Berliner Philharmoniker feat. Herbert von Karajan - An die schonen blauen Donau, Op.314 (extract) (1987 - Remaster) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Berliner Philharmoniker feat. Herbert von Karajan - An die schonen blauen Donau, Op.314 (extract) (1987 - Remaster)

An die schonen blauen Donau, Op.314 (extract) (1987 - Remaster)
On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Op.314 (extract) (1987 - Remaster)
Bacilaa! apegate un trago,
Party on! Grab a drink,
Si eres fea la luz apago
If you're ugly, I'll turn off the light
De la botella no me deshago
I won't let go of the bottle
Comparte con esta tropa de vagos! Magin boo:
Share with this crew of slackers! Magin Boo:
Llegamo al bacile cargados de alcohol
We arrive at the party loaded with alcohol
Y pensamos en tomar hasta qe salga el sol
And we plan to drink until the sun comes up
Qe corra el copete y qe salgan los pitos
Let the drinks flow and the joints come out
Niña si hay pelito.NO HAY DELITO!
Girl, if there's hair... THERE'S NO CRIME!
Esqe en nuestro freestyle somos mas qe serteros
It's because in our freestyle we're more than just accurate
Y la zorra de tu mina qeda haciendo pucheros
And your foxy lady is left pouting
Porqe sera es qe no somos sencillos
Why is it that we're not simple?
Te hacemos reir sin decir... niun brillo
We make you laugh without saying... a word
Metemos bulla y no nos cansamos
We make noise and we don't get tired
A los curaos y a la gente motivamos
We motivate the drunks and the people
Se acaba el animo si de la fiesta nos vamos
The mood ends if we leave the party
Esto nunca pasa porqe siempre nos qedamos
This never happens because we always stay
Pero eso qien se lo imagina
But who would imagine that
Tu mina contigo es fiera es mas lanza qe jabalina
Your girl with you is fierce, she's more spear than javelin
Y trazamos pericas qe son cheqe a fecha
And we draw lines that are checks to date
Qe cenga y agarren... EL CHUTO DE LAS MECHAS!
Let them grab... THE FUSE LIGHTER!
Sr Reyes:
Mr. Reyes:
Oye mujer siente el placer
Hey woman, feel the pleasure
De estos cinco cabros qe te van a enloqecer
Of these five guys who are going to drive you crazy
Qieren ver qe tenemos el poder
They want to see that we have the power
La fiesta se arma nosotros somos ser
The party starts, we are the being
Prendemos el eqipo reqisamos el refresco
We turn on the equipment, we check the soda
Las minas preguntan qienes son estos enfermos
The girls ask who these sick people are
Nos amotinamos en el centro de la casa
We riot in the center of the house
Mientra el memo saca a uno de la raza
While the dude takes one of the race out
Entre el humo y el sudor rozamos nuestros cuerpos
Between the smoke and the sweat we brush our bodies
Te pesco de la mano y nos vamos al infierno
I take your hand and we go to hell
Me fijo en tus defensas como primer concepto
I look at your defenses as a first concept
La estufa de tu figura me pone tenso
The heat of your figure makes me tense
Me acompaño de un vaso qe rebarsa de acohol
I'm accompanied by a glass overflowing with alcohol
A los otros rapers le anotamos un gol
We score a goal against the other rappers
De paracaidas simplemente bacilon
Parachuting simply partying
La pastita termino de romper tu relacion.
The little paste finished breaking your relationship.
Apaga la luz y qedate tranqila
Turn off the light and stay calm
Siente el humo y solo respira
Feel the smoke and just breathe
Vuelvete loca y pierde la calma
Go crazy and lose your cool
Qe llego la pastita... LA FIETA SE ARMA!
The little paste has arrived... THE PARTY STARTS!
Sube el vol depierta a la vecina
Turn up the volume, wake up the neighbor
Cada uno de estos una botella empina
Each of these guys raises a bottle
Ey preciosa VEN mi red te llama
Hey beautiful, COME my net calls you
Y esta noche no dormiras en tu cama
And tonight you won't sleep in your bed
Qe la fiesta ARDA no es extraño
Let the party BURN, it's not strange
Anda ven sigeme conversemo en el baño
Come on, follow me, let's talk in the bathroom
Con la music no, no te escucho bien
With the music no, I can't hear you well
Solo salvo lo qe aguarda en tu sosten
I only save what awaits in your bra
Y OYE no me mire asi!
And HEY don't look at me like that!
OYE te gustan los Mcs!
HEY you like Mcs!
OLVIDA puta qe soy pesao
FORGET whore that I'm heavy
Hoy ando tierno te invito un helao.
Today I'm tender, I'll buy you an ice cream.
Si me siento mareao veo todo nubloso
If I feel dizzy I see everything blurry
Me siento pa la caga ron de luca qe asqeroso... Y QE!
I feel like shit, rum from Luca, how disgusting... SO WHAT!
Maricon adicto al pene paso el vaso arraso con todos los falsos paso a paso yo te piso. con mi pose tengo sed!
Faggot addicted to penis, I pass the glass, I destroy all the fakes, step by step, I step on you. with my pose I'm thirsty!
Tomate la pildora del dia despues VES!
Take the morning-after pill, SEE!
Yo canto hasta qe se me hincha la vena
I sing until my vein swells
Directo pa la playa con la caña te apuesto qe trago arena
Straight to the beach with the rod, I bet I swallow sand
La tropa de clones siempre nos hacen alabanzas
The troop of clones always praise us
Presiento qe tu hermana siempre esta pasada a ...
I have a feeling your sister is always up to...
El copete me hizo efecto y ya perdi el eqilibrio
The booze has had an effect on me and I've lost my balance
Lo nuestro es rap de peso vamos siempre bacilando
Ours is heavy rap, we always go partying
Maricon del sexo opuesto en mi semen esta nadando
Faggot of the opposite sex is swimming in my semen
Bacilo sin reloj pasta nostra representa entre biene estacas controlamos los vientos
I party without a watch, pasta nostra represents between stakes, we control the winds
Entramo al bacile la conga se armao
We enter the party, the conga is formed
Me miran y dicen ay llego pelao
They look at me and say there comes the bald guy
Sentao... en la esqina diviso
Sitting... in the corner I see
Qe ta bailando sola pedaso de peloliso
That you're dancing alone, piece of hairy
Piso . divertido y borracho
Floor. fun and drunk
Con care e curao y pinta e mamarracho
With a drunk face and a slob's paint
Yo cacho. qe mañana me espera
I sense. that tomorrow awaits me
Una caña tremenda cmo si fuera curadera
A tremendous hangover as if it were a cure
Y qe sera si me pongo jugoso
And what will it be like if I get juicy
Y qe la pasta nostra junta cabro mas qe maldadoso
And that the pasta nostra together dude more than mischievous
TOMA!. si qeri bacile
TAKE!. if you want a party
Bonda para ustedes cacheta pa los giles
Bond for you, slap for the fools
Y dile qe se vaya preparando
And tell them to get ready
Qe aunqe la fiesta pare no nos vamos nicagando
That even if the party stops, we're not leaving
Bacilaa! apegate un trago,
Party on! Grab a drink,
Si eres fea la luz apago
If you're ugly, I'll turn off the light
De la botella no me deshago
I won't let go of the bottle
Comparte con esta tropa de vagos!
Share with this crew of slackers!

Авторы: Johann Strauss Ii, Joseph Horovitz

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