بشه سنگ قبر آرزوهام
Instead of my chest becoming the tombstone of my dreams
عمر من رفت به درک واسه نسل بعد
My life went to hell for the next generation
مي خونم مثل اينکه فعلا به ما وصله درد
I sing as if pain is attached to us for now
وصله کرد تيکه غم و بس که من
I patched a piece of sorrow and that's it
مي بينم نابغه هامون هم شدن مست گرد
I see our geniuses have also become drunk
هيچ وقت تصور نمي کردم بشيم اينطوري
I never imagined we would be like this
که داشته باشيم ميليونها جوون دين گريز
That we would have millions of young people who are irreligious
ملت خلاف مي کنن تا برن زندون واسه جاي خواب
People break the law to go to jail for a place to sleep
خيليا وقتي مردن عکسشون بدرقه نشد با يه قاب
Many people when they died, their photos were not sent off with a frame
مي دونم حرفهاي من مي خوره تش به بن بست
I know my words hit a dead end
ملت ميرن مسجد هنوز تا کفش بدزدن
People still go to the mosque to steal shoes
به خدا اين همه ادعا نيشخند داره
By God, all these claims are ridiculous
ايران صادر مي کنه دختر 18 ساله
Iran exports 18-year-old girls
رو زمين نشستي فکر کردي که اوج .پس
You sat on the ground, you thought it was the peak. So
اميد من به نجات در حد معجزه ست
My hope for salvation is at the level of a miracle
تو خودت خوب ميدوني چقدر شده درگيري زياد
You know very well how much conflict has increased
به خدا قرآن روي طاقچه گردگيري ميخواد
By God, the Quran on the shelf needs dusting
فقط شعار که دنبالش هستي فقط تو.ما
Only slogans that you are after, only you. We
بشينيم قرآن به دست بکنيم فقط دعا
Let's sit down with the Quran in hand and just pray
سند حرف منه چهره سطح شهر
The proof of my words is the face of the city level
يه چرخ بزن تو دوي نصفه شب به بعد
Take a spin in the middle of the night
نفس بکش اين آسفالته که بوي خون ميده
Breathe this asphalt that smells of blood
دقت کن يه جوون اون گوشه داره جون ميده
Pay attention, a young man is dying in that corner
مي خوام روشني عقده مو خاموش کنم
I want to extinguish the light of my hair complex
ولي نمي تونم حرفاتو فراموش کنم
But I can't forget your words
وقتي قلم و کاغذم توي دست من بود
When my pen and paper were in my hands
پس مي نويسم نامه اي به رئيس جمهور
So I'm writing a letter to the president
تو گفتي دولت من دولت آرامشه
You said my government is a government of peace
که ذهن مردم واسه حمايتت آماده شه
That people's minds are ready to support you
وسعت فکر منه از خزر تا خليج فارس
My mind is vast from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf
نمي خوام از من بگيرنش بشه دريچه باز
I don't want them to take it from me and become an open window
براي بد شدن اوضاع و براي جنگ
For the situation to get worse and for war
حرفش مال توه عواقبش براي من
The words are yours, the consequences are mine
هنوزم بهت زدم و نشستم من به حيرت
I still hit you and sat in amazement
که چرا جاي خون نيکوتينه توي رگ غيرت
Why is nicotine in the vein of zeal instead of blood?
کاش که منم محافظ داشتم که دورم واي ميستادن و دم ميزدم از امنيت
I wish I had a bodyguard who would stand around me and talk about security
ولي خيليا دنبالم هستن الآن که من و بگيرن يا که در رم از دست کلان
But many people are after me now to arrest me or to escape from the big ones
که اينم شده زنده بودن
That this has become living
حرفامو تموم مي کنم مي توني قبولش کني
I finish my words, you can accept it
يا با گرفتنم ظاهرا تمومش کني
Or you can apparently end it by taking me
ولي بدون اگه بگيرم حتي خوي حيوون
But know that if I even get the nature of an animal
قلمم با قدرت مي چرخه حتي توي زندون
My pen rotates with power even in prison
مي خوام روشني عقده مو خاموش کنم
I want to extinguish the light of my hair complex
ولي نمي تونم حرفاتو فراموش کنم
But I can't forget your words
وقتي قلم و کاغذم توي دست من بود
When my pen and paper were in my hands
پس مي نويسم نامه اي به رئيس جمهور
So I'm writing a letter to the president

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