Bazooka feat. Jarv - Victime Colaterale (Feat. Jarv) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bazooka feat. Jarv - Victime Colaterale (Feat. Jarv)

Victime Colaterale (Feat. Jarv)
Collateral Damage (Feat. Jarv)
Bun gata de drum, sacadat da dat de bun fac ce fac si ma expun
Ready to roll, choppy but done right, I do what I do and expose myself
La pamant ca am pus mana pe tun
To the ground 'cause I got my hands on the cannon
Cand trag, trag ca un drac, despic totu' pana la cap
When I shoot, I shoot like a devil, split everything to the head
Cand e vorba de razboi nu-s genu sa ma retrag
When it comes to war, I'm no sissy to retreat
Clar cap ca la pac pac, cau un apac si-atac de sus
Clear head like at pac-pac, I look for an apache and attack from above
Io si cand tac tati tot inseamna ca am ceva de spus
Even when I'm silent, baby, it still means I have something to say
Fac rap sa tac, dar atentie stau plus deci fa-mi loc in pula mea
I make rap to shut up, but attention, I'm standing plus, so make room for me, damn it
Sau iti fac eu sus langa Iisus... Aa...
Or I'll make you a place up there next to Jesus... Aa...
Pregatit tot timpu', antrenat pa timbru, la voi e complicat
Always prepared, trained on the timbre, it's complicated with you
Al drecu la mine-i complicat de simplu.
Damn, it's complicatedly simple with me.
Bag viteza ca la teza ca tre' sa-mi iasa, mie-se mess, versu' meu
I'm speeding like on a test 'cause it's gotta work out for me, I'm getting a message, my verse
Versa vers pica, ca cica de frica de piess...
Verse by verse falls, like supposedly out of fear of the piess...
Ca la educatie fizica, adica conditie zilnica
Like in physical education, meaning daily condition
Fac critica pa lirica de luni pana duminica
I criticize lyrics from Monday to Sunday
Hai trage-ti pe cap gluga, sa incheiem ruga
Come on, pull your hood over your head, let's finish the prayer
Pentru cei ce nu ne stiu asa a fost alta BAZOOKA
For those who don't know us, that was another BAZOOKA
Zero pa bit te-am nimicit, arunc rimele ca b-asta
Zero on the bit, I annihilated you, throwing rhymes like a b-asta
Eu PTHD tu PTSD in rap de data asta
Me PTHD, you PTSD in rap this time
Sti ca pun capete patrate patate unde li locu'
You know I put square spotted heads where they belong
Satana prezent inamici se roaga, ii manca focu'
Satan present, enemies pray, fire eats them
Pacat de victime colaterale o sa existe
Too bad there will be collateral damage
Le faci scicrie frumos varuite daca o sa existe
You make them nicely whitewashed coffins if they exist
Zero probleme te pisi in antene te lovesc cu poeme
Zero problems, you piss in antennas, I hit you with poems
Te mestec rapid tu domestic pa bit conditii extreme
I chew you up quickly, you're domestic on the bit, extreme conditions
Yo! Auzi ce zice Codrea cand te baga-n abator
Yo! Hear what Codrea says when he puts you in the slaughterhouse
Somn usor sa-mi multumesti ca nu esti in incubator
Sleep tight, thank me you're not in an incubator
Adn de capu' tii turbat raman concentrat
DNA of your head, you're mad, I stay focused
Ca un suc de mere asezat frumos el in stomac
Like apple juice nicely placed in the stomach
Nu te digeri de fel vorbiind gastronomic
You don't digest well, gastronomically speaking
Ma doare-n pula la viteza luminii fenomen astronomic
I don't give a fuck, at the speed of light, an astronomical phenomenon
Mi-am terminat treaba, tu te uit de geaba-n plic, ba ce-o fi zis asta? Stai linistit
I finished my business, you look in the envelope for nothing, what did he say? Relax
Ca mai nimic.
