Beogradski Sindikat - Pretorijanska Garda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Pretorijanska Garda

Pretorijanska Garda
The Praetorian Guard
Pretorijanska garda, nekad legija silna
The Praetorian Guard, once a mighty legion,
Sad gomila svinja, slusajte me dobro
Now a bunch of pigs, listen to me well.
Bona mors za mene, odlazim bez pozdrava
Bona mors for me, I'm leaving without a goodbye,
Garda pretorijanska proganja me nocima
The Praetorian Guard haunts me at night.
Cujem topot kopita od borbenih kocija
I hear the hooves of war chariots,
Prica jednog pesnika na plocniku pociva
The story of a poet rests on the pavement.
Policija po pravilu neduzne maltretira
The police, as a rule, harass the innocent,
Dok bogati se bogate van zakonskih okvira
While the rich get richer outside the law.
Ko to tamo lobira scene ko iz horora
Who's lobbying over there, scenes from a horror movie,
Kad radila je palica, telo poput olova
When the baton did its work, the body like lead.
U sluzbi gospodara, pretorijanska garda
In the service of the masters, the Praetorian Guard,
Da odresene ruke budu krvave do lakta
To let their hands be bloody up to the elbows.
A gde je tu pravda za gresnika bez garda
And where's the justice for the sinner without a guard?
Jauka brigada, svira pajserska brigada
The brigade of cries, the crowbar brigade plays.
Hematome modrice brojimo ko ordenje
We count bruises and hematomas like medals,
Posledice povratne s godinama dolaze
The consequences come back with the years.
Jer ko ima monopol, njemu svasta moze se
Because whoever has a monopoly, they can do anything,
Dileri policijski na ulicama mnoze se
Police dealers multiply on the streets.
Sta krije ta arhiva, bice vecita enigma
What secrets does that archive hold, it will be an eternal enigma,
Zakopani laz, i dil, i namestena igra
Buried lies, deals, and rigged games.
Podmetnuti dokazi na uvidjaju prosuti
Planted evidence spilled at the scene,
Revizija zlocina na nemogucoj postavci
Revision of crimes on an impossible premise.
Klinci smrcu hors, pun je nos, pun je budzet
The kids are snorting death, their noses are full, the budget is full,
Idol im je Tesla, nas'o struju kojom uce
Their idol is Tesla, they found the current they learn with.
Pancir ti navuce da nema tragova tuce
You put on a bulletproof vest so there are no traces of beatings,
Zaboravi na tuzbe, sve je u granicama sluzbe
Forget about lawsuits, everything is within the limits of duty.
Tuzbe krvave nuzne mere krojene za tebe
Bloody lawsuits, necessary measures tailored for you,
Prava gradjana se cene po sistemu ko te jebe
Citizens' rights are valued by the system of "who cares?".
Bilo DB jebe BIA il' samo prosta 'rija
Whether it's DB, BIA, or just plain thugs,
Isto ti se lomi, isto boli tvoja sija
It breaks you the same, your head hurts the same.
Samo koverat im prija jer slovom uvek stima
Only an envelope pleases them because the word always works,
Upala ti laz i casni sudija je prima
A lie slipped in and the honorable judge accepts it.
Advokat sve ugovori da te murija ne odlomi
The lawyer negotiates everything so the cops don't break you,
Pa odes ko gospodin, sud da te oslobodi
So you leave like a gentleman, the court to set you free.
Ti gadis se novca, al' on ponekad govori
You loathe money, but sometimes it speaks,
Stedite mogucnosti da te tivaju trolovi
Save your options so the trolls don't silence you.
Uniformisani volovi, s brda sisli cobani
Uniformed oxen, shepherds descended from the hills,
Jos su gori spektori, cetvrtaci komani
Even worse are the spectators, the fourth-grade commanders.
U ubilackoj pomami rade prozori krovovi
In a murderous frenzy, windows and roofs are working,
Pa ko nece da cinkari, u grob ce tajnu odneti
So whoever doesn't want to snitch will take the secret to the grave.
Testis za poneti u fioci. će ti otpasti
Testicle to go, will fall off in the drawer,
Pa ti reci svojoj deci sto ih muce bolesti
So tell your children why they're plagued by diseases,
Il' jezik za zube jer tako ces opstati
Or bite your tongue because that's how you'll survive,
U semi se podmazi, svinja da se omasti
Grease yourself in semen, so the pig can get greasy.
Bona mors za mene, odlazim bez pozdrava
Bona mors for me, I'm leaving without a goodbye,
Garda pretorijanska proganja me nocima
The Praetorian Guard haunts me at night.
Cujem topot kopita od borbenih kocija
I hear the hooves of war chariots,
Prica jednog pesnika na plocniku
The story of a poet on the pavement.
Pretorijanska garda zakulisno vlada
The Praetorian Guard rules behind the scenes,
Kroz pacovske kanale ispod vecitog grada
Through the rat channels beneath the eternal city.
I dalje niko ne zna pod ciju sapu spada
And still nobody knows under whose paw it falls,
Za mnoga pokolenja to ce biti stroga tajna
For many generations, it will be a strict secret.
Oni ubili su Cezara jer htede da ih sputa
They killed Caesar because he wanted to restrain them,
Ko nije njihov sluga, brzo nestane sa puta
Whoever is not their servant quickly disappears from the path.
Jer njihove su uhode svuda gde su muda
Because their spies are everywhere where there are balls,
Za prljave radnje uvek nadju nekog bruta
For dirty deeds, they always find some brute.
I sve je panta rei, samo uvek tu je sluzba
And everything is panta rhei, only the service is always there,
Da ubija i muci kroz sve oblike drustva
To kill and torture through all forms of society.
Nije vazan njihov naziv ni sta to kaze ustav
Their name doesn't matter, nor what the constitution says,
Kad cujes korak trupa, budi svestan da si mrtav
When you hear the footsteps of troops, be aware that you're dead.
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Otvaranje dosijea prvenstveno
Opening the files primarily
Ima taj cilj kao najvisi
Has that goal as the highest
Da se gradjanima koji su bili zrtve
To enable citizens who were victims
Omoguci da vide sta su sve
To see what they have all
Dakle, propustili u zivotu
So, missed in life
Zato sto su samo mislili drugacije
Just because they thought differently
I bili slobodno da vrseci ljudsko pravo
And were free to exercise their human right
Na slobodu izrazavanja kazu nesto
To freedom of expression, say something
Sto nije bilo po volji ovoj ili onoj vlasti
That was not to the liking of this or that authority
Bezbednost gradjana ove zemlje
The security of the citizens of this country
Je danas presudno ugrozena iznutra
Is today critically endangered from within
Ekonomski i socijalno politicki
Economically and socio-politically
Oni su ostvarili ono sto su zeleli
They have achieved what they wanted
Oni su pobedili, mi smo porazeni
They have won, we are defeated
Partije kontrolisu tajne sluzbe
Parties control the secret services
Kljucne stvari su nekad u siframa
Key things are sometimes in codes
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Авторы: Beogradski Sindikat

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