Beogradski Sindikat - Pazi, pazi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Pazi, pazi

Pazi, pazi
Watch Out, Watch Out
Pazi sad sam dos'o, pazi, pazi, da ti kazem, pazi vodim i ekipu, pazi smradovi se traze. Zato probaj da se snadjes, pazi mi smo poput brace, k'o bi da se kaci znaj da zivece krace. Pazi kuda ides, zato pazi k'o te prati, pazi, pazi, kako sejes, jer ce tako da se vrati. Pazi cemu se veselis, pazi tudje ne pozeli, u celiji hladnoj drustvo gadno sada delis. Kazes nemas veze sa mnom, ovo nema veze s' nama. Pazite ovo je greska! Ne, pazi, seti se dana, kad si varao, gradom harao, kurve karao, ljude smarao, sve, pazi bukvalno sve, zakone rusio, obarao. Pazi, pazi, kao pit ja trenirao i kidao, sada svodimo racune, cuj me puno si ih imao, napusavao se s' Bogom, pazi zasrao si mnogo, vrata otvarao nogom, klince filovao drogom.
Look, I'm here now, watch out, watch out, let me tell you, watch out, I brought the crew, watch out, we're looking for scumbags. So try to handle it, watch out, we're like brothers, if you want to mess with us, know you'll live shorter. Watch where you go, so watch who's following you, watch out, watch out, how you sow, because that's how it will return. Watch what you're happy about, watch out, don't desire what's not yours, in a cold cell you're now sharing a nasty company. You say you have nothing to do with me, this has nothing to do with us. Watch out, this is a mistake! No, watch out, remember the days, when you cheated, rampaged through the city, screwed whores, bothered people, everything, literally everything, broke laws, knocked them down. Watch out, watch out, like a pit bull I trained and tore, now we're settling scores, hear me, you had a lot of them, you puffed yourself up with God, watch out, you screwed up a lot, opened doors with your foot, filled kids with drugs.
Pazi, rekli su ti: Pazi, vodi racuna sta radis,
Watch out, they told you: Watch out, be careful what you do,
Ali bolelo te uvo, nisi prestajao da gazis.
But you didn't care, you didn't stop pushing.
Jer zivot nije tebe, pa ti druge nisi mazio,
Because life didn't hurt you, so you didn't cherish others,
Sad imas sta si trazio, zato sto nikad nisi pazio.
Now you have what you wanted, because you never watched out.
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Da te zelja ne povuce, pazi, ne daj da te kupe!
Don't let desire pull you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Ovo je borba, stisni zube, budi tu za svoje ljude!
This is a fight, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Pazi, pazi, vreme leti, tu su i prve sede,
Watch out, watch out, time flies, the first grey hairs are here,
Mislis mlad za njih, al' ulice ne stede.
You think you're young for them, but the streets don't spare.
Nisi imao srece, nisi imao, jeste,
You didn't have luck, you didn't, yes,
Al' to te cini jacim, vise nisi dete.
But that makes you stronger, you're not a child anymore.
Vise nisi dete, pa pazi sta radis, to okrutan svet je.
You're not a child anymore, so watch what you do, it's a cruel world.
To su okrutni ljudi. Pazi, pazi na greske.
These are cruel people. Watch out, watch out for mistakes.
Pazi da se ne opeces, to su ulice vrele,
Watch out not to get burned, these are hot streets,
Kao africke ravnice. Pazi, pazi hijene.
Like African plains. Watch out, watch out for the hyenas.
Da l' cujes u daljini? To smrt ti se smeje.
Do you hear in the distance? That's death laughing at you.
Sad grabis k'o nikad, jer ti prolazi vreme,
Now you're grabbing like never before, because your time is running out,
Nadohvat uspeha, al' oni paze na tebe.
Within reach of success, but they're watching you.
Osecas poglede ljubomore, zavisti, udarce.
You feel the looks of jealousy, envy, the blows.
Ne veruj svakome. Pazi, pazi, da te ne urade.
Don't trust everyone. Watch out, watch out, they might screw you over.
Pazi na funjare, cave, lose uticaje,
Watch out for phonies, chicks, bad influences,
Dobro pazi ko je ko, cuvaj prave drugare.
Be careful who is who, cherish true friends.
Sirom otvori oci i pazi gde stajes,
Open your eyes wide and watch where you step,
Na svakom koraku vrebaju otrovnice gladne.
Hungry vipers lurk at every turn.
Sirom otvori oci, hrabro nastavi dalje,
Open your eyes wide, bravely continue on,
Al' pazi da te ne zaslepi svo to neznanje.
But watch out not to be blinded by all this ignorance.
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Tragovi ostaju svuda, zato pazi kuda stajes!
Traces remain everywhere, so watch where you step!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
U zivotu sve se vraca onako kako dajes!
In life, everything comes back the way you give it!
Pazi kad ne mogu da verujem kakva nam je sudbina,
Watch out, when I can't believe what our fate is,
Kad moram da pazim gde gazim i da ne verujem ljudima.
When I have to watch where I step and not trust people.
