Bastardos Del Barrio - Dealers Bars (feat. Soul Big Barras, Jey P, Sensei Aka & Blessed Ghetto Kid) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bastardos Del Barrio - Dealers Bars (feat. Soul Big Barras, Jey P, Sensei Aka & Blessed Ghetto Kid)

Dealers Bars (feat. Soul Big Barras, Jey P, Sensei Aka & Blessed Ghetto Kid)
Dealers Bars (feat. Soul Big Barras, Jey P, Sensei Aka & Blessed Ghetto Kid)
Estan pendiente de mi vida "The Truman Show"
They're watching my life "The Truman Show"
Regalando una sonrisa con el cora broke
Giving the gift of a smile with the cora broke
Años tratando de princesas a esas que son hoes
Years trying to princesses to those who are hoes
Dejo el alma por mi reina aunque ella diga no
I leave my soul for my queen even if she says no
Con los ojos empañados... John Coffey
With misty eyes... John Coffey
En una pista Lo-fi milagros inesperados
On a Lo-fi track unexpected miracles
Tirando los dados mis deseos moví,
Rolling the dice my wishes moved,
Haciendo de este hobby mi sueño dorado
Making this hobby my golden dream
Si me he quebrado le encontré la vuelta
If I have broken I found the way back
Hasta cuando han ignorado, en un mal momento.
Even when they have ignored, at a bad time.
He aprendido con el tiempo que el reconocimiento que mas amo
I have learned over time that the recognition I love the most
Es el de mi sobrina al cruzar la puerta.
It's the one of my niece walking through the door.
Cierro los ojos, entrego el alma
I close my eyes, I surrender my soul
Escribo un tema, sostengo el arma.
I write a topic, I hold the gun.
21 gramos que me pesan cuando no hallo calma
21 grams that weigh me down when I can't find calm
Son mis miedos mas preciados dentro de mi palma
They are my most precious fears inside my palm
Dealer′s Bar's, Miller′s para killer rap's
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden tracks! (Nigga!)
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for tracks! (Nigga!)
Dealer's Bar′s, Miller′s para killer rap's
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden mas...
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for more...
A todo o na′, bajo el cielo de la city autónoma.
To everything or na', under the sky of the autonomous city.
Amo tus curvas like snap cocodrile.
I love your curves like crocodile snap.
Frente al anti-pop tus followers no importan na'
In the face of anti-pop your followers don't matter na'
Mi manager va al frente "Suge Knigth"
My manager goes to the front "Suge Knight"
Crew′s High's, (Ups!) agarre el loop mal.
Crew's High's, (Oops!) grab the loop wrong.
Moob bang, new′s Wu tang's (Ups!)
Moob bang, new's Wu tang's (Oops!)
Antes me volvía crazy por tu love ma'
I used to get crazy for your love ma'
Ahora grabo bajo el "Shot by" por lucrar
Now I record under the "Shot by" for profit
Tu novio me odia, dice ser diferente
Your boyfriend hates me, he claims to be different
Pero me copia, desde las bamba′ hasta el ribete.
But he copies me, from the bamba' to the edging.
Ellos solo mienten, mami cargo con un team de hitmakers
They just lie, mommy I charge with a team of hitmakers
Polo Players.
Polo Players.
El mas hijo de puta de esta nueva era.
The son of a bitch of this new era.
Con los ojos apuntando donde mas te duela.
With your eyes pointed where it hurts the most.
Bstr2 escuela, en meses cocine la escena
Bstr2 school, in months cook the scene
Quiero cuatro europeas, casaca de Patrick Vieira.
I want four European, Patrick Vieira jacket.
Dealer′s Bar's, Miller′s para killer rap's
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden tracks! (Nigga!)
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for tracks! (Nigga!)
Dealer′s Bar's, Miller′s para killer rap's
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden mas...
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for more...
¿Los bastardos cuanto ganan?
How much do the bastards make?
No crean esa mierda de la envidia sana.
Don't believe that healthy envy shit.
Alcanzan su paz con xanax.
They achieve their peace with Xanax.
Guardan su inocencia junto con gorras planas.
They guard their innocence along with flat caps.
Divagan el tracks pero su rap no emana
They ramble the tracks but their rap doesn't emanate
Lo que veo en sucesos, Max Payne en tiempo bala.
What I see in events, Max Payne in bullet time.
Cuentan experiencias que no ganan.
They tell experiences that do not win.
Con rostros de niño like Dybala.
With children's faces like Dybala.
Perdón mamá si me vez sin ganas
Sorry mom if you see me without desire
Pero guardo voluntad pa'no matarme esta semana.
But I keep willing to not kill myself this week.
Kung Fu clothing, rhymes katanas;
Kung Fu clothing, rhymes katanas;
Amazing bars junto a mis panas, sueño liviano floto en mi cama
Amazing bars next to my panas, light sleep I float on my bed
Arruino mis noches, gasto mis días.
I ruin my nights, I waste my days.
Soy M.U.C.H.O. pero con poca autonomía.
I am a M.U.C.H.O. but with little autonomy.
Mi amor no es culpa mía, respiro melancolía.
My love is not my fault, I breathe melancholy.
Maldigo como Mercutio, una gracia sombría.
I curse like Mercutio, a grim grace.
Dealer′s Bar′s, Miller's para killer rap′s
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden tracks! (Nigga!)
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for tracks! (Nigga!)
Dealer's Bar′s, Miller's para killer rap′s
Dealer's Bar's, Miller's for killer rap's
Viven mas en skilles ran, que me piden mas...
They live more in skilles ran, they ask me for more...
You know my name, i'm a player
You know my name, I'm a player
Vengo de un barrio obrero, Cerro Porteño
I come from a working-class neighborhood, Cerro Porteño
Mis barras no se explican ni por Genius
My bars can't even be explained by Genius
Gorra y chomba a lo Tyger Woods, mi class is senior
Cap and chomba a lo Tyger Woods, mi class is senior
Todos esos ñeris están buscando su norte
All those nerds are looking for their north
Unos de Polo y Tommy, otros de Nikes con resortes
Some of Polo and Tommy, others of Nikes with springs
Defiendo mi área como en la zaga Laporte
I defend my area as in the lag Laporte
Avalado por barberos por eso destaco en cortes.
Endorsed by barbers that's why I stand out in cuts.
Afiliado a esta mierda y eso que no es SADAIC
Affiliated with this shit and that's not SADAIC
Este gremio me hará rico y me vera morir.
This guild will make me rich and watch me die.
Lo hago por los que decían que solo era un hobby
I do it for those who said it was just a hobby
Lo hago por la fam-, por mi future, por mis hommies.
I do it for the fam-, for my future, for my hommies.
No bitchs, mi mente esta en blanco like Snow Beach
No bitchs, my mind is blank like Snow Beach
Voy a irme en el equipo del debut como Kobe
I'm going to leave on the debut team like Kobe
Recorro C.A.B.A, lo hago husstling
I run through C.A.B.A, I do husstling
Leyenda de la costa, die a lo Alfonsina Storni.
Legend of the coast, die a lo Alfonsina Storni.

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