Belle and Sebastian - Legal Man - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Belle and Sebastian - Legal Man

Legal Man
My Season
متن آهنگ فصل من
My Season
یه شب ِ بارونی تو هم رو ایوونی
One rainy night on the porch
یه خونه ی ِ قدیمی و
In an old house
یه چای ِ فنجونی
With a cup of tea
یه نخ سیگار ِ بهمن تو خاطرات ِ قبلن
A cigarette from the past
دارم قدم میزنم و
I'm walking
روی ِ بال ِ ابرم
On clouds
چه حس ِ خوبه تو بی وزن مثل ِ ابری
How good it feels to be weightless like a cloud
کنار ِ خورشیدم که باشی
When you're with your sunshine
دیگه قصه تعطیل
No more stories
نمیدونم نه میخوام بدونم کجــام؟!
I don't know, and I don't want to know where I am
همه چی انقد خوبه
Everything is so good
که میگی هیشکی مثل ِ من نی
You say there's no one like me
دل ِ من ببین صاف مث ِ کف ِ دست
My heart is as open as the palm of my hand
جیبم از اون خالی تر
My pockets are even emptier
ولی با خنده خوابیدم
But I sleep with a smile
چون خدارو دارم اون بالا باغه شم
Because I have God above me
شب با اسم ِ اون و
I go to sleep with his name
صبح به عشق ِ خودش پا میشم
And wake up to his love
یه موزیک ِ ملو تویه گوشه ت
A melodic music in your ear
الان وقتشه
It's time
رو فاز ِ چهلمون شه
To get on our fortieth phase
صدای ِ ... تو رو دریا تو کشتی
The sound of ... on the ship in the sea
تو فکر ِ کسی هستی
You're thinking of someone
که الان باهاش تو عشقی
Whom you're in love with now
یه دیماهی ــَم که عاشق ِ.زندگی شه
I'm a Capricorn who loves life
همیشه بوده و یه روزم
Always has been and one day
از این قصه میره
Will leave this story
کنار ِ من بشین و خیره به آسمونش
Sit by me and gaze at the sky
خودشم خوب میدونه
He knows it too
هرچی داریم خواست ِ اونه
Everything we have is his wish
آره واسه اونه هرچی که مینویسم
Yes, it's for him that I write
بعضی وقتا از وجودش
Sometimes I burst into tears
غرق ِ گریه مشم
Because of his existence
چه حس ِ خوبیه وقتی اون بالا
What a good feeling when you know
میدونی یکی رو داری
That you have someone up there
که همیشه بوده باهات
Who has always been with you

Авторы: Stephen Jackson, Stuart Murdoch, Richard Colburn, Michael Cooke, Chris Geddes

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