Beto feat. Dj Figu - Quienes Son - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Beto feat. Dj Figu - Quienes Son

Quienes Son
Who Are They
Quienes son, no me importa su nombre ni tampoco su voz...
Who are they, I don't care about their names, nor their voices...
No me dicen na'... Quienes son, aqui no los oigo en mi habitacion...
They don't tell me anything... Who are they, I can't hear them in my room...
Aqui no valen na... Quienes son,
They are worthless here... Who are they,
Qué cojones hablan... No entiendo ni una palabra...
What the hell are they talking about... I don't understand a word...
Cierra la boca y piensa bien lo que
Shut your mouth and think carefully about what
Vas a decir antes de que se abra...
You're going to say before it opens...
La nación de la moda no avanza, no crece, se pudre, empeora...
The nation of fashion doesn't move forward, it doesn't grow, it rots, it gets worse...
No consigo entender lo que quieren ahora... Cada cancion que
I can't understand what they want now... Every song that
Escucho me suena peor no se qué está pasando man...
I listen to sounds worse, I don't know what's going on, man...
Mi alma por dentro llora... pocos temas escucho ya...
My soul cries inside... I listen to few songs now...
Pongo instrumentales solas...
I just play instrumentals...
Para poder sentir la música y que nadie me la joda...
To be able to feel the music and not have anyone screw it up...
Para que mi cabeza libere el dolor que hace ya la controla...
So that my head can release the pain that has already taken control...
Las buenas canciones no sonarán en esa emisora...
Good songs won't play on that station...
Ellos no esperan que des mas de ti... Así es como funciona...
They don't expect you to give more than you have... That's how it works...
Cambia de plan y lo escucharán.
Change the plan and they will listen.
Qué esperar... Si se quieren ganar el pan...
What to expect... If they want to earn their bread...
Aun que no creo que duren quizás lo hagan... Dependiendo de cuanto
Although I don't think they'll last, maybe they will... Depending on how much
Tiempo duerman ustedes...
Time you sleep...
No se trata de cuanto te atreves, se trata de
It's not about how much you dare, it's about
Cuanto cedes...
How much you give in...
El dinero no te hace feliz pero hay
Money doesn't make you happy, but there are
Quien prefiere sufrir en el Mercedes...
Those who would rather suffer in a Mercedes...
Desde abajo tan solo se puede subir.
From the bottom you can only go up.
Sigo esperando tranquilo el momento adecuado la
I'm still calmly waiting for the right moment, the
Prisa es malisima es algo que al fin aprendí...
Rush is very bad, it's something I finally learned...
La paciencia que no tengo en nada es toda la que tengo aquí...
All the patience I lack in everything is all I have here...
No me esperen cuando lleguen todos,
Don't wait for me when everyone gets here,
Saldré cuando vea que se empiezan a ir...
I'll come out when I see they're starting to leave...
Quienes son, no me importa su nombre ni tampoco su voz...
Who are they, I don't care about their names, nor their voices...
No me dicen na'... Quienes son, aqui no los oigo en mi habitacion...
They don't tell me anything... Who are they, I can't hear them in my room...
Aqui no valen na... Quienes son,
They are worthless here... Who are they,
Qué cojones hablan... No entiendo ni una palabra...
What the hell are they talking about... I don't understand a word...
Cierra la boca y piensa bien lo que
Shut your mouth and think carefully about what
Vas a decir antes de que se abra...
You're going to say before it opens...
Me basta con saber que todo saldrá como quiera yo, no como deba...
It's enough for me to know that everything will turn out the way I want it to, not the way it should...
La vida dando vueltas como una rueda, yo montando la humareda...
Life spinning like a wheel, me riding the smoke...
Formando parte de otra cara en la misma moneda...
Being part of another face on the same coin...
Tu puedes pedir otra cosa es que se te
You can ask for something else, but it has to be
Conceda. Pese a todo no harán que ceda...
Granted to you. Despite everything, they won't let it go...
He visto familias salir de la mierda y entrar de semana en semana...
I've seen families get out of shit and go in week after week...
A la mas adinerada acabar arruinada... Sin nada...
To the wealthiest ending up ruined... With nothing...
He visto gente con muy poco hacer mucho más de lo que imaginaba...
I've seen people with very little do much more than I imagined...
También hacer con mucho, mucho menos... Hasta acabar en bragas
Also do with a lot, much less... Until ending up in panties
Ya nada me saca de esta sensacion que tengo...
Nothing gets me out of this feeling I have anymore...
De como que todo va demasiado lento...
Like everything is going too slow...
No vivo mas que para el que estás oyendo...
I live for nothing more than what you are hearing...
Y aun que ya ni yo me entiendo sigo recto...
And even though I don't even understand myself anymore, I keep going straight...
Ya nada me saca de esto que ya no es un sueño...
Nothing gets me out of this anymore, it's not a dream...
Es una realidad tal como de pequeño...
It's a reality just like when I was little...
"Tot ho farem... Tot pasará..."
"We'll do it all... Everything will pass..."
Y hoy desde el mic te lo cuento...
And today I'm telling you from the mic...
Vivo a condición de lo que pase entre "Big fish"...
I live on the condition of what happens between "Big fish"...
Y me importa tan poco como la crisis...
And I care as little as I do about the crisis...
No me convencen, no voto no contribuyo
They don't convince me, I don't vote, I don't contribute
No me meto yo no entro lo mio no es suyo...
I don't get involved, I don't go in, what's mine is not theirs...
Ya se bien que ellos harán lo mismo,
I know they will do the same,
Votes a quien votes, le reces a cristo...
Whoever you vote for, pray to Christ...
Que no es el pueblo quien decide hoy po hoy...
It's not the people who decide today...
Eso lo puedes tener clarisimo listo...
You can be sure of that...
Quienes son, no me importa su nombre ni tampoco su voz...
Who are they, I don't care about their names, nor their voices...
No me dicen na'... Quienes son, aqui no los oigo en mi habitacion...
They don't tell me anything... Who are they, I can't hear them in my room...
Aqui no valen na... Quienes son,
They are worthless here... Who are they,
Qué cojones hablan... No entiendo ni una palabra...
What the hell are they talking about... I don't understand a word...
Cierra la boca y piensa bien lo que
Shut your mouth and think carefully about what
Vas a decir antes de que se abra...
You're going to say before it opens...

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