Berri Txarrak - Pangea - original - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Berri Txarrak - Pangea - original

Pangea - original
Pangea - original
Hitzak bilatzen aurkitzen saiatzen
I search for words to find to express
Nola edo hala adierazteko
Somehow or other how to state
Zer egiten duten hemen horrenbeste
What they do so much here
Gorpu kolore beretsukoek
The ones with the same colour of body
Pangea garaia aspaldi izan zen
Pangea time was long ago
Ez du zentzurik oroitze hutsak
It doesn't make sense to remember the past
Baina zer edo zerk esaten dizu
But something tells you
Ekidin zenezakeela zerbait
That something could have been avoided
Ta hondartzek ez dute nahi
And the beaches don't want to
Errugabeen hilerri izan
Be cemeteries of innocence
Mundu zatiak banaka hezitzen
Educating separately the parts of the world
Mundua desorekatuago
An even more imbalanced world
Injustiziara ohitzea baino
More than getting used to injustice
Gaitz kutsakorragorik ez dago
There is no more contagious evil
Herrialde aberatsen dominak
The medals of the rich countries
Pilatuz jasotako murruak
Piling up the blows received
Itsututa ez duzue ikusten
Blinded, you don't see
Handinahi honen ondorioak
The consequences of this ambition
Ta hondartzek ez dute nahi
And the beaches don't want to
Errugabeen hilerri izan
Be cemeteries of innocence
Honek eztanda egin behar du
This has to explode
Hitzak bilatzen aurkitzen saiatzen
I search for words to find

Авторы: Gorka Urbizu Ruiz

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