Bastardos Del Barrio feat. NANO - Suspects - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bastardos Del Barrio feat. NANO - Suspects

Aqui se escuchan sequitos, no se quitó
Here you hear the rhythm, it never stopped
Al rap se le hace honor de enero a enero... no...
We honor rap from January to January... no...
Voy bien vestido okey, analizame el flow
I'm well dressed, okay, analyze my flow
Bastardos del barrio, ene a ene o
Bastardos del barrio, N to the E or O
Pongan play, okey, me bailan unas pares, lo se...
Press play, okay, dance a few for me, I know...
Carita blanca y una espalda dificil de torcer
White face and a back that's hard to bend
En casa busco temas, latas, plata, vino y champagne
At home I look for beats, cans, money, wine and champagne
Mientras tu gato hablando solo esnifa cocaine
While your cat, talking to himself, sniffs cocaine
Y otra vez subido al show bless, si ven muevelo
And once again, up on the show, bless, if you see it move it
Que estoy cansado de perderme entre sus ojos marron
'Cause I'm tired of getting lost in your brown eyes
Me alisto al punto cosecha, mecha quien? prendelo!
I'm getting ready for the harvest point, wick who? Light it up!
Que traje para el viaje solo, de la casa al vagon
What I brought for the solo trip, from home to the wagon
Oyelo! amanecido, soy mal agradecido
Listen! Up all night, I'm ungrateful
Acido, agrio (que!), clasico y vacio
Acidic, sour (what!), classic and empty
Perdi el amor por vos nena cuando escuche tu cumbia
I lost my love for you, babe, when I heard your cumbia
Y vi tu cintura meneando como lo haces conmigo
And saw your waist swaying like you do with me
No vivo tu pelicula, DeNiro, ni deliro rios
I don't live your movie, DeNiro, nor do I rave rivers
Por bastas palabras, abran paso y hagan lio
For enough words, make way and cause chaos
Mios son los monumentos propios
Mine are the monuments of my own
Que en letras escribo al frio y a la luna,
That I write in letters to the cold and the moon,
Una seca por los que olvido.
A toast for those I forget.
Deje de mesurarme, me quite la verguenza
I stopped measuring myself, I took away the shame
Vemos todos quien esta comiendo de su mesa,
Let's all see who's eating from his table,
Mes a mes me quito el estres con un blister, fue!
Month by month I get rid of stress with a blister, boom!
Pa'mi nada cambio, solo me subio la fuerza
For me nothing changed, only my strength increased
Ahora todos son compañeros, ciegos y colegas
Now everyone is a companion, blind and colleagues
No descargues mi disco, niño, no alcanzan los megas.
Don't download my album, kid, there aren't enough megabytes.
Rella! relajate chaman!
Relax! Relax, shaman!
Al apuro hacelo tiempo sino to'sale mal
Do it quickly, otherwise it'll all go wrong
No me embarro en opiniones, les pregunto que tal
I don't get caught up in opinions, I ask them how it is
Si lo suyo suena "Libre", mi calibre es de fal
If yours sounds "Free", my caliber is FAL
De los dedos alza varios y ponete a contar
Raise several fingers and start counting
¿Cuantos de tus cien escritos te sonaron igual?
How many of your hundred writings sounded the same to you?
No me vale tu antirap, re lleca, nadie me odia
Your anti-rap is worthless to me, really lame, nobody hates me
Traperos rasos robando las pastilla'a su novia
Basic trappers stealing pills from their girlfriends
Lo suyo no da asco hermano, al caso me da fobia
Yours doesn't disgust me, brother, it gives me phobia
Vengan por los Bastardos, si viven cuenten la historia
Come for the Bastards, if you live tell the story
(Que!) nada me enoja hermano!
(What!) Nothing makes me angry, brother!
Si hay rap y birra, al medio, bienvenido somos varios
If there's rap and beer, in the middle, welcome, there are several of us
Choque con puño y eso, falta mucho pa'las manos
Fist bump and that's it, it's a long way from hands
Morirme y reflejarme en la pared, asi nos vamos.
To die and see myself reflected on the wall, that's how we go.
No esperes nada de mi, soy un mal tipo
Don't expect anything from me, I'm a bad guy
Solo hay tiempo pa'l deal, y pa'mi equipo
There's only time for the deal, and for my team
Undereated Kids, controla el juego, es algo tipico
Underrated Kids, control the game, it's something typical
Junta de reyes, rimas duras en ritmos cinicos
Meeting of kings, hard rhymes in cynical rhythms
Birra y pucho a medias en la esquina
Beer and cigarette in halves on the corner
Grabar las vivencias sin caer, tarea fina
Record the experiences without falling, fine task
Tocas a mis hermanos ¿Sabes como es que termina?
You touch my brothers, you know how it ends?