It's almost nothing.
Vrei sa te faci pompier ca te pisai pe langa gard
You want to be a firefighter 'cause you pissed by the fence
Ti-o luat foc vaca si-acum bei lapte cald
Your cow caught fire and now you drink warm milk
Sa stai asa in rap pe post de mobila
To stand like furniture in rap
Ca si cum ai suge pula pentru-o cauza nobila
Like sucking dick for a noble cause
Pot sa beacu chiar ma tine, nu poti sa te tii cu mine
I can drink, it keeps me going, you can't keep up with me
Nu ma-nec mai ada bere iara pierd o avere
I don't drown, bring more beer, I lose a fortune again
Ma trezesc din betie dormind pe-o damigeana
I wake up from a hangover sleeping on a demijohn
Vad un poponar confuz ce fute-o lesbiana
I see a confused pussy fucking a lesbian
Am o javra in-n casa si am o javra acasa
I have a bitch in the house and I have a bitch at home
Sticla ma intreba daca o pun pe masa
The bottle asked me if I put it on the table
Acasa nu ajung, creca nu am cheie
I can't get home, I think I don't have a key
Daca Dumnezeu ma iubeste inseamna ca-i femeie
If God loves me, it means He's a woman
Ma intind pe bit ca nebunia-n lume
I stretch on the beat like madness in the world
Cand tie-ti arde casa mie-mi arde de glume
When your house is on fire, I'm on fire with jokes
Mi-a fost scris sa dau numai de pizde nebune
It was written for me to only meet crazy bitches
Toti suntem la fel da' eu sunt singuru care ti-o spune
We're all the same, but I'm the only one who tells you
I-ati femeia de muci fate buci WOW! stai!
Get the woman of snot, make lumps WOW! wait!
Iti vezi viitoru printru-n geam de tramvai
You see your future through a tram window
Vezi o masina cu islamici care fac un driveby la o biserica catolica
You see a car with Muslims doing a drive-by at a Catholic church
Da nu i bai
But it's okay
Am rime de bine de minte nebuna
I have rhymes of good, of crazy mind
Imi pun o dorinta cand cade o luna
I make a wish when a moon falls
Nu ma opresc pana nu va vad mortii ca am in spate
I don't stop until I see your dead people that I have behind me
Am o viata cu viteza cu un impact c-o oprire
I have a life with speed with an impact like a stop
O dorinta implinita a primi nemurie
A wish fulfilled to receive immortality
Nu cereau ca incet ca nu vreau, nu ma-ntreba ca dece nu-ti dau
They didn't ask for it slowly 'cause I don't want to, don't ask me why I don't give
Lumea-i plina de prosti cu zile
The world is full of fools with days
Dar sunt deasupra cu cateva mile
But I'm above by a few miles
Aud un ecou la ce am facut, am lasat cate o amprenta pe unde-am trecut
I hear an echo of what I've done, I left a footprint wherever I went
Hai sa petrecem ultima data, lasa paharu', adumi o galeata
Let's party one last time, leave the glass, bring a bucket
Adumi si o pizda, care-i mai sparta, aia ce are-n piept o lopata
Bring a bitch too, the most broken one, the one with a shovel in her chest
Adumi si noaptea si usa de bar
Bring the night and the bar door too
Adu si focu ca facem gratar
Bring fire too, we'll have a barbecue
Tigara cat tunu ca ma fac primar
Cigarette as big as the cannon, I'm becoming mayor
Avem bani destui, adu-mi si-un buzunar
We have enough money, bring me a pocket too
Lasa capu sa cada lasa-te dus
Let your head fall, let yourself go
Ca la noapte-l vedem pe batranu de sus
'Cause tonight we'll see the old man from above
Adumi si un popa si un frate supus
Bring a priest and a submissive brother too
Adumi si un cuvant pe care nu l-am mai spus!!!!
Bring a word I haven't said before!!!!

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