Beogradski Sindikat - Zalazak Treceg Sunca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beogradski Sindikat - Zalazak Treceg Sunca

Zalazak Treceg Sunca
The Setting of the Third Sun
Zalazak trećeg sunca, nepodnošljiva vrelina
The setting of the third sun, unbearable heat
Brujanje mašina, skučena metalna kabina
The hum of machines, a cramped metal cabin
Moj svet je praznina samo kamen i prašina
My world is emptiness, only rock and dust
I pokoje sećanje, odblesci davnina
And a few memories, glimpses of ancient times
Obronci planina, šume, kristalna jezera
Mountain slopes, forests, crystal lakes
Moje novo okruženje razara atmosfera
My new environment, the atmosphere destroys
Histerije, ludila, raspada sistema
Hysteria, madness, system collapse
Zemlju napadaju bolesti, pošast ko himera
Earth is attacked by diseases, a plague like a chimera
Konačna dilema: preživeti il' stati
The final dilemma: to survive or to stand still
Razmatram situacije koje uslediće zatim
I consider the situations that will follow
Bespoštedna borba il' spokoj u raki
Relentless struggle or peace in brandy
Zloslutna izmaglica već danima me prati
An ominous haze has been following me for days
Ali šta su ovde dani kad vreme je stalo
But what are days here when time has stopped
I ono malo preživelih je posrnulo i palo
And the few survivors have stumbled and fallen
Egzistencije sramne dotukle ih rane
Shameful existences, wounds have finished them off
Porok im je vodilja na putevima tame
Vice is their guide on the paths of darkness
Tela zagadjuju otrovom, svi navučeni su mahom
Bodies polluted with poison, all addicted for the most part
Obrazac ponašanja koji uslovljen je strahom.
A pattern of behavior conditioned by fear.
Alarm detektora kretanja, poznat odraz na viziru
Motion detector alarm, familiar reflection on the visor
Nakaze su tu! neće otići u miru
The freaks are here! They won't leave in peace
šaljem izvidjačku sondu da preleti mračnu hordu
I'm sending a reconnaissance probe to fly over the dark horde
Obaveštavam toranj da spreme se za borbu
I'm informing the tower to prepare for battle
I molim se bogu, mada sumnjam u njega
And I pray to God, though I doubt him
Za pokolj ili trijumf da se okonča ova beda
For a massacre or triumph to end this misery
Primam signal iz sonde, neverovatni podaci
Receiving signal from the probe, unbelievable data
O neprijatelja snazi. ako postoje junaci
About the enemy's strength. If there are heroes
Nisam jedan od njih. maksimalnom brzinom
I'm not one of them. At maximum speed
Letim ka bazi, sve do sudara s dinom
I'm flying towards the base, right up to the collision with the dune
Situacija bez izlaza, nemam vremena da mislim
A situation with no way out, I have no time to think
Kontrolu nad delom mi preuzima instinkt
Instinct takes control of me
Koji sumanutim trkom vodi me put otvora
Which in a mad race leads me to the opening
U magmatskoj steni. gori pogonska komora!
In the magmatic rock. The engine chamber is burning!
Ostavljam za sobom zvuk eksplozije prodoran
I leave behind a piercing sound of explosion
Gubim tlo pod nogama, klizim ko niz tobogan.
I'm losing ground under my feet, sliding like down a slide.
Bolno trljam potiljak, koliko bio sam bez svesti?
Painfully rubbing the back of my head, how long was I unconscious?
U mraku tražim izvor piska, postaje sve cešći
In the darkness, I search for the source of the beeping, it's becoming more frequent
I ko zvuk aparata kad bolesni bledi
And like the sound of a machine when the sick turn pale
Neprekidan, glasnik kraja koji sledi
Uninterrupted, a messenger of the end that follows
Svetlost ... ispunjava celu odaju
Light... fills the entire chamber
Bljesak zaslepljuje oči, zenice se skupljaju
The flash blinds my eyes, pupils constrict
Polako postajem svestan oblika ovog mesta
Slowly I become aware of the shape of this place
Savršen tetraedar, u centru podnožja pijedestal
A perfect tetrahedron, at the center of the base a pedestal
Oko opisan krug meni starnim simbolima
A circle is described around it with ancient symbols for me
Piktografsko pismo, sigurno staro je eonima
Pictographic writing, surely eons old
Kako sam dospeo ovamo? šta je ovo mesto?
