Bandista - Aim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bandista - Aim

Hayat denilen kavgaya girdik
We entered the battle called life
Emin adýmlarla yürüyoruz
We walk with sure steps
Biz bu karanlýk yolun sonunda
At the end of this dark road
Doðacak güneþi görüyoruz
We see the sun rising
Daðlarý aþýyor, bak yakýnlaþýyor
Climbing mountains, look, it's getting closer
Kýzýl yýldýz zafer kuþu
The red star, the bird of victory
Bu bir rüya deðil,
This is not a dream
Bu bir hülya deðil, yýldýzýdýr kurtuluþun
This is not an illusion, it is the star of salvation
Kara deryalarda bir fenersin,
You are a beacon in the dark seas
Senin ýþýðýnda yürüyoruz.
We walk in your light
Biz bu karanlýk yolun sonunda
At the end of this dark road
Doðacak güneþi görüyoruz.
We see the sun rising
Fabrikalarda biz,
We are in the factories
Din farký bilmeyiz,
We do not know any difference of religion
Dil farký bilmeyiz, sanki doðduk bir anadan
We do not know any difference of language, as if we were born of the same mother
Anamýz amele sýnýfýdýr,
Our mother is the working class
Yurdumuz bütün cihandýr bizim
Our homeland is the whole world
Hazýrlandýk son kanlý kavgaya
We are ready for the final bloody battle
Basta bayraðýmýz sosyalizm
Our banner is socialism
Bayraðýný yükselt,
Raise your banner
Daha daha yükselt, yükselt bayraðý yukarý
Raise it higher and higher, raise the banner up
Bu güne vuralým, yarýný kuralým,
Let's hit today, let's build tomorrow
Kaldýralým sýnýflarý.
Let's abolish classes
Fabrikalarda biz,
We are in the factories
Tarlalarda biziz, biziz hayatý yaratan
We are in the fields, we are the creators of life
Din farký bilmeyiz,
We do not know any difference of religion
Dil farký bilmeyiz, sanki doðduk bir anadan
We do not know any difference of language, as if we were born of the same mother

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