Bill Evans Trio - You and the Night and the Music - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bill Evans Trio - You and the Night and the Music

You and the Night and the Music
You and the Night and the Music
Colabos con Kandinsky
Collabos with Kandinsky
Bailale a Paul Van,
Dance with Paul Van,
Con los cines de Tchaikovsky,
In Tchaikovsky's movie theaters,
estás huyendo como Trotsky,
You're fleeing like Trotsky,
Ella tan novia a la fuga,
She is such a runaway bride,
Yo tan humphrey bogart.
I am such a Humphrey Bogart.
Pero padre, perdona mis pecados,
But father, forgive my sins,
En la vida habiamos estado tan unidos,
In life we had been so close,
Me di la espalda a mi mismo,
I turned my back on myself,
No se llama egoísmo, se llama estar perdido.
It's not called selfishness, it's called being lost.
Siguiendo su perfume en el camino,
Following her perfume on the way,
One love pa los que están conmigo,
One love for those who are with me,
No es un riesgo, y si lo es lo asumimos.
It's not a risk, and if it is, we'll take it.
(Avant Garde)
(Avant Garde)
Con un punzón estoy escribiendo en brayle,
With an awl I'm writing in braille,
Mientras tus dedos sin contacto tocan aire,
While your fingers touch air without contact,
Por el final feliz no justifico el baile,
I don't justify the dance because of the happy ending,
Mil vueltas a lo mismo nunca hará que cambie.
A thousand turns on the same old thing will never make it change.
Quiero cruzar el umbral de esa puerta que me abre otro mundo a otra dimensión,
I want to cross the threshold of that door that opens another world to another dimension,
Quiero sentirte detrás con tus ojos cerrado sin miedo a la dirección,
I want to feel you behind you with your eyes closed without fear of direction,
Saber que eres el motivo que resta sentido al camino de otra decepción.
Knowing that you are the motive that gives meaning to the path of another disappointment.
Dame más de lo que pido,
Give me more than I ask,
Quiero ver la vanguardia en un gesto sencillo.
I want to see the avant-garde in a simple gesture.
Nadie devuelve un favor,
Nobody returns a favor,
Me hacía al tonto por darle perdón,
I played dumb to give him forgiveness,
Me hacía el duro por darle emoción,
I played tough to give him excitement,
Me dijo de volver pero no era no mejor.
He told me to go back but it wasn't better.
Maldita caprichosa, te regalaba sacrificios como ai fueras mi diosa,
Damn capricious girl, I gave you sacrifices like you were my goddess,
Como si fuese mi ama, y tenía mil mujeres esperando en la cama.
As if you were my mistress, and I had a thousand women waiting in bed.
Tengo al Universo nivelándome el karma,
I have the Universe balancing my karma,
Lo hace en secreto como Iniciativa Dharma.
It does it in secret like the Dharma Initiative.
Separo problemas de tu ubicación, éramos leyenda sin su puta opinión.
I separate problems from your location, we were a legend without their fucking opinion.
Ningún raper al que yo le haya pedido un pito,
No rapper I've ever asked for a joint,
Lo que se ahorra me lo gasto en sus caprichos,
What I save I spend on their whims,
No me lo pongo pero lo tengo,
I don't wear it but I have it,
Ya no pillo, sólo retiro,
I don't catch anymore, I just retire,
No es verdad aunque lo digan los libros,
It's not true even though the books say so,
Dios ha muerto, como Cupido.
God is dead, like Cupid.
Pónmelo fácil que estoy harto de currar,
Make it easy for me, I'm tired of working,
Somos de la época de Pastis and Buenri,
We are from the time of Pastis and Buenri,
Via con Me, Paolo Conte
Travel with Me, Paolo Conte
Veo los rebaño pero no veo a los pastores,
I see the flocks but I don't see the shepherds,
Luis Menotti y Johan Cruyff, profesores,
Luis Menotti and Johan Cruyff, teachers,
E tu latido pero no tuve cojones.
And your heartbeat but I didn't have the balls.

Авторы: Arthur Schwartz, Howard Dietz

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