Jesse James est un bandit dont la tête est mise a prix du kankas au misssouri, ces attaques a main armée de Danville à Santa Fé font sa gloire au far west à jamais.
Jesse James was a robber whose head had an asking price from Kansas to Missouri, his armed robberies from Danville to Santa Fe brought him fame in the wild west forever.
(Refrain) son epouse éplorée l'avait tant aimé ses enfants l'adoraient mais Robert fort l'attendait, dans le dos il a tiré, la légende Jessie etait née
(Chorus) his weeping wife loved him so much, his children adored him, but brave Robert Ford was waiting for him, he shot him in the back, the legend of Jesse was born
Chacun avait son fusil, la lune éclairait la nuit le train est arrivé, le magot dévalisé, aux pauvres, il a tout donné, il était généreux et rusé.
Everyone had their rifle by their side, the moon was up lighting the night, the train arrived, the loot was seized, he gave it all to the poor, he was generous and cunning.
Dévalisant à Pitsfiel, la banque centrale de la ville, il revenait tranquille, des hommes de main l'attendaient, Captain Shetts les commandait; A regret, James l'a tué pour filer.
He robbed the city's central bank in Pittsfield, he was coming back by himself when gunmen were waiting for him, Captain Shetts was commanding them; With great regret, James killed him to get away.
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