Benom guruhi - Sensiz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Benom guruhi - Sensiz

Without You
Bugun men yana keldim, Senga uzoqdan termulib turibman.
Today I came again, gazing at you from afar.
Yoningga borgim kelyapti,
I long to be by your side,
Yana o'sha baxtli damlarimizga qaytgim kelyapti.
To return to those happy moments we shared.
Afsus, bunga endi men xaqsizman, Chunki endi biz begonamiz.
Alas, I have no right to this anymore, For we are now strangers.
Shoshilib shoshilib yurak sening tomon g'ururimni sindirdi butkul,
My heart, rushing towards you, completely shattered my pride,
Sog'inib sog'inib sen ham meni bir bor yana yonimga qaytsang bir kun.
Yearning, I wish you would return to me one day.
Qaniydi qora ko'zlaringga yana takror to'yib to'yib qarolsam tinmay,
If only I could gaze into your dark eyes again, endlessly,
Qaniydi unutib mendan kechgan kuning yana yoningga qaytsam bir kun.
If only I could forget the day you left me and come back to you.
Qaniydi unutib mendan kechgan kuning yana yoningga qaytsam bir kun.
If only I could forget the day you left me and come back to you.
Qorong'u yolg'iz dunyo tor sensiz yashash osonmas ishon osonmas,
The dark, lonely world is narrow, living without you is not easy, believe me, it's not easy,
Qanday ayt endi yasharman yolg'iz yuragim ko'nmas yurak ishonmas.
How can I say I'll live alone, my heart won't accept it, my heart won't believe it.
Ojizman seni unutish qo'limdan kelmadi,
I am powerless, I couldn't forget you,
Ko'p urindim negadir hamma urunishlarim
I tried many times, but somehow all my attempts
seni sog'inaverish bilan yakunlanaverardi.
ended with me missing you even more.
Bilasanmi hozir qanchalar hoxlayapman seni qaytarishni,
You know how much I want to bring you back,
Sen esa balki meni unutib bo'lgandirsan.
But you may have already forgotten me.
Axir ayrilganimizga yillar bo'ldi,
After all, it's been years since we parted,
Shu onda senga bir gapni aytgim keladi Sensizlik osonmas ekan.
At this moment, I want to tell you one thing: Being without you is not easy.
Ko'milib ko'milib yurak dardga yana qayg'ulardan ovunar tinmay,
My heart, buried in sorrow, finds solace in sadness,
Umidlari so'ngan sevgidan afsun bo'lib yashayapman armonga ko'nmay.
Hopelessly enchanted by a love that's gone, I live on, refusing to surrender to despair.
Bilmadim bu yuraksiz taqdir seni mendan nega uzoqlarga olib ketar,
I don't know why this heartless fate took you so far away from me,
Yaqinda his etgan baxtli kunlar o'rniga xotiralarni solib ketar.
Leaving behind memories instead of the happy days we recently shared.
Qorong'u yolg'iz dunyo tor sensiz yashash osonmas ishon osonmas,
The dark, lonely world is narrow, living without you is not easy, believe me, it's not easy,
Qanday ayt endi yasharman yolg'iz yuragim ko'nmas yurak ishonmas.
How can I say I'll live alone, my heart won't accept it, my heart won't believe it.
Qorong'u yolg'iz dunyo tor sensiz yashash osonmas ishon osonmas,
The dark, lonely world is narrow, living without you is not easy, believe me, it's not easy,
Qanday ayt endi yasharman yolg'iz yuragim ko'nmas yurak ishonmas.
How can I say I'll live alone, my heart won't accept it, my heart won't believe it.

Авторы: benom guruhi

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