Balti - Chnia Dhanbi (feat. Cheb Salim) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Balti - Chnia Dhanbi (feat. Cheb Salim)

Chnia Dhanbi (feat. Cheb Salim)
My Sin (feat. Cheb Salim)
كيف كنا صغار انا وياك ما تفارقناش
How we were young, you and I, inseparable
قلنا حتى الموت اذا حضر ما يفرقناش
We said even death, if it came, wouldn't part us
كنا اكثر طفلة و طفل مع بعضهم فرحانين
We were the happiest girl and boy together
كنا كي تقصف الورود نلقاك انتي صدر حنين
We were like blooming flowers, you were my haven of affection
اما اليوم هانا كبرنا و تبدلنا مع الأيام
But today, here we are, grown up and changed with the days
و الي وعدنا بيه بعضنا كان أحلام كان كلام
And what we promised each other were dreams, were words
كان حكايات ولاد صغار حبو بعضهم في الصغرة
They were stories of young children who loved each other in their youth
اما اليوم كيف الوقت صعب ولات حكاية أخرى
But today, how time is tough, and it has become a different story
ما عاش تمشي بالقلب اليوم المخ هو الي يفكر
It's no longer the heart that guides, today it's the mind that thinks
قتلي راضية بيك كيف ما انتي هذا كان تتفكر
You told me you were happy with me as I am, if you remember
قتلي نرضى نعيش انا وياك حتى في بيت
You told me we would be content to live together, even in a shack
و قتلي نحبك و انتي حي و نصونك و انت ميت
And you told me you'd love me while I'm alive and cherish me when I'm gone
اما هذا لكلو كلام تبدل كيف الإنسان كبر
But all of this was talk, it changed as we grew up
دنيا و ظروف ربحونا و القلب هو الي خسر
The world and circumstances beat us, and it's the heart that lost
بوك و أمك حبوك لغيري
Your father and mother loved you for someone else
و أنا نحبك ليا أنا
And I love you for myself
حبوك تمشي لراجل آخر خاطر جيوبو مليانة
They loved you to go to another man because his pockets are full
حبو les apparences شنيا كسب و شنيا بنى
They loved appearances, what did they gain, what did they build?
فيبالهم الي انتي غدوة باش تعيش معاه في هناء
They think you will live with him in bliss tomorrow
حبوك تعيش مع راجل عندو ال matériel
They loved you to live with a man who has material things
اما انا الي حبيتك و تمنيتك في الحلال ...
But I, who loved you and wished for you in a lawful way...
في هذه الدنيا مرة عليك و مرة عليا
In this world, sometimes it's against you, sometimes it's against me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
و للي و الله لي ناويين عليك يانا داروها بيا
And those who, by God, are plotting against you, they did it to me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
حبيت نبني انا وياك الي حلمنا بيه صغار
I wanted to build with you what we dreamed of as children
الكرهبة و الدار برشا هناء و برشة صغار
The car, the house, lots of happiness, and many children
شنيا ذنبي اذا ما وصلتش للي نحب عليه
What is my sin if I couldn't reach what I desire?
عمري ما تصورت راجل آخر ياخذك بين إيديه
I never imagined another man taking you by the hand
المظاهر و الفلوس ليوم فساد القلوب
Appearances and money today corrupt hearts
شراك الي فلوسو في المكتوب و الي حبك موش محسوب
What about the one whose wealth is in his destiny and whose love for you is not calculated?
