Bazra - <3 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bazra - <3

Kado Beat's
Kado Beat's
Viskimi sensiz içemem
I can't drink whiskey without you
Sensiz mezara giremem, giremem
I can't go to the grave without you, I can't
Suçları işleyip dönemem
I can't commit crimes and come back
Sen sıkmazsan ölemem, ölemem
I can't die if you don't squeeze me, I can't
Hain pusuya düşemem
I can't fall into a trap
Kırmızı Porsche'ni ver'i'cem, ver'i'cem
I'll give you your red Porsche, I'll give it
İşleri raylara diz'i'cem
I'll put things in order
Paraları villama göm'ü'cem, göm'ü'cem (Ey!)
I'll bury the money in my villa, I'll bury it (Ey!)
Çünkü çıkmam pislikten (Ey!)
Because I won't get out of the filth (Ey!)
Büyüdüğüm sokakta yoktu kitlem
My crowd wasn't there on the street I grew up on
Beş kuruşum yokken de sevdiysen
If you loved me when I had no pennies
Milyonlar kartında yüz'cek
Millions will be on your card
Yüz binlerde (Prr!) dinleni'cem
I'll rest in hundreds of thousands (Prr!)
Hüküm giysem de devam ed'i'cem
Even if I'm convicted, I'll continue
Kimse yıldıramaz beni cidden!
Nobody can really scare me!
Çünkü yoktu hiç kimsem!
Because I never had anyone!
Psikolojimi yerken!
While my psyche was being eaten!
Annem çekti cereme!
My mother took the heat!
Karakolda ceza yerken!
While I was being punished at the police station!
Yaşlı gözler bahane!
Old eyes are an excuse!
Silkin ve de diren hep!
Shake it off and resist always!
Yaratandır tek çare!
The Creator is the only solution!
Her saniyen geçici!
Every second is temporary!
Ol'cak hepsi kibirli!
It will all be arrogant!
Gözlerinde esaret!
Captivity in your eyes!
Bilmez hiç bi' felaket!
Never knows any disaster!
Felekten hiç geçmeyen!
Never passing from fate!
Gördüm hepsini karşımda
I saw them all in front of me
Eğmedim boyun hiç eyvallah
I never bowed my head, no thanks
Etmem tabi bi' beddua
I won't curse, of course
Çok şükür hepsine yeterim, acımam
Thank God, I'm enough for them all, I have no mercy
Hasımlarım olmasa yaşamam
I wouldn't live without my enemies
Hasetleri olmasa yapamam
I couldn't do it without their envy
Şehrimi sensiz taramam
I can't watch my city without you
Aşkını, kağıdıma yazamam
I can't write your love on my paper
Viskimi sensiz içemem
I can't drink whiskey without you
Sensiz mezara giremem, giremem
I can't go to the grave without you, I can't
Suçları işleyip dönemem
I can't commit crimes and come back
Sen sıkmazsan ölemem, ölemem
I can't die if you don't squeeze me, I can't
Hain pusuya düşemem
I can't fall into a trap
Kırmızı Porsche'ni ver'i'cem, ver'i'cem
I'll give you your red Porsche, I'll give it
İşleri raylara diz'i'cem
I'll put things in order
Paraları villama göm'ü'cem, göm'ü'cem
I'll bury the money in my villa, I'll bury it

Авторы: Bartu Demirci

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