bedroom - Aquest és el mateix mar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни bedroom - Aquest és el mateix mar

Aquest és el mateix mar
This is the same sea
Aquest és el mateix mar on neden les balenes
This is the same sea where whales swim
Aquest és el mateix mar que neva les muntanyes
This is the same sea that snows the mountains
I un dia de forta mar una onada es va endur dos germans
And one day of strong sea a wave took two brothers away
I el pare es va tirar a l′aigua i va treure'n un germà
And the father threw himself into the water and pulled out a brother
Però la filla s′enfonsava i ell va tornar a l'aigua
But the daughter was sinking and he returned to the water
Va obrir els ulls sota l'aigua
He opened his eyes under the water
I a baix tot era fosc, però va veure la blanca
And down below everything was dark, but he saw the white hand
La va agafar ben fort, l′estirava cap a casa
He grabbed it tightly, pulling it towards home
Però la filla, agafada al seu pare, es mirava la llum d′allà baix
But the daughter, clinging to her father, looked at the light down there
Va dir "pare, que jo vull quedar-me, pare que jo em vull quedar,
She said "father, I want to stay, father, I want to stay,
Que aquí abaix no em sento tant sola, o com a mínim,
That here below I do not feel so alone, or at least,
No tant com a dalt"
Not as much as up there"
Van tancar els ulls sota l'aigua
They closed their eyes under water
I agafada al seu fill viu, a terra queda la mare
And clinging to her living son, the mother remains on land
Que, sense treure els ulls del mar, li canta amb veu baixa
That, without taking her eyes off the sea, sings to him in a low voice
"Potser tornaran, com tornen les balenes, tots els anys"
"Maybe they will return, like the whales, every year"

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