BAZOOKA - De Neschimbat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BAZOOKA - De Neschimbat

De Neschimbat
Io, nu ma supara ca o sa imi vezi latura isterica
Hey, don't get mad if you see my hysterical side
Da-mi un proiector sa joc fifa pe biserica
Give me a projector, I'll play FIFA on the church
Is un visator cu insomni, vai ce pacat
I'm a dreamer with insomnia, what a shame
Planuiesc sa inventez un fulger teleghidat
I plan to invent a guided lightning bolt, babe
Magazine cu pereti de sticla, asa parca mai sus
Shops with glass walls, it seems higher that way
Ca soarele ca sa-ti arate tot ce tu n-ai
Like the sun to show you everything you don't have, honey
Va rog sa-mi aplaudati toate aberatiile
Please applaud all my nonsense, girl
Eu is tot eu nu-mi pregatesc improvizatiile
I'm still me, I don't prepare improvisations
Cand ai tu cosmaruri ei o sa inoate-n chifle
When you have nightmares, they'll swim in bread rolls
O noua atitudine, ei vorbesc in cifre
A new attitude, they speak in numbers
La inmormantarea mea nu o sa fie mare scofala
At my funeral, there won't be a big fuss
Fratilor el e Codrin si a murit de plictiseala
Brothers, this is Codrin and he died of boredom
Asculta sfat de la Codrin daca sti ce zic
Listen to Codrin's advice, if you know what I mean
In totdeauna reusesti daca nu-ti propui nimic
You always succeed if you don't aim for anything
De ce-s plictisit?
Why am I bored?
De la zero spre infinit
From zero to infinity
Sa nu-ti intelegi conditia, ca o sa fi dezamagit.
Don't understand your condition, or you'll be disappointed
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged
Regret viata nu regret bautul
I regret life, not the drinking
Cand beau se fute prezentul viitorul si trecutul
When I drink, the present, future, and past fuck off
ECHO s-a schimbat nu mai da ca la inceput
ECHO has changed, he doesn't give like he used to
Daca imi zici sa plec ce crezi ca o sa si ma duc
If you tell me to leave, what do you think, I'll actually go?
Imi bag pula-n el de lup, tre sa te duca sfecla
I don't give a damn about the wolf, the beet has to take you
Aici conteaza capul nu cum iti strambi tu mecla
Here, the head matters, not how you twist your hair
Te intrebi cum o mai duc, un semn de intrebare
You wonder how I'm doing, a question mark
De aia port 48 sa traiesc pe picior mai mare
That's why I wear size 48, to live on a bigger foot
Comentati ce vreti nu va caut dreptatea
Comment what you want, I'm not looking for your justice
M-asculta minoritatea
The minority listens to me
Ma inteleg majoritatea
The majority understands me
Escaladez succeaul urc in forta treptele
I climb the juice, I forcefully ascend the steps
Nu te aud de la inaltime mi s-au infundat urechile
I can't hear you from the height, my ears are clogged
Is obisnuit cu grijile vin la foc automat
I'm used to worries, they come automatically
Chemati va rog salubrizarea ca am o viata fe cacat
Please call the sanitation department, I have a shitty life
Si daca-s vorbi-n chineza
And if I spoke Chinese,
Amindo acinda iu
Amindo acinda iu
Aveti ca pentru haicu dar in raparstra de IQ
You have it for haiku, but in a raparstra of IQ
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged
Cand lumina lunii im bate incet la geam
When the moonlight gently hits my window
Mai torn umpic de vin sa mai vina inca un am
I pour a little more wine, let another morning come
Cand stelele se aprind si-nteapa negrul noptii
When the stars light up and pierce the blackness of the night
Raman singur viu unde danseaza mortii
I remain the only one alive where the dead dance
Toata pacea lumii o tin intr-un pahar
I hold all the peace of the world in a glass
Bizar ma privesc in noapte ochii din sertar
The eyes from the drawer look at me strangely in the night
Lumina strazii crapa noaptea printr-un geam murdar
The street light cracks the night through a dirty window
Dricu ma asteapta ma rade un birjar
The hearse is waiting for me, a cab driver is laughing at me
Vad ca printr-un geam spart ca am pupilele
I see as if through a broken window, my pupils are dilated
Imi tin departe intr-o carte vise inca nevisate
I keep my dreams, still undreamt, in a book
O lacrima de sticla se aparge pe podea
A glass tear burns on the floor
Si vad in mii de cioburi ce s-a cules din viata
And I see in thousands of shards what has been gathered from life
Sunt persabajul negatin din filmul vietii mele
I am the negative character in the movie of my life
Ce n-as da sa dau de bani cum de belele
What I wouldn't give to find money like I find trouble
S-au cusut cu sutele, cu sutele se destrama
They were sewn by the hundreds, they unravel by the hundreds
Comedi jucate bine cu miros de drama
Well-played comedies with the scent of drama
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged
Noi suntem tot noi si vizita-n abator
We are still us, even with a visit to the slaughterhouse
Nu va puteti juca cu noi ca n-aveti emulator
You can't play with us, you don't have the emulator
Blocati in blastina, mergeti voi spre cacat
Stuck in the mud, you go towards the shit
Pica e fix beculetul, noi suntem de neschimbat.
The failure is the light bulb, we are unchanged

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