Beogradski Sindikat - Jednostavnost I Suština - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Jednostavnost I Suština

Jednostavnost I Suština
Simplicity And Essence
Kontrola, disciplina, su-uzdržavanje
Control, discipline, restraint
Naša reč je ma-mač od čelika, a mi-ti-mi-si-mi-si-misli sablja britka
Our word is a steel sword, and our thoughts a sharp saber
Na vatri i dimu mi smo-mi smo ka-ka-ka-ka-kalili veštinu
In fire and smoke, we forged our skill
Shva-shva-shvatili suštinu
We understood the essence
Mnoge prošle su godine, a vodilje mudrost i ljubav
Many years have passed, guided by wisdom and love
Bile su stotine puta kada su me smorile svuda
There were hundreds of times when they bored me everywhere
I nagrade i kritike, volja ljuta mi je oružje
Both awards and criticism, fierce will is my weapon
Kada sam borim se dok kidam, stojim ispred zida
When I fight, I fight till I break, I stand before the wall
Masa poglede k'o kuršume sipa
The crowd showers gazes like bullets
Telima k'o štitom brani me ekipa
My crew protects me with their bodies like a shield
Svi za jednog Sindikat, ako neko te pita
All for one - Syndicate, if anyone asks you
Mnogi prošli su sati, ja radov'o se shvati
Many hours have passed, I rejoiced - understand
Jednostavnost i suštinu njih smatrao drugarima
Simplicity and essence - I considered them friends
Koje sam upoznao u stvarima meni važnima
Which I met in things important to me
Od tada tražim ih stalno jer sam posle druge upoznavao
Since then, I've been constantly searching for them because I've met others after
Sa njima se smarao da bih svima stvarao
I got bored with them to create for everyone
Da bih više imao i više proživeo
So I could have more and experience more
Da bih jednog dana stao, da bih se zapitao
So that one day I would stop, so I would ask myself
Je l' sam mnogo hteo, a više sam dao i bilo mi žao
Did I want a lot, but gave more and felt sorry
Jer račune svodim tek kad prošle su godine
Because I only settle accounts when years have passed
To tada nisam znao, do sada nisam znao
I didn't know that then, I didn't know that until now
Nikad ne zaboravljam šta predstavljam, ne stajem nastavljam
I never forget what I represent, I don't stop - I continue
S' onim što zastupam pesme da sastavljam
With what I advocate, to compose songs
Ja sam onaj što ga niko ne razume
I'm the one nobody understands
Uvek idem težim putem, al' drugačije ne umem
I always take the harder path, but I don't know any other way
A i neću, ja u mraku palim sveću
And I won't, I light a candle in the dark
Znam ko sam, znam gde ću, svako gradi svoju sreću
I know who I am, I know where I'm going, everyone builds their own happiness
Svako ide svojim putem često putevi se sreću
Everyone goes their own way - often paths meet
Pojavljuju se novi, al' svojim nastaviti pre ću
New ones appear, but I'll continue on my own
Ja i u pustinji sam spreman dane da provedem
I'm ready to spend days even in the desert
Jer prečicama mogu samo sebe da zajebem
Because with shortcuts I can only screw myself over
Gde god da krenem sa mnom moji ljudi, svet u malom
Wherever I go - my people are with me, a world in miniature
Gde god da skrenem biće ono sve do čega mi je stalo
Wherever I turn, it will be everything I care about
Što vidim k'o realnost, što vidim kao san
What I see as reality, what I see as a dream
Što vidim kao gatara kad pogleda u dlan
What I see like a fortune teller when she looks into the palm of my hand
I ništa mi ne promakne, uvek u suštinu proniknem
And nothing escapes me, I always penetrate the essence
Čega god se dotaknem, uvek do kraja ostajem
Whatever I touch, I always stay till the end
Veran sebi, veram svojima
True to myself, true to my own
Al' to sam samo ja i tako stvari poimam
But that's just me and that's how I perceive things
Nisam sam nebesa su nas spojila
I'm not alone - the heavens have brought us together
Da sada ritmovi odzvanjaju iz podruma
So now rhythms echo from the basement
Znaš šta
You know what
Da kidam ja nikada neću prestati
I will never stop rocking
I sve će tad nestati za mnom ostaće rima
And everything will disappear then - the rhyme will remain after me
Baš ta
The very one
Da svima jasno kaže za snove naše
To clearly tell everyone about our dreams
Da nikad ne odustajemo to je suština
That we never give up - that's the essence
Znaš šta
You know what
Da kidam ja nikada neću prestati
I will never stop rocking
I sve će tad nestati za mnom ostaće rima
And everything will disappear then - the rhyme will remain after me
Baš ta
The very one
Da svima jasno kaže za snove naše
To clearly tell everyone about our dreams
Da nikad ne odustajemo to je suština
That we never give up - that's the essence
Još uvek srećan se sećam o čemu mašt'o sam nekad
I still happily remember what I used to dream about
Misli bile su bezdan, ja sam krotio vetar
