Beogradski Sindikat - Himna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Himna

Čujem zvuk sirene
I hear the siren's call,
Vreme da se ustane, u borbu da se krene
Time to rise and fight, into battle we crawl.
Znam da moj klan je iza mene, urbana gerila
I know my clan's behind me, urban guerrilla force,
Omladina kojoj novci puste krila
Youth with money, taking a different course.
Nema ta sila koja joj na put staje
No force can stand in our way, girl,
Dok borba traje, sve od sebe daj
While the battle rages, give it your all.
Nebeski narod kao Maje, ali nas nećete istrebiti
Celestial people like the Mayans, but you won't erase us,
Vodi me misao da će istina pobediti
The thought of truth prevailing guides and embraces us.
Baci me na kolena, ja se neću predati
Bring me to my knees, I will not surrender,
U oči ću te gledati
I'll look you in the eyes, my heart won't tender.
Dobro nišani, nemoj da mašiš
Aim well, don't miss your shot,
Poštedi moj, za svoj život ćeš da se plašiš
Spare my life, and fear what you've got.
Jer k'o monah koji meditira, podešavam disanje
Like a meditating monk, I control my breath,
Punim pluća do dna, lepim mislima ne odvajam se od tla
Filling my lungs deep, beautiful thoughts keep me from death.
Jer ja sam vojnik Sindikata u borbi protiv zla
For I'm a soldier of the Syndicate, fighting against evil's sway,
Arhanđel koji đavola čeka
An archangel waiting for the devil's fateful day.
Spreman za početak novog veka
Ready for the dawn of a new age,
Dolazim u stilu, jači nego ikad
Coming in style, stronger than ever, turning a new page.
Slobodan u stilu da stavljam i kad predstavljam Sindikat
Free in style to represent the Syndicate with pride,
I kad otpočenemo rat
And when we start the war, side by side we ride.
Bratu čuva leđa brat
Brother guards brother's back, a bond so true,
Mikrofon je oružje, tehnika je zanat
The microphone's our weapon, technique our artful coup.
Beogradski Sindikat
Beogradski Sindikat, our name we proclaim,
Krećemo u napad sad
Launching our attack, setting hearts aflame.
Evo me na bini, smrdim poput šahta
Here I am on stage, smelling like the sewers,
Jer ovde mnogi stižu preko rektalnog trakta
Because many here arrive through rectal maneuvers.
Za glupost i neznanje nikad nisam im'o takta
For stupidity and ignorance, I've never had tact,
Možda sam baš zato obeležen od starta
Maybe that's why I've been marked from the start, in fact.
Crna ovca, pravim sranja poput Simpsona Barta
Black sheep, causing trouble like Bart Simpson's spree,
Što Englezi bi rekli, divlja karta
What the English would call a wild card, you see.
Opasniji po sistem od devetog marta
More dangerous to the system than the ninth of March's decree,
Jer strašan kao Sparta, energiju k'o Varta
Terrible like Sparta, energy like a Varta battery.
Skupljam i štekujem, punim telo, negujem
I collect and save, fill my body, cultivate,
Pišem nove rime, i dižem tegove
Writing new rhymes and lifting weights.
Da loše bih MC-je nater'o u zbegove
To drive bad MCs into hiding, make them flee,
Da Sunce Sindikata ih topi kao snegove
Let the Syndicate's sun melt them like winter's decree.
Klub studenata tehnike, tri dana pre agresije
Faculty of Engineering, three days before the aggression's start,
Manijak, zmajevi, mikrofona mesije
Maniac, dragons, microphone messiahs impart.
Počeli su zajedno iskustvo da stiču
They started gaining experience together, a unified art,
Tada stiže Shef Sale da začini priču
Then Chef Sale arrived to spice up the story's heart.
Kao Frankenštajn, mi smo stvorili čudovište
Like Frankenstein, we created a monster, bold and grand,
Jer krajnje je vreme da se počisti dvorište
Because it's finally time to clean up this land.
Olakšaćeš sebi ako mnogo ne ložiš se (šta se ložiš)
You'll make it easier on yourself if you don't get too hyped (why are you hyped?),
Najbolji smo složiš se, i sa puta skloniš se
We're the best, you'll agree, so step aside.
Jer monopolska pozicija sigurno prija
Because a monopoly position surely feels nice,
Al' došlo je vreme da se dobro plati šija
But the time has come to pay the price.
Sad stiže konkurencija, devet MC-ja
Now the competition arrives, nine MCs strong and bold,
Beogradski Sindikat, Sunce sija
Beogradski Sindikat, the sun shines, stories untold.
Udalji se od trona, budi svestan svoga mesta
Step away from the throne, be aware of your place,
Udalji se od trona, budi svestan svoga mesta
Step away from the throne, be aware of your place,
Udalji se od trona, budi svestan svoga mesta
Step away from the throne, be aware of your place,
Jer ću nahuškati Flexa, da te ostavi bez teksta
'Cause I'll sic Flex on you, and leave you speechless in disgrace.
