Billy - 친구와 연인 사이 Between Friend and Lover - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Billy - 친구와 연인 사이 Between Friend and Lover

친구와 연인 사이 Between Friend and Lover
Between Friend and Lover
우린 서로를 알기에
As we know each other well,
이런 마음 없었어
I've never felt this way before.
We know everything about each other,
모두 말하고
We talk about everything,
그런 사이였는데
We were just friends.
어느 순간 변해버렸어
But at some point, it changed,
보는 눈빛까지도
Even my eyes' gazes changed.
I began to notice everything,
질투도 하고
I became jealous,
이러는 걸까
I wondered why I was acting like this.
사실은 내가 말야
The truth is, it's me,
좋아한단 말야
I told you, I like you,
안고 싶다고
I want to hug you,
갖고 싶다고
I want to have you,
말하고 싶은데
I want to tell you,
고백하고 싶은데
I want to confess, but I,
용기가 나질 않아
I don't have the courage.
어떨 때는 나도 헷갈려
Sometimes, even I get confused,
취한 얼굴로 바라보면
When I look at you with a drunken face,
너도 나와
You, too,
같은 일까
Do you feel the same way?
착각이 들고는
I make an illusion.
농담이라도 건네볼까
Should I give you a joke?
남자로 있냐고
Have you ever seen me as a man?
고민하고 고민하다
I hesitate and hesitate
고개를 내젓지만
But I shake my head.
사실은 내가 말야
The truth is, it's me,
좋아한단 말야
I told you, I like you,
안고 싶다고
I want to hug you,
갖고 싶다고
I want to have you,
말하고 싶은데
I want to tell you,
고백하고 싶은데
I want to confess, but I,
용기가 나질 않아
I don't have the courage.
As I comfort you,
이별을 기다리고
I'm waiting for your separation,
Listening your voice,
마음이 자꾸 보채고
My heart keeps teasing me,
손이라도 닿으면
Even if I can touch your hand,
착각이 앞서곤
I always make illusions.
잃기 싫은데
I don't want to lose you,
이대로도 너무나 우리는 좋은데
But we're doing just fine as we are,
맘이 원망스러워
I hate my desire,
Since when was it?
이제는 얘기할래
I'm going to tell you now,
네게 고백할래
I'm going to confess to you,
못본다 해도
Even if you don't look at me,
잃는다 해도
Even if I lose you,
커져버린 마음이
My heart has grown,
이런 나의 사랑이
This love of mine,
나도 어쩔 수가 없잖아
I can't help it.
그래 좋아해
It's true, I like you,
아니 사랑해
No, I love you,
내가 아니어도
Even if it's not me,
서롤 아꼈던 마음으로
With the heart that I loved you,
웃으며 얘기해줘
Please tell me with a smile,
다시 처음으로
Let's start over again,
친구로 돌아갈게
As friends, I'll come back to you.

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