Benom guruhi - Februar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Benom guruhi - Februar

Shoshma fevral, sokin shahar,
Don't rush, February, in this quiet city,
Uni hamon sog'inmoqdaman.
I still long for her.
To'xta fevral, mahzun tunlar
Stay a while, February, in these melancholic nights,
Uni tinmay kutmoqdaman.
I keep waiting for her endlessly.
Shoshma fevral, so'nggi mahal
Don't rush, February, it's the final hour,
Biz kutgan qor yog'averar.
The snow we've been waiting for keeps falling.
To'xta fevral, yurak so'rar,
Stay a while, February, my heart pleads,
Sen ketsang, u ham ketar.
If you leave, she'll leave too.
Yo'llar uzun, hamrohim tun,
The roads are long, the night is my companion,
Yolg'izlanib qolgandekman.
I feel like I'm all alone.
Sensiz shahar ichra bugun
In this city without you today,
O'zimni yo'qotgandekman.
I feel like I've lost myself.
Maydalab tomchilar, yomg'ir yog'averar,
The raindrops fall, drizzling endlessly,
Berkitgandek ko'z yoshimni.
As if hiding my tears.
Vaqt to'xtamay o'taverar,
Time keeps passing without stopping,
Go'yo sinab bardoshimni.
As if testing my endurance.
Shoshma fevral, sokin shahar,
Don't rush, February, in this quiet city,
Uni hamon sog'inmoqdaman.
I still long for her.
To'xta fevral, mahzun tunlar
Stay a while, February, in these melancholic nights,
Uni tinmay kutmoqdaman.
I keep waiting for her endlessly.
Shoshma fevral, so'nggi mahal
Don't rush, February, it's the final hour,
Biz kutgan qor yog'averar.
The snow we've been waiting for keeps falling.
To'xta fevral, yurak so'rar,
Stay a while, February, my heart pleads,
Sen ketsang, u ham ketar.
If you leave, she'll leave too.
Sevmayman, deb aytgin bir bor,
Tell me you don't love me, just once,
Sevgan ko'zlarimga qarab.
Looking into my loving eyes.
Sen yiroqlab ketding nogoh,
You suddenly went far away,
Yashayabman kunlar sanab.
I'm living, counting the days.
Orzular manzili doim birga edi,
The destination of our dreams was always together,
O'xshardik bir-birimizga.
We were so alike.
So'nggi bekat o'zga bo'ldi,
The last stop turned out to be different,
Yetolmadik sevgimizga.
We couldn't reach our love.
Shoshma fevral, sokin shahar,
Don't rush, February, in this quiet city,
Uni hamon sog'inmoqdaman.
I still long for her.
To'xta fevral, mahzun tunlar
Stay a while, February, in these melancholic nights,
Uni tinmay kutmoqdaman.
I keep waiting for her endlessly.
Shoshma fevral, so'nggi mahal
Don't rush, February, it's the final hour,
Biz kutgan qor yog'averar.
The snow we've been waiting for keeps falling.
To'xta fevral, yurak so'rar,
Stay a while, February, my heart pleads,
Sen ketsang, u ham ketar.
If you leave, she'll leave too.

Авторы: benom guruhi

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