Novi vojnik Sindikata, sada javlja se na stražu
A new soldier of the Syndicate now reports for duty,
Uvek spreman za Sindikat kao četnici za Dražu
Always ready for the Syndicate like Chetniks for Draža, truly.
Kamuflažu strogo nosim kao detalj elegantan
I wear camouflage strictly as an elegant detail,
Predstavljam Sindikat k'o bataljon militantan
I represent the Syndicate like a militant battalion, without fail.
Zato ostavi taj mikrofon, jebem li ti mater
So leave that microphone, damn your mother's son,
Kada ćeš da shvatiš da si običan amater
When will you realize you're just an amateur, outrun?
Da ti umesto tvog mozga, u glavi maiš krater
You have a crater in your head instead of a brain,
Dok ja mikrofon branim kao Sarajevo Valter
While I defend the microphone like Sarajevo's Valter, through sun and rain.
Ja sam narodni heroj Živojinović Bata
I'm a national hero, Živojinović Bata,
Imam znak Sindikata, njega nosim oko vrata
I wear the Syndicate's sign around my neck, data.
Jer meni je znanje vrednije od zlata
Because knowledge is more valuable to me than gold,
Kada publiku ja vozim kao kanu Hijavata
When I ride the audience like Hiawatha's canoe, stories unfold.
Ja sam geto dete Flex, kao sinonim za seks
I'm a ghetto kid, Flex, synonymous with sex appeal,
Tu sam dok si rek'o keks, ja sam beli Malkom X
I'm there before you can say "cookie," the white Malcolm X, I reveal.
Gospodar ceremonije, majstor mikrofonije
Master of ceremonies, master of the microphone's art,
Zbog koje hegemonije nema monotonije
Because of which hegemony, there's no monotony to impart.
Ja sam zaraza, bolest koja izmiče kontroli
I'm a contagion, a disease spiraling out of control,
Prenosim se oralno k'o nastava u školi
I transmit orally like lessons taught in school.
Širim brže od smrada periferije u troli
I spread faster than the stench of the periphery in a trolley car,
Ja sam ćale epoli, za mene lek ne postoji
I'm the father of the epoch, there's no cure for what I are.
Moždanu membranu brzo pretvaram u hranu
I quickly turn brain membranes into my food,
Nosim klice znanja, uz gomile sranja
Carrying germs of knowledge, with piles of crud.
Koje smišljam za šankom dok kafanu ne oteram u bankrot
Which I invent at the bar until I bankrupt the whole damn place.
Zdravo, moje ime je Darko
Hello, my name is Darko,
Ja sam ovisnik, mikrofon ne ispuštam iz ruke
I'm an addict, I don't let go of the microphone, you see.
Kad pomislim na njega, svi mišići mi se ukrute
When I think about it, all my muscles tense up with glee,
A kad vidim likove da smešnim stilovima tupe
And when I see guys rapping with ridiculous styles, it's a decree,
Ja ga usmerim kao bič i sve sateram u rupe
I aim it like a whip and drive them all into holes, free.
Publiku sam smestio u klupe
I put the audience in their seats, a captive decree,
Ja sam doktorirani profesor ove hip hop nauke
I'm a PhD professor of this hip-hop science, you see.
Predajem k'o džedaj, ja sam MC izvanredan
I teach like a Jedi, I'm an extraordinary MC,
Dare manijak samo jedan, sasvim potpuno predan
Dare Maniac only one, completely and utterly devoted, free.
Tumz ekipi koja predstavlja Sindikat
Tumz to the crew that represents the Syndicate's name,
Pre nas predikat kidam nije postojao nikad
Before us, the predicate "kidanje" never existed, it's a shame.
Mi došli smo sa dna
We came from the bottom, rising above the fray,
To Beograd dobro zna
Belgrade knows that well, come what may.
Mi smo poslednja odstupnica hip hop JNA
We are the last resort of the hip-hop JNA,
U ova vremena opštenarodnoga stradanja
In these times of national suffering and dismay.
Ja pun sam laži, ti kažeš ima peticu iz vladanja
I'm full of lies, you say I have an A in conduct, so bold,
Ali sad je dosta opet obrao sam bostan
But now it's enough, I've picked the watermelon, stories untold.
Imam tanak meni, sve me podseća na loš san od ranije
I have a thin menu, everything reminds me of a bad dream from before,
Sad ipak ja mislim starije
Now, however, I think older, wise, and more.
I da li je sve nekad bilo mnogo jednostavnije
And was everything once much simpler, a smoother shore?
Ne znam, nekad sam samo sa ekipom na ćošku visio
I don't know, sometimes I just hung out with the crew on the corner, no more,
O pičetini mislio, još nisam im'o vizuju
Thinking about chicks, I didn't have a visa yet, to explore.
Da mikrofon jašem poput belog ata
To ride the microphone like a white steed, to soar,
Uz pomoć svoga jata, hip hop Sindikata
With the help of my flock, the hip-hop Syndicate's core.