Si no sos del hood, normal que esto no te defina
If you're not from the hood, it's normal that this doesn't define you
(Naaa!) no hables de como crecimos
(Naaa!) Don't talk about how we grew up
Nacimos pobres, en un barrio conflictivo
We were born poor, in a conflicted neighborhood
Donde si usas capucha no te para el colectivo
Where if you wear a hood, the bus doesn't stop for you
Y si no habia pa'comer, habia actos delictivos.
And if there was nothing to eat, there were criminal acts.
Mueve su culo pa' mi y rompe el pantalon
Move your ass for me and rip your pants
Quiero un Cadillac y que la vista Louis Vuitton
I want a Cadillac and the Louis Vuitton view
Sabe que guardo la plata del hosseo en un cajon
You know I keep the hustling money in a drawer
Laburando con los jefes siendo mi propio patron
Working with the bosses, being my own boss
Vivir bien, morir joven y siendo rico
Live well, die young and rich
Con un Cassio en la mano y pisando un 325
With a Casio on my hand and stepping on a 325
Workeando por la flia, sin descansar los domingos
Working for the family, without resting on Sundays
Defendiendola a los guantes y en la calle como Kimbo
Defending it with my fists and in the street like Kimbo
Mis notas diciendome que lo mantenga real
My notes telling me to keep it real
Por eso lo suelto crudo, MDP State of Mind
That's why I let it out raw, MDP State of Mind
Fekas que ni me miran, hater's que miran mal
Fake people who don't even look at me, haters who look at me wrong
Por que mi bando son Genji's y ellos no pueden entrar
Because my side is Genji's and they can't get in
Volvemos con la mierda que esperan
We're back with the shit you expect
Gente de barrio que antes no tenia pa'la cena
People from the neighborhood who used to have nothing for dinner
Y ahora vez pasar con sus naikis y una cadena
And now you see them passing by with their Nikes and a chain
Si no sabes del game, no te metas en mierda ajena
If you don't know about the game, don't get into other people's shit
Word up negga!
Word up negga!
Esto es pa'que muevan el cuello
This is for you to move your neck
¿Quienes son los mejores?, Papi! graban en mi sello
Who are the best? Daddy! They record on my label
Majalulos que estan intentando ser camellos,
Fools who are trying to be camels,
Facturando como estrellas, pero sin soltar destellos
Billing like stars, but without releasing sparkles
Sigo perdiendo brillo, estoy a quince por ciento
I keep losing brightness, I'm at fifteen percent
Observando bodrios de combos sin talento
Observing the garbage of talentless combos
O engolosinamiento en bolos sin aliento
Or infatuation with breathless bowling
No entran en lo que abarco ni en lo que represento
They don't fit into what I encompass or what I represent
Y miento si digo que no escuche reggaeton
And I lie if I say I haven't listened to reggaeton
Si aca arrancamo'con Julito Maraña y Metele Sazon
If here we started with Julito Maraña and Metele Sazon
Wasa wasa, el que sabe, sabe... un vacilon
Wasa wasa, the one who knows, knows... a good time
Mis respetos a El Abayarde, Tego Calderon
My respects to El Abayarde, Tego Calderon
Asi conoci la calle y los OG de mi manzana
That's how I got to know the street and the OGs of my block
No tenian Tec-9 ni en el rostro una bandana
They didn't have Tec-9s or a bandana on their faces
Si buscan el flush y quieren ser ricos esta es la ante sala
If you're looking for the flush and want to be rich, this is the antechamber
Negocios con gente que no se tapa la cara
Business with people who don't cover their faces
Perdon mamá, no puedo salir de esto
Sorry mom, I can't get out of this
Solamente querias que fuese un pibe modesto
You just wanted me to be a modest kid
Invierto tiempo en musica, ese es el presupuesto
I invest time in music, that's the budget
Y si hay que llenar la heladera, obvio al hip hop le apuesto
And if I have to fill the fridge, obviously I bet on hip hop
Aqui se escuchan sequitos, no se quitó
Here you hear the rhythm, it never stopped
Al rap se le hace honor de enero a enero... no...
We honor rap from January to January... no...
Voy bien vestido okey, analizame el flow
I'm well dressed, okay, analyze my flow
Bastardos del barrio, ene a ene o
Bastardos del barrio, N to the E or O
Aqui se escuchan sequitos, no se quitó
Here you hear the rhythm, it never stopped
Al rap se le hace honor de enero a enero... no...
We honor rap from January to January... no...
Voy bien vestido okey, analizame el flow
I'm well dressed, okay, analyze my flow
Bastardos del barrio, ene a ene o
Bastardos del barrio, N to the E or O
(Que! Nano & BGK, One chance y Made in Stret GVNG)
(What! Nano & BGK, One chance and Made in Stret GVNG)

Bastardos Del Barrio feat. NANO - Suspects - Single
Suspects - Single
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