Bahram - Tekrar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bahram - Tekrar

تو، تو این اتاقی یا این اتاق تو ذهن من
You, in this room or this room in my mind.
من اشتباه کردم ولی کسی نکرده این اشتباه رو مثل من
I made a mistake, but no one made it like me.
روزا سکوت کردم که بشنوم صدای شهرو
I've been silent for days to hear the sound of the city.
شبا سکوت کرد شهر که بشنوه صدای من رو
At night, the city was silent to hear my voice.
یک صدای زنده تر و حالا این منم
A more vivid voice, and now this is me.
چیزی که هستم
What I am
جدا از من نیست نوشتن و خوندنم
It's not separate from me. I'm writing and reading.
اتفاقا یادم نمیاد که شب بود یا که صبح بود
I don't remember if it was night or if it was morning.
دلم پر بود یادم نیست حالم چطور بود
I was full. I don't remember how I was.
پای چشم سیاه به رنگ نصفه شب
Black eye foot in the middle of the night.
تو دلم آفتاب سر ظهر بود
I was in the sun at noon.
سرم پایین بود
My head was down.
با این بود خطرم
That was my danger.
خودکارم هم بازیم بود
My pen was my game.
صدای یه آدمیو می شنیدم
I could hear a man.
ولی برگشتم و دیدم کسی پشتم نیست
But I turned around and saw no one behind me.
لعنتی کسی نیست
No one's fucking.
تو ، تو توهمی
You, you are delusional.
هرچند که توهمم خیلی چیز بدی نیست
Although my illusion is not a very bad thing.
باز صدام کرد من یکم جا خوردم
He called me again. I got a little bit of a break.
مغزم دستور داد به پلکم
My brain ordered my eyelids.
پس چشام وا شد بعد برگشتم رو به خیابون
So I opened my eyes, then I went back to the street.
پاهام سِر و شل شد
My legs turned sagging.
ترس تو چشام بود
I had fear in my eyes.
جرات تو دستم
I have the courage.
که یکی یهو گفت
That someone said.
تو ، هی تویی که زمین و زمونو همش فحش میدی
You, you're the one who curses the Earth and the Earth all the time.
با این موزیک عجیب و غریبت خوش میشی
You'll be happy with this strange music.
بعد تازه میگی این ویژگیته عیب نیست
Then you say it's not a defect.
عمرتو جوونی تو پاش دادی حیف نیست
You're a young man. it's not a shame.
گفتم تو کی هستی
I said Who Are you?
با من چیکار داری
What are you doing to me?
گفت عجله نکن از هم سوال زیاد داریم
He said Don't rush we have a lot of questions
تو از اونایی که فکر می کنن کوه کندن
You're the kind of person who thinks they're climbing.
من گفتم کجاشو دیدی تازه شروع کردم
I said Where Did you see it? I just started.
گفت خیلیا مثل تو شروع کردن باختن
He said a lot of people started losing like you.
گفتم هدف داشتم اونا آرزو کردن
I said I had a goal. they wished.
گفتم تو چی هستی که با این کلماتت
I said, " What are you with these words?"
با ریتم تند قلبم با مخم میرقصی
You dance with my heart in a fast rhythm.
گفت من توٕ پشت تصویرتم
He said I'm behind the picture
گفتم دروغه از دید من
I said it was a lie from my point of view.
تو وجود نداری
You don't exist.
من توی تنهاییم به تو معنی میدم
I mean you in my loneliness.
گفت من یه صدام فقط
He said I was just a voice.
که جای التماس بهت اعتراض کردم
I begged you to protest.
گفت دروغ تویی نه من نه
He said You were a lie, not me.
منم لبخند زدم یه نگاش کردم
I smiled and looked at him.
سریع دوییدم و برگشتم تو اتاقم
I ran fast and went back to my room.
دلخوش بودم تو حبابم
I was happy in my bubble.
گفتم احتمالا ناراحت شد و ترکم کرد
I said he probably got upset and left me.
ولی اشتباه کردم
But I was wrong.
اومد نشست جلومو یه نگاه کج کرد
He came and sat in front of me and looked at me.
صداشو صاف کردو ابروهاشو خم
He straightened his voice and bent his eyebrows.
گفتم فکر کردم رفتی و رفتم
I said I thought you left and left
گفت با این فکرت باید به شعورت شک کرد
He said that you should doubt your conscience
گفتم من پیش میرم واسم راه پس نیست
I said I'm going forward. there's no way back for me.
گفت این همه بلا اومده سر زندگیت بس نی
He said all this has happened to your life.
یه چند دقیقه بهم گوش بده حرفام واست بد نی
Listen to me for a few minutes. I'm not bad for you.
تو ته تهش یه سرگرمی واسه این ملت با فکر سنتی
At the end of the day, a hobby for this traditional-minded nation.
تو کشورت که یه مجرم غرب زده بودی
You were a Western criminal in your country.
اینورم آبم یه کله سیاه غربتی
I'm a black-headed west.
تو اشتباه کردی ...
You were wrong ...
گفتن اصلا حق با شماست
They said You Were Right.
ممکنه بگی دیوونم اما ببین من نمی دونم
You might say I'm crazy, but look, I don't know.
تو ، تو این اتاقی یا این اتاق تو ذهن من
You, in this room or this room in my mind.
من اشتباه کردم ولی کسی نکرده این اشتباه رو مثل من
I made a mistake, but no one made it like me.
روزا سکوت کردم که بشنوم صدای شهرو
I've been silent for days to hear the sound of the city.
شبا سکوت کرد شهر که بشنوه صدای من رو
At night, the city was silent to hear my voice.
یک صدای زنده تر و حالا این منم
A more vivid voice, and now this is me.
چیزی که هستم
What I am
جدا از من نیست نوشتن و خوندنم
It's not separate from me. I'm writing and reading.

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