Što me sada kada kažem da će iz inata
That now when I say that out of spite, it's a war,
Na ulicama ovog grada bagra će da strada
On the streets of this city, the scum will suffer and implore.
I nije bitno da'l su iza naočare il' brada
And it doesn't matter whether they're behind sunglasses or a beard so grand,
To nikad nisu smrada, tri najveća gada
They were never stinkers, three biggest bastards in the land.
Mada ne skrećem sa teme, sada jebem li im seme
Although I don't stray from the topic, now I'm screwing their seed,
Mislim da je vreme da sa vrata skinem breme
I think it's time to take the burden off my back, indeed.
Prodanih psihopata i seljaka bez mozga, koji vladaju
Of sold-out psychopaths and brainless peasants who rule with might,
Da, vreme je da stradaju
Yes, it's time for them to perish, day and night.
Oni opet nas podkradaju, niske udarce nam zadaju
They're robbing us again, dealing us low blows, a bitter fight,
Sad je vreme glave da padaju
Now it's time for heads to roll, setting things right.
Ja kidam papir na razne načine
I tear paper in various ways, with skill and grace,
Ja imam začine, a tvoje rime su splačine
I have the spices, and your rhymes are a disgrace.
Zato u mojoj kuhinji za tebe mesta nema
So there's no room for you in my kitchen, no place,
Pojava je česta, da te često hvata trema
The phenomenon is common, that you often get stage fright, a common case.
Tvoj mozak drema, a ustvari mi smo kao šema za buđenje
Your brain is dozing, but we're like a wake-up scheme, a brand new pace,
Beogradski Sindikat sad se sprema
Beogradski Sindikat is now preparing, setting the race.
I to je tema o kojoj pričaću ti sada
And that's the topic I'll talk to you about now, my dear,
Mi smo nada koja nadam se započeće da vlada
We are the hope that I hope will begin to rule, far and near.
Pa oseti prosvetljenje kada ulazim pod kožu
So feel the enlightenment when I get under your skin, so deep,
Sada dobijaš šansu, pa sa mnom sedi u ložu
Now you get a chance, so sit with me in the box, secrets to keep.
I samo slušaj kako za pobedom težim
And just listen to how I strive for victory, with all my might,
Rečima glave režem, svoje ime u kamen klešem
I cut heads with words, carve my name in stone, day and night.
Da potomci moji junačke priče slušaju
So that my descendants listen to heroic stories, bold and bright,
O predacima hrabrim svojoj deci pevaju
About brave ancestors, their children sing with delight.
Da uvek žive za pobedu, a nikada predaju
To always live for victory and never surrender, in every fight,
Uvek drže glavu gore i svoju veru ne daju
Always hold their heads high and never give up their faith, so bright.
Ja sam stvoren od zemlje i blata
I am made of earth and mud, strong and true.
Moje misli su voda i vatra u telu mog Sindikata
My thoughts are water and fire in the body of my Syndicate, anew.
Ja sam sveta glava od zlata
I am the holy head of gold, shining bright,
Ovde svako svakom je poput brata je
Here everyone is like a brother, day and night.
A veština baratanja rečima nas čini majstorima
And the skill of wielding words makes us masters, so grand,
Važnima, a ovaj majstor rima ima da kaže MC-ima lažnima
Important, and this rhyme master has something to say to fake MCs in this land.
Da Blaža ima rima u kojima vas poredimo sa
That Blaža has rhymes in which we compare you to, you see,
Običnim mornarima, a nas sa prekaljenim jednookim piratima
Ordinary sailors, and us to seasoned one-eyed pirates, free.
Uvek od rima olujnima i dok morima mi rima plovimo
Always with stormy rhymes, and while we sail the seas of rhyme, so deep.
Onima novima javimo da ih lovimo, sada sve jači smo
Let the new ones know that we hunt them, now we're stronger, secrets to keep.
Mikrofone iz hlada izvlačimo
We pull microphones out of the shadows, where secrets sleep.
Oni brodovi razarači su, a ispred mene okean je sa ljudima
They are destroyers, and in front of me is an ocean with people, vast and wide,
Bura ih obuzima
A storm engulfs them, where secrets hide.
Jer svako shvata da od tada živeti se može samo na dva načina
Because everyone understands that from then on, you can only live in two ways, side by side.
Lako ili sa nama ovako ili nikako
Easy or with us like this, or not at all, decide.
Jer dok igraš se ti ratom
Because while you're playing war, it's just a game,
Ovo je meni ono što zeleni zove džihadom
This is to me what the green one calls jihad, a burning flame.
Zato glave su ulog u sukobu sa Sindikatom
Therefore, heads are at stake in a conflict with the Syndicate, no shame.
Jer moje pravilo je u borbi za ono u šta verujem
Because my rule is in the fight for what I believe, it's true,
Nema povlačenja, nema predaje
No retreat, no surrender, me and you.

Авторы: Bosko Cirkovic, Marko Djuric, Aleksandar Karadzinovic, Fedja Dimovic, Djordje (yu 2) Jovanovic

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