Bauti Mascia - chamuyo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bauti Mascia - chamuyo

sweet talk
Me pregunté si un disco era suficiente para ti
I wondered if a record was enough for you
Y nunca es suficiente para ti
And it's never enough for you
Yo estaba bien, vos estabas mal
I was good, you were bad
Ahora estoy mal, vos estás bien
Now I'm bad, you're good
Pero no te importa nada
But you don't care at all
Qué más da?
What does it matter?
Si todo el mundo sabe que contigo es diferente
If everyone knows it's different with you
Las reglas para ti cambian rotundamente
The rules for you change completely
Me olvidaste sin problema repentinamente
You forgot me without a problem suddenly
Del olvido soy amigo relativamente
I'm a friend of oblivion relatively
Prefiero a que me duela a no sentirte siempre
I prefer for it to hurt me than to not always feel you
Cuando pude puse todo sin saber realmente
When I could, I put everything in without really knowing
De tu fuego que prefiero lo digo de frente
Of your fire that I prefer I say it upfront
Que me queme a que se apague lentamente
Let it burn me than let it go out slowly
Si me ves un día, tal vez
If you see me one day, perhaps
Me haya olvidado tuyo
I will have forgotten about you
Y si está bien decirlo, no
And if it's okay to say it, I don't know
Quizá es puro chamuyo
Maybe it's just sweet talk
Que ya no te pienso y aunque
That I don't think about you anymore and although
Lo asimilé ya mucho
I have already assimilated it a lot
Para qué lo explico, no
Why should I explain it, I don't know
Si vos ya lo sabés
If you already know
Encontré en ti algo nuevo que me hacía bien
I found something new in you that made me feel good
Pero vuelvo a la teoría mejor solo de nuevo
But I return to the theory that it's better alone again
Ganas porque te fuiste y lo bueno también
You win because you left and the good left too
Ya no qué hacer, qué está mal
I don't know what to do anymore, what's wrong
Qué está bien
What's right
Si es mejor tener el cielo un rato a no concerlo
If it's better to have heaven for a while and then not have it
Cada tanto pienso y siempre vuelvo
Every so often I think and I always come back
A la conclusión de que nada es eterno
To the conclusion that nothing is eternal
Entonces por qué chimba lo nuestro
So why was our thing so great
Tendría que serlo
It should have been
Lo duro de esto es que lo nuestro nunca idealicé
The hard part about this is that I never idealized our thing
Me dijiste que lo bueno es fácil de querer
You told me that the good is easy to love
Te pedí tu lado oscuro quise conocer
I asked for your dark side, I wanted to know
Y el problema fue que me gustó también
And the problem was that I also liked it
Si me ves un día, tal vez
If you see me one day, perhaps
Me haya olvidado tuyo
I will have forgotten about you
Y si está bien decirlo, no
And if it's okay to say it, I don't know
Quizá es puro chamuyo
Maybe it's just sweet talk
Que ya no te pienso y aunque
That I don't think about you anymore and although
Lo asimilé ya mucho
I have already assimilated it a lot
Para qué lo explico, no
Why should I explain it, I don't know
Si vos ya lo sabés
If you already know
Si me ves un día, tal vez
If you see me one day, perhaps
Me haya olvidado tuyo
I will have forgotten about you
Y si está bien decirlo, no
And if it's okay to say it, I don't know
Quizá es puro chamuyo
Maybe it's just sweet talk

Авторы: Bautista Mascia

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