Benom guruhi - Xazon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Benom guruhi - Xazon

Come back!
Sen yonimga qayt!
Come back to me!
Mendan uzoqlashma
Don't go away from me,
shu payt!
not now!
Baxtli kunlarim, qayt, yiroqlashma.
Happy days, come back, don't go away.
Yolg'iz bo'lma, tun!
Night, don't be alone!
Dardlarimning mahzuni
The sorrow of my pains
is long.
Qayg'uli kunlarimdan yo'q mazmun.
There is no meaning in my sad days.
N a q a r o t:
C h o r u s:
Balki, endi farqi yo'q?
Maybe it doesn't matter anymore?
Sevgidan najot yo'q?
There is no salvation from love?
Baxt bermay ketgansan,
You left me without giving me happiness,
Unutib bo'lgansan.
You forgot me.
Lek senga farqi yo'q,
But it doesn't matter to you,
Mehring go'yo yiroq.
Your love is as if distant.
Tuyg'ularim sarson,
My feelings are withered,
Sensiz umrim xazon.
My life is autumn without you.
Dard, yana o'sha dard,
Pain, the same pain again,
Betinim hasrat yuragimni qiynar,
My yearning face and heart are suffering,
Faqat bu yo'li kesilar
But this path will only end,
Baxtning o'tgan kunlarida
In the past days of happiness,
Go'yo botar.
It seems to get worse.
Xazon, tuyg'ularim xazon,
Fall, my feelings are fall,
Nega yana azob
Why another torment
Atrofim egallar?
Surrounds me?
Yig'lar, orzularim yig'lar,
My dreams are crying,
Yuragim senga tinmay shoshilar.
My heart rushes to you without stopping.
N a q a r o t: ...
C h o r u s: ...
Yana xazonlar,
More autumns,
Yana o'sha ko'z yomg'irlar
The same tearful rains again
Tinmay izlatar
Will make me cry endlessly
Seni bu sog'inchli kunlar.
In these longing days.
Tomchi ko'z yoshlar,
Drops of tears,
O'sha va'dalar qilar alam.
Those promises cause pain.

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