Bajaga i Instruktori - Grad - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bajaga i Instruktori - Grad - Live

Grad - Live
City - Live
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u njemu
You should be alone within it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u svemu
You should be alone in anything.
Te noći stigao sam kasno
That night I arrived late,
Napolju padala je kiša
Outside, the rain was falling.
Kao igla sam se provuk'o kroz mrak
Like a needle, I slipped through the darkness,
A čim sam otkljućao vrata
And as soon as I unlocked the door,
Na nebu sevnula je munja
Lightning flashed across the sky.
Pomislih, Bože da li je to dobar znak
I thought, God, is that a good sign?
Dole su svetleli neoni
Down below, neons were shining,
Kao šareni baloni
Like colorful balloons.
Mokre ulice su pevale
Wet streets were singing,
A ja sam sam u ovom gradu
And I'm alone in this city,
I polako gubim nadu
Slowly losing hope,
Da će stvari da se promene
That things will change.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u njemu
For you to be alone in it.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u svemu
For you to be alone in anything.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u njemu
You should be alone within it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u svemu
You should be alone in anything.
Strašno velik grad
An incredibly vast city,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u njemu
You should be alone within it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u svemu
You should be alone in anything.
Tad je zazvonio telefon
Then the phone rang,
A ja ne volim telefon
And I don't like the phone,
Jer više ne verujem nikome
Because I don't trust anyone anymore.
Ma nek se prekine tišina
But let the silence be broken,
Makar zvonila mašina
Even if it's just a machine ringing,
Namesti glas i rekoh slušam te
I put on a voice and said, "I'm listening."
A sa druge strane žice
And on the other end of the line,
I brate da mi vidiš lice
Brother, if you could see my face,
To nije priča to je muzika
This isn't a story, it's music.
Uopšte ne znam šta mi priča
I don't even know what she's saying,
A znam da ne čuh takav glas
But I know I haven't heard a voice like that,
To nije glas već pesma anđela
It's not a voice, it's an angel's song.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u njemu
For you to be alone in it.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u svemu
For you to be alone in anything.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u njemu
You should be alone within it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u svemu
You should be alone in anything.
Pomislih da me neko loži
I thought someone was messing with me,
Mangupi snimili su traku
Some rascals had recorded a tape,
I sad se smeju u tom mraku
And now they're laughing in the darkness.
Pitam je da li lažeš kaže lažem
I asked her if she was lying, she said, "I am,"
Ja ne znam šta ću da joj kažem
I don't know what to say to her,
Možda ipak i ne folira
Maybe she's not faking it after all.
Te noći stigao sam kasno
That night I arrived late,
Napolju padala je kiša
Outside, the rain was falling.
Kao igla sam se provuko kroz mrak
Like a needle, I slipped through the darkness,
A čim sam otkljućao vrata
And as soon as I unlocked the door,
Na nebu sevnula je munja
Lightning flashed across the sky.
Pomislih, Bože da li je to dobar znak
I thought, God, is that a good sign?
Dole su svetleli neoni
Down below, neons were shining,
Kao šareni baloni
Like colorful balloons.
Mokre ulice su pevale
Wet streets were singing,
A ja sam sam u ovom gradu
And I'm alone in this city,
I polako gubim nadu
Slowly losing hope,
Da će stvari da se promene
That things will change.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u njemu
For you to be alone in it.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u svemu
For you to be alone in anything.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u njemu
You should be alone within it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad
This city's incredibly vast,
I zato nema razloga
So there's no reason why,
Da budeš sam u svemu
You should be alone in anything.
Ovo je grad u kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u njemu
For you to be alone in it.
Ovo je gradu kome
This is a city where,
Nema razloga da noćas
There's no reason tonight,
Budeš sam u njemu
For you to be alone in it.
Ovo je grad
This city...

Авторы: Momcilo Bajagic Bajaga

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