Pazi, kol'ko vidim, niko ne pazi o drugima,
Watch out, as far as I can see, no one cares about others,
Vec samo pazi svoje, tudje grabi, samo uzima.
They just watch their own, grab what's not theirs, just take.
Pazi, od svega nema nista, vlast je ovde uvek sigurna,
Watch out, nothing comes of anything, the government here is always safe,
Ne mora da pazi, sve se radi, pazi, bez cimanja.
They don't have to watch out, everything is done, watch out, without hassle.
Ne treba im sila da nas uzjasu bez ritanja,
They don't need force to ride us without kicking,
Mi sami sebe pazimo, jer ne postavljamo pitanja.
We watch ourselves, because we don't ask questions.
A zato bitne su nam stvari koje imaju rok trajanja,
And that's why things with an expiration date are important to us,
Pazi sve ti skrece paznju, samo budnost da je smanjena.
Watch out, everything distracts you, just your alertness is reduced.
Pazi, pazi, ova kola, pazi drolja, pazi lova,
Watch out, watch out, this car, watch out, bitch, watch out, money,
Pazi, pazi, nova njuska iz rijaliti soua.
Watch out, watch out, a new face from a reality show.
A to je samo deo plana da ti isperu mozak,
And that's just part of the plan to brainwash you,
Pazi vesti koje daju na tebe deluju k'o "Prozak".
Watch out, the news they give you acts like "Prozac".
Pazi, sam si sebi tvroza, pazi, kompleks ti je kompas,
Watch out, you're your own prison, watch out, your complex is your compass,
Pazi, kasno ces da spazis da u propast svoju hodas.
Watch out, you'll realize too late that you're walking towards your own demise.
Pazi, zato dobro pazi, da sutra ne bude ti krivo,
Watch out, so be careful, so you don't regret it tomorrow,
Sto si uvek mnogo pazio i kicmu si savij'o.
That you always watched out too much and bent your spine.
Pazi, jos uvek nije kasno da neke stvari kazes glasno,
Watch out, it's still not too late to say some things out loud,
Nek se tebe paze oni od koji pazis se ti stalno.
Let those you're constantly watching out for watch out for you.
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Da te zelja ne povuce, pazi, ne daj da te kupe!
Don't let desire pull you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Ovo je borba, stisni zube, budi tu za svoje ljude!
This is a fight, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Pazi kako smo krenuli necemo jos dugo,
Watch out, the way we started, we won't last long,
Pazi ne deluje tako dok ne promenis ugao.
Watch out, it doesn't seem that way until you change the angle.
Dok gledas sve u prolazu ne mozes da ocenis,
While you're watching everything go by, you can't judge,
Jer, ne pazis ni na nista sem sebi da udovoljis.
Because you don't pay attention to anything except pleasing yourself.
I pored lepog vremena ljudi su sumorni,
Despite the beautiful weather, people are gloomy,
Jer niko ih ne pazi, niko paznju da obrati.
Because no one cares about them, no one pays attention.
Idu kako vetar dune, jer je tako lakse,
They go wherever the wind blows, because it's easier,
Umesto da jedra pune i kormilo grabe.
Instead of filling the sails and grabbing the helm.
Pazi neko ce da kaze da je isto kao pre,
Watch out, someone will say it's the same as before,
I u njihovo vreme nije bilo nista bolje,
And in their time, it wasn't any better,
Samo pitaj ga da l' sme da pusti dete napolje,
Just ask him if he dares to let his child go outside,
I da ne pazi i ne brine sto nema ga, a kasno je.
And not to watch out and worry that he's not there, and it's late.
Pazi, nekad su se klinci lozili na klikere,
Watch out, kids used to be crazy about marbles,
Znali da se pobiju ako vide djidanje,
They knew how to fight if they saw cheating,
Sad loze se na igrice, pucaju na prikaze,
Now they're crazy about games, shoot at displays,
Ne znaju da zamahnu, a vec su ubice.
They don't know how to swing, but they're already killers.
Mozda nisam pazio na casu, pa zato ne kapiram,
Maybe I wasn't paying attention in class, so I don't understand,
Kako je ovaj zivot bez smisla napredak.
How this meaningless life is progress.
Gde se izgubila ljubav prema bliznjima,
Where did the love for our neighbors go,
I zasto je nauka vaznija nego istina?
And why is science more important than truth?
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Tragovi ostaju svuda, zato pazi kuda stajes!
Traces remain everywhere, so watch where you step!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
U zivotu sve se vraca onako kako dajes!
In life, everything comes back the way you give it!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Da te zelja ne povuce, pazi, ne daj da te kupe!
Don't let desire pull you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Ovo je borba, stisni zube, budi tu za svoje ljude!
This is a fight, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Tragovi ostaju svuda, zato pazi kuda stajes!
Traces remain everywhere, so watch where you step!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
U zivotu sve se vraca onako kako dajes!
In life, everything comes back the way you give it!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
Ovaj presudni trenutak moras docekati budan!
You have to be awake for this crucial moment!
Pazi, pazi,
Watch out, watch out,
I kad krene oluja tvoja vera te cuva!
And when the storm comes your faith protects you!

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