Cada mañana decidi creerte cada mañana decidi adorarte
Every morning I decide to believe you every morning I decide to worship you
Cada mañana decidi entregarme sin pregunta ni reservas decidi creerte.
Every morning I decide to surrender without question or reserve I decide to believe you.
2 Veces
2 Times
Decidi creerte aunq no tenga fuerza.
I decided to believe you even if I don't have the strength.
Decidi creerte voy a llegar a la meta.
I decided to believe you I will reach the goal.
Decidi creerte hoy creo en tus promesas, sin preguntas ni reservas yooo oh oh oh yo decidi creerte aunq no tenga fuerzas voy a llegar a la meta hoy voy a confiar solo en ti sin preguntas ni reservas.
I decided to believe you today I believe in your promises, without questions or reservations and I decided to believe you even if I don't have the strength I will reach the goal today I will trust only in you without questions or reservations.
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