Bajaga i Instruktori - Tvoja je gajba sigurna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bajaga i Instruktori - Tvoja je gajba sigurna

Tvoja je gajba sigurna
Your crib is safe
Te sam noci ulicama
These nights through the streets
Setao sam sam.
I walked alone.
Ni slutio nisam da ce, skoro biti dan.
I had no idea that soon it would be a day.
Iza sebe cujem jeda pucaj tras,
Behind me I hear a single gunshot,
I sirene, sirene svuda oko nas.
And sirens, sirens everywhere around us.
Bolje da se pomerim ja
I better move on
Dok ne krene buka.
Before the noise starts.
Krenuo sam tvojoj kuci
I started for your house
Tad brzinom zvuka.
Then as fast as sound.
Rado si mi otkljucala
You happily unlocked for me
Mada je vec zora.
Although it is already dawn.
Jer, tvoja je gajba sigurna
Because, your crib is safe
U gvozdje je okovana
It's clad in iron
Sa 24 alarma
With 24 alarms,
U njoj.
In it.
Pito sam te odmah s vrata
I asked you right at the door
Tek da smirim zivce:
Just to calm my nerves:
Ko navija za muriju
Who cheers for the natives
A ko za negativce?
And who for the outsiders?
Ali to nam sada nije konfrontacija
But that's not a confrontation for us now
Jer jutro je I romanticna je situacija.
Because it's morning and the situation is romantic.
Sipala si pice I uskocila u kadu
You poured drinks and jumped in the tub
Ja sam gledao satelit, americku estradu.
I watched satellite, american show business.
Kad si se pojavila u oblaku parfema.
When you appeared in a cloud of perfume.
Ti I tvoja kosa mirisna
You and your hair fragrant
Ko sveza reka planinska
Like a fresh mountain river
A meni je do plivanja
And I feel like swimming
U njoj.
In it.
Jer, tvoja je gajba sigurna
Because, your crib is safe
U gvozde je okovana
It's clad in iron
Sa 24 alarma
With 24 alarms,
U njoj.
In it.
Osam dana nismo vrata otkljucavali
For eight days we didn’t unlock
Osam noci malo, sasvim malo spavali.
For eight nights we slept a little, very little.
I kada sam odlazio rekla si mi tad:
And when I was leaving you told me then:
Dodji uvek, dodji uvek,
Come anytime, come anytime,
Dodji uvek kao sad.
Come anytime like now.
Jer, tvoja je gajba sigurna
Because, your crib is safe
U gvozde je okovana
It's clad in iron
Sa 24 alarma
With 24 alarms,
U njoj.
In it.
A tvoja je kosa mirisna
And your hair is fragrant
Ko sveza reka planinska
Like a fresh mountain river
A meni je do plivanja
And I feel like swimming
U njoj.
In it.

Авторы: Momcilo Bajagic Bajaga

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