Bazooka feat. Freakadadisk - Textură pe Text - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bazooka feat. Freakadadisk - Textură pe Text

Textură pe Text
Texture on Text
Instabil cateodata... dar mai ales tot timpul
Unstable sometimes... but mostly all the time
N-aveti textura pe texturi ce sa ami zic de timbru?!
You don't have texture on textures, what can I say about timbre?!
Fraier. Iti dau pre-fire ca esti previzibil!
Fool. I give you pre-fire, you're predictable!
Invizibil ca si Griffin iti iau dealu' mai HillBilly!
Invisible like Griffin, I'll take your hill, Hillbilly!
Nu umblu dupa bani nu-s obsedat de stil...
I don't chase money, I'm not obsessed with style...
Ca io-s mai nebun in creier decat e (????)
Cause I'm crazier in the brain than (????)
Invat din mers... urasc ce tine de decres
I learn as I go... I hate what's about decrease
Pan la urma si sa merg am invatat din mers...
Even walking, I learned by walking...
De vai si-amar de marii-micii cronicari
Woe and alas, the great and small chroniclers
De ce naiba pari imparule incercand sa pari?!
Why the hell do you seem odd, trying to seem?!
Iti cunosc sfarsitul ca ti-am vazut geneza
I know your end because I saw your genesis
Am atatea pe cap inclusiv freza...
I have so much on my mind, including my hair...
Is Diavolu'-n persoana totusi cant la harfa...
I'm the Devil in person, yet I play the harp...
Si-mi plac vagoanele... majoritatea-s marfa!
And I like wagons... most of them are freight!
Rugaciunea mea ii perna unui Dumnezeu netot!
My prayer is the pillow of an incomplete God!
Si din pacate pentru el azi o sa doarma incomod...
And unfortunately for him, today he will sleep uncomfortably...
Is asa de super c-am pantaloni pe sub chiloti!
I'm so super, I wear pants under my underwear!
Am venit si eu pe lume din pacate pentru toti
I came into this world, unfortunately for everyone
N-ai nimic de spus?! Nu te-ascult ca n-am chef!
You have nothing to say?! I'm not listening, I'm not in the mood!
Ai vrut sa ajungi Mos Def si-ai ajuns most dead
You wanted to be Mos Def and you ended up most dead
Buna ma numesc Codrin si e vai de mine!
Hello, my name is Codrin and woe is me!
Sufar de tot ce se poate inclusiv schizofrenie
I suffer from everything possible, including schizophrenia
Recapitulam! Esti bun in a capitula?!
Let's recap! Are you good at capitulating?!
Mi-o facut ma-ta cu mana... dar nu ma saluta!
My mom waved at me... but she wasn't saying hi!
Ar fii necesar ca IQul sa-mi depaseasca kilele!
It would be necessary for my IQ to exceed my kilos!
Ca-mi pierd toate noptiile numarandu-mi zilele...
Cause I lose all my nights counting my days...
Sa te poti echilibra mai sus tre sa stii ce-i jos!
To balance yourself higher, you need to know what's below!
Daca eram putin mai inteligent eram periculos...
If I were a little smarter, I'd be dangerous...
Cateodata is asa de prost ca beau pana in zori
Sometimes I'm so stupid I drink till dawn
Si ma duc apoi sa speriu sperietoarele de ciori
And then I go scare the scarecrows
Mi-e frica sa nu-mi creeze mintea tot ce nu ganesc!
I'm afraid my mind will create everything I don't think!
Ca ma gandeam la moarte si-am inceput sa traiesc!
Cause I was thinking about death and I started living!
Doi-Zece proba de microfon!
Two-Ten microphone test!
Ma refer la conserva cand zis sa intrati in ton...
I'm referring to the can when I said to get in tune...
Sunt foarte serios... Asta-i una dintre glume...
I'm very serious... This is one of the jokes...
Nu va rugati s-ajung orb ca si asa am viziune!
Don't pray for me to go blind, I already have vision!
Sa fii normal in ziua de azi ramane mit
Being normal nowadays remains a myth
N-am citit ce-ti face alcolul m-am lasat de citit...
I didn't read what alcohol does to you, I quit reading...
Sunt propria mea sluga si propriul meu stapan!
I am my own servant and my own master!
Toti ne nastem nebuni! Doar ca unii asa raman...
We are all born crazy! It's just that some of us stay that way...
Nu lansez piese des sa nu se prinda NASA!
I don't release songs often, so NASA doesn't catch on!
Am inceput sa am flow de cand mi-a luat Crisul casa!
I started having flow since Cris took my house!
Nu am dezlegat misterul... Si acum ma doare capul
I haven't solved the mystery... And now my head hurts
De ce cand o sa ajung la Domnu' o sa dau de Dracu'?!
Why when I get to the Lord, will I meet the Devil?!
Nu cred in Dumnezeu! Dar cred in Iisus Hristos
I don't believe in God! But I believe in Jesus Christ
C-a fost singurul care-a simtit un cui pana la os...
Because he was the only one who felt a nail to the bone...
Am gasit solutia! Pot sa sper l-aceasta doza
I found the solution! I can hope for this dose
Ca sa scapi de cancer mai intai tre sa mori de ciroza...
To get rid of cancer, you first have to die of cirrhosis...
Ai probleme-n dragoste? Te ajut eu fara frica!
Got love problems? I'll help you without fear!
Iubita vrea la mare ca s-a saturat de mica...
My girlfriend wants to go to the sea, she's tired of the small one...
Sunt un gamer inrait! Am tactica si farmec!
I'm an avid gamer! I have tactics and charm!
Intru -n aeroport si-auzi " The bomb has been planted"
I enter the airport and you hear "The bomb has been planted"
Cand Armstrong a ajuns pe luna a zis cuvinte grele
When Armstrong reached the moon, he said heavy words
"Dragilor, Pamantul este un ospiciu de 7 stele"
"Dear ones, Earth is a 7-star asylum"
Gasesc solutii la orice! Si trec de orice proba!
I find solutions to everything! And I pass any test!
De cand fac terapie ascultand o mana toda
Since I've been doing therapy listening to a deaf hand

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