Thoughts were an abyss, I tamed the wind
Tad je trebao jedan samo mikrofon, bit
Back then all I needed was a microphone, a beat
Sve je počelo s' tim, kad će prestati ne znam
It all started with that, when it will end - I don't know
To je sve što ja imam i što nikome ne dam
That's all I have and what I won't give to anyone
I još uvek sam žedan znanja, pa šetam tada snovima
And I'm still thirsty for knowledge, so I wander through dreams
Poljima, kojima lutam da nađem to što znači mi
Through fields, which I roam to find what means something to me
To malo sreće, nade, koji snovi daće mi
That little bit of happiness, hope, which dreams will give me
Šta će mi doneti ne znam, al' sam spreman da čekam
What it will bring me - I don't know, but I'm ready to wait
S' mašte plaštom obavijen, vrebam poteze, predan
Wrapped in the cloak of imagination, I watch the moves, devoted
I sa tim tražim način da zagonetku rešim
And with that I look for a way to solve the riddle
Stalno k'o u potrazi za gralom
Constantly like in search of the grail
Pa je rušim, slažem ponovo, lepim k'o staklo slomljeno
So I break it, put it back together, glue it like broken glass
Uz svo vreme ovog sveta to mi nije dovoljno
With all the time in this world - it's not enough for me
I zato priznaću da svet koji stvaram nije stvaran
And so I'll admit that the world I'm creating isn't real
Biće teško uspeti i preći taj prag
It will be hard to succeed and cross that threshold
Al' zato probaću bar sa ekipom, našim tripom
But that's why I'll at least try with the crew, our trip
Porukom sjajnom k'o zvezda nebom ostaviću trag
With a message shining like a star in the sky, I'll leave a mark
I zato priznaću da svet koji stvaram nije stvaran
And so I'll admit that the world I'm creating isn't real
Biće teško uspeti i preći taj prag
It will be hard to succeed and cross that threshold
Al' zato probaću bar sa ekipom, našim tripom
But that's why I'll at least try with the crew, our trip
Porukom sjajnom k'o zvezda nebom ostaviću trag!
With a message shining like a star in the sky, I'll leave a mark!
Znaš šta
You know what
Da kidam ja nikada neću prestati
I will never stop rocking
I sve će tad nestati za mnom ostaće rima
And everything will disappear then - the rhyme will remain after me
Jednostavnost i suština ona nikad nije bila
Simplicity and essence, it never was
Moja istina se sakrila od pogleda i dodira
My truth hid from sight and touch
Tražim je nemam mira, tražim je dok mi svira
I'm looking for it - I have no peace, I'm looking for it while it plays
Vetar na uvo, a noć mi šapuće priče o njoj
The wind whispers in my ear, and the night whispers stories about it
Istina je kriva što pijem, otrovna k'o zmija se krije
The truth is to blame for my drinking, poisonous as a snake it hides
Dok ja rijem asfalt u potrazi za njom
While I dig up the asphalt looking for it
Na kraju i kažu da samo potraga ostaje
In the end, they say that only the search remains
A meni preostaje da se opustim i prepustim putu
And I'm left to relax and surrender to the path
U toj jednačini meni ipak nešto nedostaje
In that equation, I'm still missing something
Jer iako tako prosto je ipak ne uspeva da ublaži tugu
Because even though it's so simple, it still fails to ease the sadness
To što fali to ja tražim da je ublažim barem na tren
What's missing - I'm looking for it to ease it at least for a moment
I da skrenem s' puta sutra i da ostanem izgubljen
And to stray from the path tomorrow and remain lost
I da zastranim u navici imam spreman manevar
And to go astray in habit, I have a maneuver ready
Kojim ne gubim trag nikad one kojoj pesme pevam
With which I never lose track of the one I sing songs to
I kad me vidiš, ona iskra u mom oku koja sjaji
And when you see me, that spark in my eye that shines
To je plamen čežnje za istinom koju samo smrt gasi
That's the flame of longing for the truth that only death extinguishes
Rasplamsava ga vino u noćima što traju
Wine fans it in the nights that last
A muzika je benzin koji dolivam na vatru!
And music is the gasoline I pour on the fire!
Znaš šta
You know what
Da kidam ja nikada neću prestati
I will never stop rocking
I sve će tad nestati za mnom ostaće rima
And everything will disappear then - the rhyme will remain after me
Baš ta
The very one
Da svima jasno kaže za snove naše
To clearly tell everyone about our dreams
Da nikad ne odustajemo to je suština
That we never give up - that's the essence
Znaš šta
You know what
Da kidam ja nikada neću prestati
I will never stop rocking
I sve će tad nestati za mnom ostaće rima
And everything will disappear then - the rhyme will remain after me
Baš ta
The very one
Da svima jasno kaže za snove naše
Da svima jasno kaže za snove naše
Da nikad ne odustajemo to je suština
That we never give up - that's the essence

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