Bardero$ - Chicos del Barrio (Part 2) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bardero$ - Chicos del Barrio (Part 2)

Chicos del Barrio (Part 2)
Boys from the Neighborhood (Part 2)
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere, oh...
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere, oh...
...(chicos del barrio)
...(boys from the neighborhood)
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
Dejemos todo para hablar después
Let's leave everything to talk later
Hagamoslo como tiene que ser
Let's do it the way it has to be
Damos la cara para que puedan ver
We give our face so they can see
Que nos pueden tirar, pero van a correr
That they can throw at us, but they're going to run
Y que van a intentar tener alguna vez
And that they're going to try to have sometime
Toda esta habilidad para soltarlo flex
All this ability to flex it out...
Y no van a alcanzar girar a este nivel
And they're not going to get to turn at this level
Estamos mas allá aunque no lo puedan creer
We are beyond even if you can't believe it
Pero nos ven pasar y no saben que hacer
But they see us passing by and they don't know what to do
Saben que nuestro track lo baila su mujer
They know that our track is danced by his wife
Que Bardero$ se va y nadie nos ve volver
That Bardero$ is leaving and no one sees us coming back
Esto es pure drug hasta el amanecer
This is pure drug until dawn
Haciendo money, a todo horario
Making money, at all hours
Y malgastandola con los chicos del barrio
And wasting it with the neighborhood kids
Solo queremos un aumento de salario
We just want a pay rise
Pa' poder vivir la vida que viven los millonarios
To be able to live the life that millionaires live
Y mis boys van al frente todo el tiempo, son
And my boys go to the front all the time, they are
Solo salimos en busca de la evolución
We only go out in search of evolution
Cada cual puede sacar su propia conclusión
Everyone can draw their own conclusion
Pero saben que esta click es una en un millón
But they know that this click is one in a million
Quieren jugar pero no tengo tiempo
They want to play but I don't have time
Más, ¿quieren copiar los que les venden, cierto?
Plus, they want to copy the ones that sell to them, right?
No se si lo que hacemos es correcto
I don't know if what we're doing is right
Pero deja money, y eso está perfecto
But leave money, and that's perfect
No quiero que me digan lo que ya sabemos
I don't want to be told what we already know
Porque sumar ahora nos cuesta menos
Because adding now costs us less
Nos decidimos a ganar el juego
We decided to win the game
Si en cualquier terreno nos lo merecemos
If in any field we deserve it
Nos vamos siempre pal mismo lugar
We always go to the same place
Pasados de alcohol, cansados de brillar
Past of alcohol, tired of shining
Esto es bardero$ click, la mierda mas real
This is bardero$click, the most real shit
Basta con tanta shit, volvimos a ganar. Bitch
Enough with all that shit, we won again. Bitch
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
(Chicos del barrio)
(Boys from the neighborhood)
Seguimos perdidos, nunca interesó el destino
We're still lost, never interested in the destination
Son las tres, son las 3, afuera hace frió
It's three o'clock, it's 3 o'clock, it's cold outside
Al menos sonrío...
At least I'm smiling...
... no por vos, sino por hash
... not for you, but for Hash
Dame más, dame más
Give me more, give me more
Le seguís disparando al miedo
You keep shooting at fear
Criticando en esta mierda
Criticizing in this shit
Sin saber que hay más misterios
Not knowing that there are more mysteries
Dame cash, dame paz, dame todo lo que quiero
Give me cash, give me peace, give me everything I want
Lo merezco por nacer demasiao' lejos de este cielo
I deserve it for being born too far from this heaven
Vuelvo a cero, vuelvo a 0, el mundo mira raro
I'm back to zero, I'm back to 0, the world looks weird
¿Será por lo que vendemos o por todos esos disparos?
Is it because of what we sell or because of all those shots?
Agarramos si queremos, si queremos lo llevamos
We grab if we want, if we want we take it
Si llegamos no nos vemos, y si nos vemos le negociamos
If we arrive we don't see each other, and if we see each other we negotiate
Siempre claro, siempre claro, como se me le enseñó
Always clear, always clear, as I was taught
Porque voy feliz y muy drogado con la mierda que tocó
Because I'm happy and very high with the shit he touched
Todas esas putas saben bien quien es el fucking C.R.O
All those whores know well who the fucking C.R.O is
Yo bro, un chico perdido en la nada.
Yo bro, a boy lost in nothingness.
... Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
... Rainbows, sunshine, everywhere oh...
Barderos click, escupiendo todo todo el fucking micro nene
Barderos click, spitting all all the fucking micro babe
Anda y contales
Go and tell them
Dedicado para el rrioba y nada más que el rrioba
Dedicated for the rrioba and nothing but the rrioba
No hay culpables,¿Está claro o no?
There are no culprits, is that clear or not?