How did I get here? What is this place?
Nigde ne vidim otvor!? odakle dopire svetlo?
I don't see any openings!? Where is the light coming from?
Preispitujem se dok proucavam mural
I question myself as I study the mural
Na jednom od zidova, opisuje ritual
On one of the walls, it describes a ritual
Ako ga dobro tumačim ovo je neka vrsta hrama
If I interpret it correctly, this is some kind of temple
Sveštenici formiraju krug oko piktograma
Priests form a circle around the pictograms
Na postolju stoji dečak koji zrakom iz očiju
On the pedestal stands a boy who with a beam from his eyes
U zidu otvara prolaz u drugu prostoriju
Opens a passage in the wall to another room
U koju ulazi naoružan odatle crtež se račva
Into which he enters armed, from there the drawing branches out
U prikaz moćnog božanstva i leš mrtvog dečaka
Into a depiction of a powerful deity and the corpse of a dead boy
Obred prosvećenja? test za mlade ratnike?
A rite of enlightenment? A test for young warriors?
Il nešto sasvim treće? al prostorija sa slike
Or something else entirely? But the room from the picture
Je možda moja jedina veza sa površinom
Is perhaps my only connection to the surface
Tom se mišlju smirujem dok okružen tišinom
With this thought, I calm down as I am surrounded by silence
Koračam ka središtu jednakostraničnog trougla
I walk towards the center of the equilateral triangle
Penjem se na postolje napetih čula
I climb onto the pedestal with heightened senses
U isčekivanju čuda. stiže istog sekunda
In anticipation of a miracle. It arrives at the same second
Telo prožima sila, iz očnih duplji svetlost kulja.
A force permeates my body, light streams from my eye sockets.
Ništa ne mora biti ko što nekad je bilo. spoznaja je blizu,
Nothing has to be as it once was. The realization is close,
Budi spreman za epilog, kad se vizija silnog otelotvori kroz život.
Be ready for the epilogue, when the vision of the mighty one embodies itself through life.
Taj trenutak pamtiću ostatak moga veka
I will remember that moment for the rest of my life
Kao nepregledno belilo planete večnog leda
As the endless whiteness of the planet of eternal ice
Kao osećaj spokojstva, miline, svetla
As a feeling of tranquility, gentleness, light
Skidam kacigu, trljam oči, netremice gledam
I take off my helmet, rub my eyes, stare unblinkingly
Opčinjen, sa osmehom i pogledom dečaka
Enchanted, with a smile and the look of a boy
Zaštićen i spokojan u okrilju oblaka
Protected and serene in the embrace of the clouds
I nema više ograda ni traga ljudske ruke
And there are no more fences or traces of human hands
Ko da nevreme je iza mene, ispred mirne luke
As if the storm is behind me, ahead a peaceful harbor
I tako srećan ali neoprezan na tren sklopih oči
And so happy but careless for a moment I closed my eyes
I nestadoh ko kapljica na užarenoj ploči
And disappeared like a droplet on a hot plate
I kao mačem po stomaku tada preseče me hladna
And as if with a sword in the stomach, a cold
Slutnja kao munja grom iz tmurna neba hada
Premonition cut through me, like lightning, thunder from the gloomy sky of Hades
Ispred mene par prilika izlaze iz otvora
In front of me, a couple of figures emerge from the opening
I prekri me crni oblak poput pogrebnog pokrova
And a black cloud covers me like a funeral shroud
Ternutak tišine i napetosti kranje
A moment of silence and ultimate tension
Bljesak laserskog pištolja, u levu ruku sam ranjen
The flash of a laser pistol, I'm wounded in the left hand
Ja se prenuh u sekundi sav zaprepašćen od straha
I wake up in a second, completely overwhelmed with fear
Uz talas hladne vode ko kad podigne se brana
With a wave of cold water, like when a dam rises
I tada jasno kao dan shvatih šta mi se sprema
