Big Metra - No Hay Limites - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Big Metra - No Hay Limites

No Hay Limites
There Are No Limits
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
A... Yo no tengo limites
To... I have no limits
Estoy viviendo en la mas alta cuspide
I am living on the highest cusp,
Pues aprendi a dejar la estupidez,
For I learned to let go of stupidity,
Con rapidez, la nitidez aparecio en exceso.
With speed, sharpness appeared in excess.
Muchos tropiezos, en mis comienzos,
Many stumbles, in my beginnings,
Pero hoy lo veo como parte del proceso
But today I see it as part of the process.
Hoy lo profeso con la fuerza de el universo,
Today I profess it with the strength of the universe,
En el contexto literario que en la vida tiene premios,
In the literary context that in life has prizes,
Escondidos, en lugares muy reconditos
Hidden, in very remote places
No aptos para cerebros vacios
Not suitable for empty brains
Perdonen si nadie confio, pero trabaja en sinergia
Forgive me if I don't trust anyone, but I work in synergy
Muy bien consentidos.
Very well satisfied.
Y ya le dije good bye a los malos pensamientos y la
And I already said goodbye to bad thoughts and
Negatividad bye bye bye, every vary the lay,
Negativity bye bye bye, every vary the lay,
No hay limites, sal, de la prision mental.
There are no limits, leave, the mental prison.
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
Creemelo, alguna vez tambien dude
Believe me, I once doubted too.
Falle por no tener la convicción y sude,
I failed for not having the conviction and I sweated.
Creando telarañas, que no me dejaban ver
Creating cobwebs, that didn't let me see
El paraiso donde el indeciso no puede acceder y...
Paradise where the indecisive can't access and...
Poco a poco crecieron capacidades,
Little by little, capabilities grew,
Comprendieron los poderes de deidades,
They understood the powers of deities,
La inspiracion le dio razon a mis talentos naturales
Inspiration gave reason to my natural talents
Que cada vez mas se expanden.
That expand more and more.
Se extiende buscando horizontes que antes para mi es
It extends, seeking horizons that were once for me
Eran desconocidos, con el objetivo que es definitivo todo
They were unknown, with the objective that it is definitive,
Este mensaje transmitirlo, para que ya no te quedes inerte
This message to transmit it, so that you don't remain inert
Unicamente soñando, soy una prueba fehaciente, evitando.
Only dreaming, I'm a true proof, avoiding.
No caigas en las garras de el exceso de confianza o en la duda...
Don't fall into the clutches of overconfidence or doubt...
Pon esas ganas en una balanza, y no permitas que la falta
Put that desire in a balance, and don't let the lack
De esperanza te sacuda.
Of hope shake you.
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
No hay limites para mi,
There are no limits for me,
Todo lo que tengo yo me lo consegui,
Everything that I have, I accomplished by myself,
Mi mente se hizo fuerte pues aprendi,
My mind became strong as I learned,
A creer, para ver, tu camino sin fin.
To believe to see, your endless path.
Diferente capacidades, pero los limites son mentales
Different capabilities, but the limits are mental
Te lo dice big metrrraaa...
Big Metra tells you...
Esto es... la consolidacion.
This is... the consolidation.

Авторы: big metra

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