Beth - Família - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beth - Família

Ganes d′ensenyar-te el món
I can't wait to show you the world
De ser pacient i conscient
To be patient and aware
Que el camí no és asfaltat
That the road is a bumpy one
Però és ben cert que al teu costat
But when I'm with you
Es fa lleuger i ple de flors
It's light and full of flowers
Ganes de somiar despertes
I can't wait to dream awake
De fer volar mil coloms
To let a thousand doves fly
De tenir lliure l'accés a les teves il.lusions
To have free access to your illusions
Fer-ne cançons que siguin certes
To make them into songs that are true
Ganes de tu i de ton pare
I can't wait for you and your dad
Ganes de tres, potser mes
For three, maybe more
Ganes de la meva família
I can't wait for my family
La meva família
My family
Ganes d′aprendre a cuinar
I can't wait to learn to cook
De saber que sento el dia quan et vegi caminar
To know that I feel fulfilled when I see you walk
De cordar-nos la jaqueta quan arribi al fred
To zip up your jacket when it's cold
I estimar-nos molts els avis
And love our grandparents a lot
Quan siguin vellets
When they're old
Ganes de tu i de ton pare
I can't wait for you and your dad
Ganes de tres, potser mes
For three, maybe more
Ganes de la meva família
I can't wait for my family
La meva família
My family
La meva família
My family

Авторы: Elisabeth Rodergas Cols

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