And then, clear as day, I realized what was in store for me
Okom tražim zaklon ali zaklona nema
I search for cover with my eyes, but there is none
Više refleksno no svesno brzo bacih se u stranu
More reflexively than consciously, I quickly threw myself to the side
Punim oba pištolja vraćam kacigu na glavu
I load both pistols, put the helmet back on my head
Gledam suviše ih ima. bacam bombu neutrona
I see there are too many of them. I throw a neutron bomb
Ekspolozija razbija formaciju kordona
The explosion breaks the cordon formation
Zujanje fejzera, miris sprženog mesa
The buzzing of phasers, the smell of burnt flesh
Ne znam stvarno šta da radim kada ne znam ni gde sam
I don't really know what to do when I don't even know where I am
U prostoriji sam ja, ispred nepregledna masa
I'm in the room, in front of me an endless mass
Dok nasumice pucam oni padaju bez glasa
As I shoot randomly, they fall silently
Ja se okrećem ka izlazu al da izadem ne mogu
I turn towards the exit but I can't get out
Oštar bol padam (padam, padam)... pogodjen u nogu
Sharp pain, I fall (fall, fall)... shot in the leg
Da se predam? ipak ne dam život suviše je vredan
To surrender? I won't give up, life is too precious
Grabim pištolj pucam, pucam. pao je još jedan
I grab my pistol, shoot, shoot. Another one has fallen
I osećaj besa dok gledam grozne nemani
And a feeling of anger as I look at the horrible monsters
Ma, nek ide život! dodjite, sad potpuno sam spreman! i
So be it with life! Come on, now I'm completely ready! And
Na interfejs vizira pada odsjaj svetlosti
A reflection of light falls on the visor interface
Uz kapljice krvi...
With drops of blood...
Novi odred spodoba se zaleće obrušava
A new squad of creatures rushes in, collapses
Ja kosim kao furija, ni korak ne ustručavam
I mow them down like a fury, not hesitating a step
Davno sam obučavam, sad sve mi se vraća
I trained for this a long time ago, now it all comes back to me
Likvidacija pogledom kao oštricom mača
Liquidation with a glance, like the blade of a sword
Sada vladam situacijom, levitiram, manevrišem
Now I control the situation, levitate, maneuver
Snagom svoga uma zveri dezintegrišem
With the power of my mind, I disintegrate the beasts
Mogu da se skoncentrišem, tehnikom baratam
I can concentrate, I handle the technique
Razlog njihovog dolaska napokon shvatam
I finally understand the reason for their arrival
Zamahujem rukama, pokrećem vetar
I wave my arms, I move the wind
Usmeravam kristale i formiram spektar
I direct the crystals and form a spectrum
Jedinstvo svih energija isijavam kroz etar
The unity of all energies I radiate through the ether
Poistovećujem se sa sredinom, kameleon
I identify with the environment, a chameleon
Prestajem da budem... sijam kao freon!
I cease to be... I shine like freon!
Krećem ka površini iz ovog pakla.
I move towards the surface from this hell.
Izlećem uz gejzir peska krvi i stakla
I fly out with a geyser of sand, blood and glass
Lebdim nad pustinjom do grupacije dina
I float over the desert to a cluster of dunes
Upirem prst ka njima iz zemlje raste planina
I point my finger at them, a mountain rises from the earth
Pod njom izviru reke, duž obala rastu šume
Rivers spring up beneath it, forests grow along the banks
Postajem natprirodna sila, prisutan za uvek
I become a supernatural force, present forever
U svemiru i u svesti potomaka
In the universe and in the consciousness of descendants
Svetu knjigu pišu na osnovu odlomaka
They write the holy book based on fragments
Mog života, trijumfa nad nakazama sotone
Of my life, my triumph over the monsters of Satan
Dalekih kolonija hramove krase moje ikone.
The temples of distant colonies are adorned with my icons.

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