Beogradski Sindikat - Plejersko ponašanje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Plejersko ponašanje

Plejersko ponašanje
Player's Behavior
Beogradski sindikat - Plejersko ponasanje
Belgrade Syndicate - Player's Behavior
Sve je bilo san! tata je bio andergraund
It was all a dream! Dad was underground
Cekao u guzvi da ga puste na saund
Waiting in the crowd to be let onto the sound
Al tri dana pred bombe alijanse nato
But three days before the NATO alliance bombs
Organizovo nam cipi man hip hop spektakl
Cipi organized a man's hip-hop spectacle for us
Vidis sine kopile, to su bili ideali
You see, son of a bitch, those were ideals
Tad smo bili mladi nista nismo znali
We were young then, we knew nothing
Svirali za pivo. sad hajdemo po cisternu
We played for beer. Now let's go for a tank
Dok ti tata o sindikatu pripoveda istinu
While Dad tells you the truth about the syndicate
U pocetku sve to bejahu inspirisani borci
In the beginning, they were all inspired fighters
Vece ko u vojsci, u bek stejdzu grizu moljci
Evening like in the army, moths bite in the backstage
Mikrofona deficit i polugluvi tonci
Microphone deficit and half-deaf sound engineers
Vazda na fristajlu jedni isti dobrovoljci
Always on freestyle, the same volunteers
Tri ortaka na spisak i ribe za dzabe
Three buddies on the list and fish for free
Tri pesme bez bisa, gazde kluba drame
Three songs without an encore, the club owners' dramas
Tri godine tako, bulje su se drale
Three years like that, eyes were popping
Pet minuta divljine, puna usta hvale
Five minutes of wildness, full of praise
Na mobilne nas zvale raznorazne budale
All sorts of fools called us on our mobiles
Hasali smo visnje, sevale su ljabe
We were picking cherries, apples were flashing
Bilo je i bon soir al nismo dali cmar
There was also "bon soir" but we didn't give our ass
Bilo je nesto masovki i gostovanja par
There were some extras and a couple of guest appearances
Neka su od njih cak i usla u anale
Some of them even entered the annals
Ma, pusticu ti filmove... idemo do sale.
Ma, I'll play you the movies... let's go to the hall.
Tata hocu na koledz! Nema frke sine
Dad, I want to go to college! No problem, son
Skolarinu placaju pare od divljine
Wildness money pays for tuition
Tata hocu kola! nema frke sine
Dad, I want a car! No problem, son
I to ce ti kupiti pare od divljine
Wildness money will buy you that too
Tata hocu u aspen! nema frke sine
Dad, I want to go to Aspen! No problem, son
I do te planine vode pare od divljine!!!
Wildness money leads to that mountain too!!!
Slusaj sine metode sta ti prica papa
Listen, son, to the methods your dad is telling you
To je bila faza, od toga mrka kapa
That was a phase, a dark cap from that
Nije har' kor umro, samo ja sam se oladio
Har'kor didn't die, I just cooled down
Za dzaba sam skolovo kardan sam zaradio
I educated for free, I earned a gimbal
Uradi-sam omoti za male tiraze
DIY covers for small runs
Brdo emsi pesama rekordne minutaze
A mountain of MC songs of record length
Metafore se traze elokventno da se kaze
Metaphors are sought to be eloquently said
Poruke su vazne, pod uticajem blaze
Messages are important, under the influence of blaze
Dobronamernih saveta on je bio riznica
He was a treasury of well-meaning advice
Jer je pominjo ozirisa za odmor posle biznisa
Because he mentioned Osiris for rest after business
A nas par sindikalaca smo hteli da se lozimo
And a few of us union members wanted to get high
Nije bila namera medju sobom da se glozimo
It wasn't our intention to gnaw at each other
Al posle prve frikcije nastale su frakcije
But after the first friction, factions arose
Makroi i mesije, dzukci i apstrakcije
Macros and messiahs, junkies and abstractions
Nisam lose mislio samo vise da se jebe
I didn't mean it badly, just to fuck more
Tako sam, vidis, napravio redmena i tebe
That's how, you see, I made Redman and you
Tesko bilo je bez keke ali eto loke
It was hard without Keke, but here's Loka
Kako eksluzivni ugovor vadi iz fioke
How an exclusive contract pulls out of a drawer
U ofisu, u maju, u sredu, u dva
In the office, in May, on Wednesday, at two
Pregovore muski tada vodio je bla!
Bla was leading the negotiations like a man!
Odma je objasnio kako stoje stvari
He immediately explained how things stand
Da nas interes brane s fontane drugari
That our interests are defended by friends from the fountain
Loka stao je na put raspravi zesokoj
Loka stopped the fierce debate
Nema frke moci, spokoj cuva sokoj
No worries, power, Sokoi guards peace
Srecom nije bilo potrebe da se desi najgore
Fortunately, there was no need for the worst to happen
Odma je ispo lafcina snimo nam je spotove
He immediately exposed the liar and filmed videos for us
Organizovo festival gde smo sreli viajpi
Organized a festival where we met VIPs
Od tad samo tako pisemo mi!!!
Since then, that's how we write!!!
To je recept za top liste, striktno prva mesta
That's the recipe for top charts, strictly first places
Tretman ko karleusa u ergeli zvezda besta
Treatment like Karleusa in the stud farm of stars, best
Samo: dzukacki sindikat! lok la familija!
Only: junkie syndicate! Lok la Familia!
Da zlato bude platina! premala je srbija!!!
For gold to be platinum! Serbia is too small!!!
Ref: plejersko ponasanje, sine tata svasta sljako je
Chorus: Player's behavior, son, dad has worked on everything
Sine tata svuda bio je i bas dobro je, dobro je
Son, dad has been everywhere and it's really good, it's good
Plejersko ponasanje sine tata svasta sljako je
Player's behavior, son, dad has worked on everything
I da uradis sve najbolje, opet slabo je, slabo je.
And even if you do your best, it's still weak, it's weak.
Na povratku iz rume, dragi sine kapadona
On the way back from Ruma, dear son Capadona
Sa caletom su pricali brat ikac i reksona
Brother Ikac and Rexona were talking to Dad
Brate, dosta jeli govna vreme je za zaradu
Bro, enough eating shit, it's time to make money
Bed kopi ima semu, care, palimo za kanadu
Bed Kopi has a scheme, dude, we're going to Canada
Tu odosmo na platformu, spickali dve dine
There we went to the platform, spent two dimes
Ribali smo burice, bacali smo rime
We scrubbed barrels, we threw rhymes
Po povratku smorene sunter nas zaludio
Upon our return, Sunter, bored, drove us crazy
U meksiku znam tipa, ima porno studio
I know a guy in Mexico, he has a porno studio
Odosmo do studija, spickali tri dine
We went to the studio, spent three dimes
Razvlac ili smo kablove bacali smo rime
We were stretching or throwing cables, we were throwing rhymes
Totalno razocarani culi smo za semu
Totally disappointed, we heard about the scheme
Ugostiteljstvom da se bavimo u cuvenom san remu
To engage in catering in the famous San Remo
Stigli smo do lokala, spickali smo cetri dine
We arrived at the place, spent four dimes
Samarali smo sudove, bacali smo rime
We were washing dishes, we were throwing rhymes
Ma oladi matori! gde si steko novce?
Ma, cool down, old man! Where did you put the money?
Alo mali crnci! kako pricate s matorcem?
Hey, little black guys! How do you talk to an old man?
Kad vec ocete da znate nema love u hip hopu
Since you want to know, there's no money in hip-hop
Sve je ovo platila premija na fontu.
The bonus on the font paid for all of this.

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