Berri Txarrak - Faq - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Berri Txarrak - Faq

Neurtu al duzu inoiz nahi duzuna eta behar duzunaren tarteko distantzia?
Do you ever feel the distance between what you want and what you need, oh?
Egin al duzu hori laburtzeko behar zen guzti-guztia? Inoiz, inoiz
Have you done everything to make it short? When, when
Aurkitu al duzu inoiz esan gabekoen hondakinetan bilatzen zenuena?
Have you ever found in the wreckage of what you left unsaid
Isiltasunaren forma ezberdinak hitz higatuetan
Different forms of silence in worn-out words
Kalkulatu al duzu aukerak dakarren galera horren neurria?
Have you calculated the measure of loss that your choice would bring?
Ta inoiz gogoratzen zara norabidea aldarazi zizun berriaz?
And do you ever remember the news that made you change direction?
Ta inoiz eman ote duzu urrats ergelen bat ondorioak doitu gabe?
And have you ever taken a step without counting the consequences?
Ta inoiz utzi al dituzu esaera zaharrak bere horretan zahartzen?
And have you ever left old sayings to grow old themselves?
Inoiz ihes egitea ezinbestekoa balitz norantz bota lehenengo pausua?
If escaping where you are was of such importance, where would you turn first?
Ta kalkulatu al duzu aukerak dakarren galera horren neurria?
And have you calculated the measure of loss that your choice would bring?
Ta inoiz gogoratzen zara norabidea aldarazi zizun berriaz?
And do you ever remember the news that made you change direction?
Ta inoiz galdetu al duzu nora joan daitekeen betiko galdu den denbora?
And have you ever wondered where the time you lost forever could have gone?
Inoiz erre zintuen su horrek berak argitu zizun jarraitzeko bidea
Did the fire that burned you light the way for you to follow
Ibili, erori eta altxatzearen oinarrizko legea
The basic law of walking, falling and getting up
Ikastearen dema ala dema bera irakaspen, ber gauza dira
Whether too much learning or the same excess teaching, they are the same thing

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