Beth - Pares - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beth - Pares

Quan els teus pares es van fent grans
When your parents grow old
Deixes de veure′ls com uns gegants
You stop seeing them as giants
Deixes enrere el seu recer i les
You leave behind their shelter and the
Receptes no et van tan bé. Per molt
Recipes that don't go so well to you. No matter
Que ploris no ve ningú el teu
How much you cry, no one comes, you fix
Problema l'arregles tu.
Your problems, yourself.
Tu ets la mestressa, ets l′enemic tu ets
You are the mistress, you are the enemy, you are
El pare i també l'amic. Si no t'agrada,
The father, and the friend. If you don't like it,
Pitjor per tu, és llei de vida, és el teu
Tough luck, it's the law of life, it's your
Futur, surt la nostàlgia, per pocs
Future, nostalgia comes out, for a few
Moments, però espavila′t que s′acaba
Moments, but wake up, because time is running out!
El temps! tu t'ho fas i tu t′ho arregles,
You make it happen and fix it yourself,
Tu t'ho fas i tu t′ho inventes tu
You make it happen and you invent it yourself
T'ho fas i tu, tu, tu... quan
You make it happen and you, you, you... when
Els anys passen no és com
The years pass, it's not like
Abans, aquella nena va
Before, that girl went
Amb vestits grans, el seu
With big dresses, her
Problema només per a tu
Problem only for you
La seva pena en un sol nus
Her sorrow in a single knot
Mires amb gràcia els nens
You watch with grace your children
Petits, haig d′anunciar-te
Small, I have to announce
Que estàs amb mi. Jo sóc la mama
That you are with me. I am the mother
Sóc l'enemic, sóc la mestressa i també
I am the enemy, I am the mistress and also
L'amic, no te n′adones? Que pots donar,
The friend, don’t you realize that you can give,
Que tu tens força, pots estimar!
That you have strength, you can love!
La medicina la busques tu, i l′alegria
You look for the medicine, and you also make the joy.
També la fas tu. Tu t'ho fas i tu t′ho arregles,
You make it happen and fix it yourself,
Tu t'ho fas i tu t′ho inventes tu t'ho fas i tu tu tu...
You make it happen and you invent it yourself, you make it happen and you, you, you...
Però si m′enyoro, de tant en tant, si estic malalta
But if I miss you, from time to time, if I'm sick
O si em va tot gran. Vaig cap a casa, per
Or if everything overwhelms me, I go home, for
Recordar, aquella nena que han de cuidar si no
Remembering, that girl who needs to be taking care of, if you don't
T'agrada, pitjor per tu, és llei de vida, és el teu
Like it, tough luck, it's the law of life, it's your
Futur, surt la nostàlgia, per pocs moments,
Future, nostalgia comes out, for a few moments,
Però espavila't que s′acaba el temps!
But wake up, because time is running out!
Tu t′ho fas i tu t'ho arregles,
You make it happen and fix it yourself,
Tu t′ho fas i tu t'ho inventes,
You make it happen and invent it yourself,
Tu t′ho fas i tu t'ho arregles,
You make it happen and fix it yourself,
Tu t′ho fas i tu tu tu...
You make it happen and you, you, you...

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