Check it out
Check it out
Desobedientes en el micro causando sus cometidos
Disobedient in the micro causing their tasks
Negro soy un fugitivo escupiendo droga al destino
Nigga I'm a fugitive spitting dope at fate
Entrando fino estuvimos mal
Entering fine we were bad
Aunque si no lo hacíamos nos volvería a pasar
Although if we didn't it would happen again
Mi verdad, hijos de puta desde que era un nene
My truth, motherfuckers since I was a baby
Por eso que bien les duele
That's why I know that it hurts them well
Tengo más droga que sangre en el ADN
I have more drugs than blood in my DNA
Tengo esa mierda negro que ustedes no tienen
I got that nigga shit that you guys don't have
¿Quién viene?, mucho no nos interesa
Who's coming?, we are not interested in much
Calidad ma' nigga aparecemos por sorpresa
Quality ma' nigga we appear by surprise
Sin horario por el barrio recolecto piezas
Without schedule for the neighborhood I collect pieces
Papeles violetas y droga arriba en la mesa
Violet papers and drugs up on the table
Esa, volvieron los barderos puta
That one, the barderos came back whore
Con más problemas, más billetes y más putas
With more problems, more bills and more whores
Drogado por esta vida puta
Stoned for this fucking life
Escupiendolo como un hijo de puta
Spitting it out like a motherfucker
No paro de vomitar, no lo puedo dominar
I keep throwing up, I can't control it
En plena mañana saco la cuchara y ahí la pongo a cocinar
In the middle of the morning I take out the spoon and put it there to cook
Ahora tengo que pensar si la puedo descartar
Now I have to think if I can discard it
La gorra da vuelta y ya perdí la cuenta de lo que había que pagar
The hat turns over and I've lost count of what I had to pay
Todo el tiempo vivo así, con el corazón a mil
I live like this all the time, with my heart a thousand
De noche trabajo de día descanso, pero no me ven dormir
At night I work during the day I rest, but they don't see me sleeping
Pidieron auntentic shit, búscalo en barderos click
They asked for auntentic shit, look for it in barderos click
Los hijos de puta más grandes que caminan tranquilos por la street
The biggest motherfuckers walking quietly down the street
Si no entendieron bien, escupimos pura droga
If they didn't get it right, we spit pure dope
Más plata pa' la balanza que pa' la fianza del bogas
More money for the balance than for the deposit of the bogas
Si me alcanza no me vende, si le pido no me cobra
If it reaches me it does not sell me, if I ask it does not charge me
Solo somos fugitivos caminando por la sombra
We're just fugitives walking through the shadow
¿Qué se asombran? Si saben lo que suena
What are they amazed at? If you know what it sounds like
La banda más bardera que camina por la escena
The most bardero band walking around the scene
Junta un poco más de mierda pa' metertela en un tema
Get some more shit together to get it into a topic
Y... saludos a todos los chicos del barrio
Y... greetings to all the kids in the neighborhood
Ouh shit mami mami shit
Ouh shit mommy mommy shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put what to put
Mami shit only only shit
Mommy shit only only shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put
Pero mira si no le gusta el polvo
But see if he doesn't like the dust
Ponerse loquita y hacer quilombo
Getting crazy and doing quilombo
Llega a la fiesta pa causar asombro
Come to the party to cause astonishment
Tirando sus combos recaudando fondos
Throwing their combos raising funds
Es conocida en el ambiente por bardera,
She is known in the environment for bardera,
Y porque tiene una sustancia de primera
And because it has a first-rate substance
No se si vale mas su culo o su cartera
I don't know if his ass is worth more or his wallet
Pero si hablamos de putas ella enseña la carrera
But if we talk about whores she teaches the career
Tiene todo pa' vender tiene todo pa' ganar
Has everything to 'sell has everything to' win
Ella maneja la fiesta y lo que quiere manejar
She runs the party and what she wants to run
La mueve en cualquier lugar quiere salir a brillar
Moves her anywhere she wants to come out and shine
Cuando llega todas en fila pa poderle comprar
When everyone arrives in line to be able to buy
Mierda real ella escucha los bardero$
Real shit she listens to the bardero$
Orgullosa de su oficio mata y muere por dinero
Proud of her craft she kills and dies for money
Porque dice que en la vida la calidad es lo primero
Because he says that in life quality comes first
Nacida para morir en el juego
Born to die in the game
Mami mami shit
Mommy mommy shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put what to put
Mami shit only only shit
Mommy shit only only shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put
Ella es la nena de papi y escucha los bardero$
She's daddy's baby and she listens to the bardero$
Maneja su carro escuchando los bardero$
He drives his car listening to the bardero$
Se pone maquillaje mientras se toca el pelo
She puts on makeup while touching her hair
Hablan mucho de ella pero le chupa un huevo
They talk about her a lot but she sucks an egg
Organiza la previa y prepara la salida
Organize the preview and prepare the departure
No existe el control menos si esta con amigas
There is no control less if she is with friends
Nunca te va a hacer caso ni aunque todos le digan
He will never listen to you even if everyone tells him
Saben que por la noche se esconde mas movida
They know that at night she hides more moved
Si pide que siga nigga lo va a tener
If he asks to keep nigga he's gonna get it
Me hipnotizan esas piernas nigga que le voy a hacer
I'm hypnotized by those legs nigga I'm gonna make her
Esa fucking puta perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Esa fucking puta perra nigga te quiere joder
That... fucking bitch nigga wants to fuck you
Solo solo solo shit
Just just just shit...
Ella ahora juega en primera
She now plays in first
Una dama que no da vueltas con cualquiera
A lady who doesn't hang around with just anyone
Mirando el celular y cambiada nos espera
Looking at the cell phone and changed is waiting for us
Esa fucking perra se sabe mover
That fucking bitch knows how to move
Mami shit mami shit
Mommy shit mommy shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put what to put
Mami shit only only shit
Mommy shit only only shit
Esa fucking perra nigga se sabe mover
That fucking bitch nigga knows how to move
Se luce por la noche pero no sabe que hacer
She shows off at night but she doesn't know what to do
Nunca va a llegar a horario no se sabe que poner
It's never going to arrive on time you don't know what to put

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