Benom guruhi - Yog'adi yomg'ir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Benom guruhi - Yog'adi yomg'ir

Yog'adi yomg'ir
Rain of My Heart
Mazmunsiz bu kunlar, maqsadsiz orzular,
These days are meaningless, my dreams are aimless,
Yuragimni ezar, sendan qolgan dog'lar.
My heart is tortured by your memories, relentless.
Negadir sen mendan, ojiz bu sevgimdan,
Why have you left me, abandoned my fragile love,
Ketgansan sababsiz.
Without a reason, a cause from above?
Yog'gan bu yomg'irlar dardlarim yangilar,
The falling rain intensifies my pain,
Sababi ular tinmay bir seni eslatar.
A constant reminder of your absence, my bane.
Sen mendan ketgan kun,
The day you left me,
Hayolimda kezar eslab yana.
I wander in memories, thoughts that never leave me.
Yog'adi yomg'ir dardlarimni bilgandek,
The rain falls as if understanding my grief,
Yog'adi yomg'ir sendan ayrilganimga.
A witness to the pain I've buried deep.
U ham guvohdir, balki sen ham hozir,
Perhaps you too, far away,
Meni eslayabsan, yig'layabsan...
Remember me and weep, consumed by dismay...
Yog'ar yomg'ir go'yo orzularimiz to'kilar,
The rain falls like our dreams, now scattered and gone,
Birma bir sen ketgan kunda ham esla.
Each drop a reminder of the day we moved on.
Yog'ardi yomg'ir seni menga balki.
The rain has brought you back to me, it seems.
Meni senga eslatar tinmay yomg'ir,
In its gentle touch, your memory streams,
Yog'ar yomg'ir...
The rain falls...
Javobsiz savollar, tinmay takrorlanar,
Unanswered questions echo through my mind,
Nega bu sevgimiz sarobga aylanar.
Why did our love story end up so unkind?
Hatto osmon yig'lar ahvolimga qarab,
Even the heavens seem to weep for my plight,
Biz nega uchrashdik va ayrildik ne sabab?
Why did we meet and then have to say "good night"?
Bizlarni shu yomg'ir uchrashtirgan ahir!
It was the rain that brought us together, you see,
Endi uni bizga darddosh qilar taqdir.
Now it brings only sorrow and misery.
Ketma-ket savollar, javobsiz javoblar,
Unending questions, unanswered pleas,
Yuragimni tilaklar yog'gan bu yomg'irlar.
My heart's desires drowned in the relentless seas.

Авторы: Benom Guruhi

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