Beogradski Sindikat - Olovni vojnici - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Olovni vojnici

Olovni vojnici
Lead Soldiers
(Govor majora Dragutin Gavrilovica
(Speech of Major Dragutin Gavrilovic
Braniocima Beograda)
to the Defenders of Belgrade)
Tacno u tri casa, neprijatelj se ima razbiti
Precisely at three o'clock, the enemy is to be crushed
Vasim silnim jurisom
By your powerful assault
Razneti vasim bombama i bajonetima
Shattered by your bombs and bayonets
Obraz Beograda, nase prestonice
The honor of Belgrade, our capital
Ima da bude svetao
Must be bright
Vojnici, junaci
Soldiers, heroes
Vrhovna komanda izbrisala je nas puk
The Supreme Command has erased our regiment
Iz svog brojnog stanja
From its numerical state
Nas puk je zrtvovan za cast otadzbine i Beograda
Our regiment is sacrificed for the honor of the fatherland and Belgrade
Vi nemate vise da brinete za vase zivote
You no longer have to worry about your lives
Koji vise ne postoje
Which no longer exist
Zato napred u slavu, za kralja i otadzbinu
Therefore, forward to glory, for King and fatherland
Ziveo kralj, ziveo Beograd
Long live the King, long live Belgrade
Ne znam gde sam, lezim u gluvoj, mracnoj sobi
I don't know where I am, I lie in a deaf, dark room
Ali znam da nisam mrtav jer suvise me boli
But I know I'm not dead because the pain is too much
Kao krtica u rupi koristim miris i dodir
Like a mole in a hole, I use smell and touch
Hladne sipke kreveta na bolest smrdi frotir
The cold bars of the bed, the terrycloth reeks of illness
Cevcica iz ruke se zavrsava u boci
A tube from my arm ends in a bottle
Dok u panici shvatam da zavoj prekriva mi oci
As I realize in panic that a bandage covers my eyes
Skorela krv pod gazom nesnosno me svrbi
Caked blood under the gauze itches unbearably
Valjda sam u bolnici, najgore slutim
I must be in a hospital, I have the worst feeling
Dozivam u pomoc, nadam se da ce me cuti
I call for help, hoping someone will hear me
Vazduh napusta mi grudi, al' izostaju zvuci
The air leaves my chest, but no sounds come out
Da shvatim sta se dogadja, uzalud se mucim
I struggle in vain to understand what's happening
U secanjima trazim delic slagalice kljucni
In my memories, I search for the key piece of the puzzle
Izvucen nam je broj, mi vise nismo bitni
Our number has been drawn, we are no longer important
Jurisamo u boj samo narod da prezivi
We charge into battle just so the people can survive
Slozili smo korak, usmerili misli
We've synchronized our steps, focused our thoughts
Potreban je svaki borac kao bedem ofanzivi
Every fighter is needed as a bulwark against the offensive
Predah od krvi, tisina grobna
A respite from the blood, a silence of the grave
Duzinom horizonta tezak baruta oblak
Along the horizon, a heavy cloud of gunpowder
I kilometri zice, sat kaze da je zora
And kilometers of wire, the clock says it's dawn
Zivot tece negde, ja izgubio sam korak
Life flows somewhere, I've lost my step
Dugo padala je kisa, u kostima hladnoca
The rain fell for a long time, the cold in my bones
Kaljava voda spira zidove rova
Muddy water washes the walls of the trench
Novi zapis u dnevnik i opet me kopka
A new entry in the diary, and it bugs me again
Da li su to mozda moja poslednja slova
Are these perhaps my last words?
Prica jednog voda, ljudi svakog soja
The story of a platoon, people of all kinds
Uniforme iste sve ih obukla je borba
The same uniforms, all dressed by the fight
Kroz bezumlje fronta, jedan drugom odan
Through the madness of the front, loyal to one another
Neodlucnost jednog za sve bi bila kobna
One's indecision would be fatal for all
Naredba ista svakog jutra se ceka
The same order is awaited every morning
Oslobadjamo mesta kojim ne pamtim imena
We liberate places whose names I don't remember
Posle pogibenog jurisa do poslednjeg metka
After a fatal assault, to the last bullet
Sudbina je krvava na vrhu bajoneta
Fate is bloody on the tip of the bayonet
Dolazim sebi, pokret istog casa
I come to, moving instantly
Gledam lica oko sebe, dobro poznata grimasa
I look at the faces around me, a familiar grimace
Oruzje na gotovs, na mesto dnevnik vracam
Weapons at the ready, I return the diary to its place
Artiljerijska vatra nasem jurisu je pratnja
Artillery fire is the escort to our attack
Prvi korak kroz blato, pod unakrsnom vatrom
The first step through the mud, under crossfire
Otezano disanje pod zastitnom maskom
Heavy breathing under the protective mask
Osvajanje nicije zemlje, metar po metar
Conquering no man's land, meter by meter
Miris baruta i krvi koje nosi vetar
The smell of gunpowder and blood carried by the wind
Lesevi, ranjenici, ne cuju se krici
Corpses, wounded, no screams can be heard
Ko strasila masakrirani, grce se na zici
Like scarecrows, massacred, they writhe on the wire
Topovsko meso, olovni vojnici
Cannon fodder, lead soldiers
Ovo polje je tabla, mi figure u igri
This field is a board, we are figures in the game
Nemam vremena da mislim dok prolecu hici
I have no time to think as bullets fly by
Ni ne vidi se polozaj do kojeg treba stici
The position we need to reach is not even visible
Dok zivota je u meni, ruke necu dici
As long as there's life in me, I won't raise my hands
Za visi cilj, mi uopste nismo bitni
For a higher purpose, we are not important at all
Krvlju placamo cenu slobode
We pay the price of freedom with blood
Oprosti nam Gospode
Forgive us, Lord
Jeza mi prolazi kroz kicmu od straha
Fear chills my spine
Skidam masku uspevam da dodjem do daha
I remove the mask, manage to catch my breath
Peku me oci od krvi sto se sliva
My eyes sting from the blood that's flowing
Svi i dalje jure, nije stala ofanziva
Everyone is still running, the offensive hasn't stopped
Ustajem polako, noga mi se grci
I get up slowly, my leg cramps
Osecaj se vraca i pocinjem da trcim
The feeling returns, and I start running
Zuji mi u usima, ne vidim sta se dogadja
My ears are ringing, I can't see what's happening
Pocinjem da pucam, ne znam da li pogadjam
I start shooting, I don't know if I'm hitting anything
Probili smo liniju, neprijatelj se povlaci
We've broken through the line, the enemy is retreating
Uleteli u rov, vise nego odlucni
We burst into the trench, more than determined
Da idemo do kraja dugo cekao se pomak
To go all the way, we've waited a long time for a breakthrough
Oci u oci, bajonet u stomak
Eye to eye, bayonet in the stomach
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

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