Benom guruhi - So'ngi Bor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Benom guruhi - So'ngi Bor

So'ngi Bor
One Last Time
Har kun yolg'izman qara
Every day I'm alone, look,
Yashayabman men kunlar sanab
I'm living, counting the days,
Seni tinmay sog'inmoqdaman
Missing you constantly.
Sevgim rad etib ketding
You rejected my love,
Yuragimni nimta nimtalab
Shattering my heart into pieces,
Sensizlikka organmoqdaman
I'm getting used to your absence.
Bir zum yasholmas edik
We couldn't live even for a moment,
Hayotimiz ko'rolmas edik
We couldn't see our life together,
Nahot unut boldi barchasi?
Is it all really forgotten?
Yoki vaqt ortga qaytsa
Or if time could turn back,
Dardlarimni men senga aytsam
If I could tell you my sorrows,
O'zgarardi balki hammasi
Maybe everything would change.
Kel so'ngi bor
Come one last time,
Kel bag'rimga to'yib bosay
Come, let me hold you close to my heart,
Dardlarim bir zum unutay
Let me forget my sorrows for a moment,
Borligingni men his etay
Let me feel your presence,
Bir zumga men yoningda bo'lay
Let me be by your side for a moment.
Kel so'ngi bor
Come one last time,
Kel bag'rimga to'yib bosay
Come, let me hold you close to my heart,
Dardlarim bir zum unutay
Let me forget my sorrows for a moment,
Borligingni men his etay
Let me feel your presence,
Bir zumga yoningda bo'lay
Let me be by your side for a moment.
Kel songi bor
Come one last time.
Bo'ldi yetar hammasi
Enough is enough,
Ro'paramdan a'lam zarbasi
The blow of fate from my destiny,
Meni tinmay qiynaydi yana
Keeps tormenting me.
Aytgin shunchakimidi?
Tell me, was it all just that much?
So'zlaringni barcha-barchasi
All your words,
Ko'rmagandek turibsan nega?
Why are you acting like you don't see?
Qayg'uga yuzlanib sensiz kunim o'tar
My days pass facing sadness without you,
O'zimni aldaymanu lek, yurak kutar
I don't deceive myself, but my heart waits,
Shaxarning shovqinida jim-jit man yana
In the city's noise, I'm silent again,
Yuragim har bir zarbasi isming aytar
Every beat of my heart whispers your name.
Xonamda yolg'iz qolganimda ko'z yoshlar to'kdim
When I was left alone in my room, I shed tears,
"Unutaman" deya qayta sevishtan charchadim
Tired of loving again, saying "I'll forget",
Sen esa unutgan, aylagan umidvor
You forgot, the one who gave hope,
Senga aytar sozim:
The words I say to you:
Kel so'ngi bor
Come one last time,
Kel bag'rimga to'yib bosay
Come, let me hold you close to my heart,
Dardlarim bir zum unutay
Let me forget my sorrows for a moment,
Borligingni men his etay
Let me feel your presence,
Bir zumga yoningda bo'lay
Let me be by your side for a moment.
Kel so'ngi bor
Come one last time,
Kel bag'rimga to'yib bosay
Come, let me hold you close to my heart,
Dardlarim bir zum unutay
Let me forget my sorrows for a moment,
Borligingni men his etay
Let me feel your presence,
Bir zumga yoningda bo'lay
Let me be by your side for a moment.
Kel songi bor
Come one last time.

Авторы: benom guruhi

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