و ان شاء الله الراجل الي جاك يوصل يحبك قدي
And may the man who came to you love you as much as I do
هو اليوم فرحان و انا اليوم دموعي على خدي
He is happy today, and I, today, have tears on my cheeks
نعرف ماكش فرحانة نعرف الي مالقهرة بكيت
I know you're not happy, I know you cried from the pain
رضيت امك و بوك موش بالراجل الي تمنيت
You pleased your mother and father, not with the man you desired
أنا جريت و جريت و حبيتك تكون ليا
I ran and ran and loved you to be mine
نبنيلك في الجنة قصر هذا لو كان جا بإيديا
I'd build you a palace in heaven if it were in my hands
كي مشيت لداركم قاسوني هزوني حطوني
When I went to your house, they judged me, lifted me, and put me down
حكيت معاهم بالموجود حقروني و الصغر صغروني
I spoke to them with what I had, they belittled me and looked down on me
قلتلهم مازلنا صغار نبني حياتي أنا وياها
I told them we are still young, I will build a life with her
إذا الدنيا اليوم flou غدوة الدنيا تولي محلاها
If the world is blurry today, tomorrow it will become clear
خذاوني على قد حالي خرجت طلبي مرفوض
They took me for my current state, my request was rejected
من زهري ما كتبتليش و الي كتبتلو محضوض
From my fate, it wasn't written for me, and the one for whom it was written is lucky
الدنيا بجنبو في تصاور عرسو إنتي بجنبو
The world is by his side in his wedding photos, you're by his side
بجنبي دبوسة و كاس و الي حبك شنيا ذنبو ...
By my side, a pin and a glass, and the one who loved you, what is his sin? ...
و علاش عليك رضيتي بالmal و ما رضيتيش بيا
And why did you settle for the bad and not for me?
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
الدنيا لعبتها بيك و لعبتها بيا
The world played you and played me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
ما نحبش نظلمك و نقلك انتي لي خترت
I don't want to be unfair and say you're the one who chose
اما أنا لي تظلمت أنا خسرت و إنتي خسرت
But I am the one who was wronged, I lost, and you lost
الظروف .هي الي فرقتنا على بعضنا
Circumstances are what separated us
المكتوب فرض علينا. موش أحنا لي فرضنا
Fate imposed on us, not we who imposed
و اليوم كل واحد فينا ماشي في حالو.
And today, each of us is going their own way.
قعدتلو غصة في قلبو ما عملش الي يحلالو .
There's a lump left in his heart, he didn't do what was lawful.
و إنتي ليوم نتمنى ربي يهنيك مع غيري
And you, today, I pray God blesses you with someone else
و إذا جبت معاه ولد غدوة نحبو كيما صغيري
And if you have a child with him tomorrow, I will love him like my own
غدوة نحبك كي تتذكرني تقول عرفت إنسان .
Tomorrow, I want you to remember me and say, "I knew a man"
كان معايا راجل أما خسارة الزمان خوان .
He was a man with me, but it's a pity that time is a traitor.
كنت كيما . راجلك . صاحبك و خوك .
I was like your husband, your friend, and your brother.
لعبت الrôle متع الناس الكل الي حبوك
I played the role of all the people who loved you
أما خسارة ذراعي خانني . هذا زهري شعطاني
But unfortunately, my arm betrayed me, this is my fate that let me down
كنت أقرب الناس ليك . اما اليوم وليت براني .
I was the closest person to you, but today I've become a stranger.
علاش ... على خاطر أحوالي على قد الحال .
Why... because of my circumstances, they are just average.
بوك و أمك باعوك للي عندو الmatériel ...
Your father and mother sold you to the one with material things ...
و علاش عليك رضيتي بالmal و ما رضيتيش بيا
And why did you settle for the bad and not for me?
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
الدنيا لعبتها بيك و لعبتها بيا
The world played you and played me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
صغري كان مبني عليك و انتي تبعتي القويين عليا
My youth was built on you, and you followed those who were stronger than me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
تعرفي باللي أنا نبغيك enfin الدنيا ما عبات بيا
Know that I love you, finally the world didn't fill me
شنيا ذنبي ...
What is my sin? ...
هاذي هي BALTI مرة عليك و مرة عليا
This is BALTI, sometimes it's against you, sometimes it's against me
مرة عليك و مرة عليا
Sometimes it's against you, sometimes it's against me
حبي كمان perdu نشوفو راح بين عينيا...
My love is lost, I see it fading before my eyes...

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