Big Metra - Cosmic Freestyle (Interludio) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Big Metra - Cosmic Freestyle (Interludio)

Cosmic Freestyle (Interludio)
Cosmic Freestyle (Interludio)
Veo todo claro, veo todo claro,
I see everything clear, I see everything clear,
Tercer ojo siempre abierto, baby, soy muy caro,
Third eye always open, baby, I'm very expensive,
Wachos me tiraron tiros que no me alcanzaron,
Wachos they threw shots at me that didn't hit me,
que no los rompí, yo soy el que los reparo.
I know I didn't break them, I'm the one repairing them.
Caigo al party con mi squad de Nike, Gucci o Polo,
I fall to the party with my Nike, Gucci or Polo squad,
Tengo muchos fucking haters, no puedo andar solo,
I have a lot of fucking haters, I can't walk alone,
Yo tengo de la mejor, sabes como me drogo,
I have the best, you know how I get high,
Ella mira mi grammy desde arriba mientras yo la enrolo.
She watches my grammy from above while I cast her.
Como controlo los tonos, no jodo,
As I control the tones, I don't fuck,
Los tontos me quieren odiar por el modo en
The fools want to hate me for the way in
Que como un ladrón, todo el show me lo robo.
Like a thief, I steal the whole show.
No volaron más altos por esa promo,
They didn't fly higher because of that promo,
Detono de todos al que estaba dentro de eso,
Detonation of everyone to the one who was inside that,
Este estilo que no está pesado de plomo,
This style that is not heavy with lead,
Mi flow lo acomodo, ni modo, lo paran al bosque en esta flor de oro.
My flow I accommodate him, no way, they stop him to the forest in this golden flower.
Estas barras son bombas, caen slow mode, bro,
These bars are bombs, they fall slow mode, bro,
They amaze,
You know soy,
You know I am,
Keiou negro, pimpero,
Black keiou, pimpero,
Flow de negro no está primero.
Flow in black is not first.
Ahora voy my nigga so ne none none MEX,
Now I'm going my nigga so ne none none MEX,
I can speak the shit like nigga with flex,
I can speak the shit like nigga with flex,
En castellano damos clases, disparamos frases en inglés,
In Spanish we give classes, we shoot sentences in English,
Mi sirve Sudamétrica, la escuela, skill rey.
My serves Southametric, school, skill king.
Pinten e-mails, vender más que E-bay,
Paint e-mails, sell more than E-bay,
Imprimir el nivel, deprimir al virrey.
Print the level, depress the viceroy.
I know i can flasha con mi shit,
I know I can flasha with my shit,
Me siento como la primera vez que escuché a Vico en cassette,
I feel like the first time I heard Vico on cassette,
Acepta que llegan pila de letras, equipo crema, Big Metra,
Accept that pile of letters arrive, cream team, Big Metra,
Dentro del templo que muy pocos entran,
Inside the temple that very few enter,
Demasiada enegía se concentra,
Too much energy is concentrated,
Y el potencial de nuestro idioma diariamente se incrementa.
And the potential of our language is increasing daily.
Con lo único que se debe de tener en la vida,
With the only thing you should have in life,
Son los códigos supremos del respeto en sintonía,
Are the supreme codes of respect in tune,
Debo de buscar una vía, una línea paralela,
I must find a way, a parallel line,
Que pronto responda mi mente viajera que nunca con nada se queda.
May my traveling mind that never stays with anything respond soon.
Prueba fe, asiente, escupiendo palabra caliente,
Try faith, nod, spitting hot word,
Vente y siente el poderío, este caballo mantiene su brillo,
Come and feel the might, this horse keeps his shine,
No hay simetría que ahora mida nuestro fuego contenido,
There is no symmetry that now measures our contained fire,
Prosigo con el sonido aquí, directo te lo envío.
I continue with the sound here, I send it directly to you.
Vengo con el Equipo Crema narrando epopeyas,
I come with the Cream Team narrating epics,
Dimes y diretes, directo al retrete.
You say and say, straight to the toilet.
Impartiendo la clínica, con Sudamétrica, cosa verídica.
Teaching the clinic, with Sudamétrica, a true thing.
Mejor verifica tu cuenta, que Metra,
Better verify your account, than Metra,
Lo siento, no tiene paciencia nada.
Sorry, you have no patience at all.
Esto lo digo por todos aquellos que únicamente hablan.
I say this for all those who only speak.
Sin saber, sin conocer, no pienso hacerlos entender, (Que)
Without knowing, without knowing, I'm not going to make them understand, (That)
De lo que depende que sigan de pie es la fe que puse en mí, (Sí)
What it depends on to keep standing is the faith I put in me, (Yeah)
Yo soy ese misil que va directo hasta tu oí-
I am that missile that goes straight to you I heard-
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do.
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do.
Es lo que suelto con mi voz que es todo un clásico,
It's what I release with my voice that's a classic,
Follow Me, Follow Me, Cause you know,
Follow Me, Follow Me, Cause you know,
Aproximación de un meteorito y no es un mito,
The approach of a meteorite and it's not a myth,
Mi tormenta de vocales imparables causa un sismo.
My storm of unstoppable vowels causes an earthquake.
Checa cruzo mis palabras, como dagas que se clavan,
Czech I cross my words, like daggers that stick,
que no esperabas nada, no esperabas la llegada,
I know you weren't expecting anything, you weren't expecting the arrival,
Del que viene y te previene de todo ésto,
From the one who comes and prevents you from all this,
Que contiene una barrera que si tocas de repente, te detiene.
Which contains a barrier that if you touch suddenly, stops you.
Yo me estoy manifestando,
I am manifesting,
Incrementando y combinando con el
Increasing and combining with the
Kodi, Kodi, Kodigo venimos acabando,
Kodi, Kodi, Kodigo we're coming to an end,
Toda América Latina, seguimos la rima, metemos turbina y sin preludio.
All Latin America, we follow the rhyme, we put turbine and without prelude.
Son dos lenguas que castigan a la hipocresía, la ignorancia.
They are two languages that punish hypocrisy, ignorance.
Sudamétrica es la técina, arma que con eficacia
South-metric is the technique, a weapon that effectively
Va soltando la sustancia, de unión entre la raza,
Is releasing the substance, of union between the race,
Argentina, México, Latinos en el mapa.
Argentina, Mexico, Latinos on the map.

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