Billy Choi - Sorry呢度係香港 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Billy Choi - Sorry呢度係香港

I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong
一生之中誰沒痛苦 得失少不免
Throughout life, who among us has not known anguish? And who has not lost or failed?
看透世態每種風雨 披身打我面
I've seen all that this world has to show, and every kind of trouble has come my way.
身處高峰 嚐盡雨絲 輕風的加冕
At the peak of success, I faced the gentle touch of drizzle and soft wind,
偶爾踫上了急風 步伐未凌亂
And the occasional gust of wind that buffeted me, but did not unbalance me
無論商廈定酒店房 劏房定係工廠
No matter if I am in a luxury hotel room or a cubicle, on building sites or factories.
冇錢就瞓後巷 Sorry呢度係香港
If I have no money, I'll be sleeping in the back alleys. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論港島定係觀塘 都係一樣咁忙
No matter where I am, in rich Hong Kong Island or working-class Kwun Tong,
成街都係工作狂 Sorry呢度係香港
Everybody seems to be crazy busy. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論俾人拉定告狀 抵死定係冤枉
No matter if I am arrested or sued, if I deserve it or if I am wronged,
幾時輪到你講 Sorry呢度係香港
When will it be my turn to speak? I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論以前幾咁輝煌 而家都回曬塘
No matter how brilliant my past, now it's all gone.
你覺得仲有希望? Sorry呢度係香港
Do you still think there is hope? Sorry, this is Hong Kong.
If you think that Hong Kong is a living hell, raise your hand high.
Here, whether you were born here or you are a new immigrant, everybody is scrambling for a place to live.
有啲人 朝八晚九有啲夜晚到日頭
Some people work from 8:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night, while others work from evening until dawn.
My friends who have gone abroad all ask me why I am still here.
Why not leave? This is my home.
I don't want outsiders to shove their noses into my business.
Last time I played with water during the Songkran festival, the police arrested me.
To survive here, I have no choice but to be competitive, to strive for success.
人越大發現做人越難 怕失敗怕肉酸
The older I get, the more difficult life becomes. I am afraid of failure, afraid of embarrassment.
繼續埋怨 係無間地獄唔走就揾搵窿捐
If I keep complaining and saying that this is a living hell, I will never escape. I might as well find a hole to hide in.
我眼都軟 你自己選擇困住係舒適圈
I can see that you're getting soft. You've chosen to stay in your comfort zone.
仲話我極端 喂我只不過係想衝出屋邨
You say I'm extreme. But I just want to get out of this rat race.
無論商廈定酒店房 劏房定係工廠
No matter if I am in a luxury hotel room or a cubicle, on building sites or factories.
冇錢就瞓後巷 Sorry呢度係香港
If I have no money, I'll be sleeping in the back alleys. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論港島定係觀塘 都係一樣咁忙
No matter where I am, in rich Hong Kong Island or working-class Kwun Tong,
成街都係工作狂 Sorry呢度係香港
Everybody seems to be crazy busy. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論俾人拉定告狀 抵死定係冤枉
No matter if I am arrested or sued, if I deserve it or if I am wronged,
幾時輪到你講 Sorry呢度係香港
When will it be my turn to speak? I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論以前幾咁輝煌 而家都回曬塘
No matter how brilliant my past, now it's all gone.
你覺得仲有希望? Sorry呢度係香港
Do you still think there is hope? Sorry, this is Hong Kong.
身處高峰 嚐盡雨絲 輕風的加冕
At the peak of success, I faced the gentle touch of drizzle and soft wind,
偶爾踫上了急風 步伐未凌亂
And the occasional gust of wind that buffeted me, but did not unbalance me
家家有難念的經 行行岀狀元精英
Every family has trouble, and every street has its successful people.
唔一定考五星星先可以買到bling bling
Getting straight A's isn't the only way to make a good living.
就算取消通識 都咪死跟條公式
Never mind the abolition of liberal studies, don't just blindly follow the rules.
移到民要珍惜 幫你果幾個親戚
If you have family members who have emigrated, get in touch and let them know you appreciate them.
Working at $60 an hour for 60 years will get you an apartment.
Starting at age 18, start visiting all 18 districts to get on public housing waiting lists.
而家仲叫人生仔 咪盞 笑死啲後生仔
And you still want to have children? Just laugh at those poor young people and get on my nerves.
Lots of big apartments in the past, now all the apartments are tiny and cramped.
咪繼撚續 圍爐享受12年免費教育
Don't just keep sitting around, basking in the glow of your 12 years of free education.
近大陸 霧霾好污濁 天氣濕又焗
We are right next to mainland China. The smog is terrible most of the time, and the weather is always humid and muggy.
離開地獄 走一轉渋谷 食餐鳥貴族
Get away from this hell hole and take a trip to Shibuya. Eat a meal at Torikizoku.
練定肌肉 想有好結局 唔好諗住舒服
Work out and get in shape. Don't expect to feel comfortable because there is no happy ending.
無論商廈定酒店房 劏房定係工廠
No matter if I am in a luxury hotel room or a cubicle, on building sites or factories.
冇錢就瞓後巷 Sorry呢度係香港
If I have no money, I'll be sleeping in the back alleys. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論港島定係觀塘 都係一樣咁忙
No matter where I am, in rich Hong Kong Island or working-class Kwun Tong,
成街都係工作狂 Sorry呢度係香港
Everybody seems to be crazy busy. I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論俾人拉定告狀 抵死定係冤枉
No matter if I am arrested or sued, if I deserve it or if I am wronged,
幾時輪到你講 Sorry呢度係香港
When will it be my turn to speak? I'm sorry, but this is Hong Kong.
無論以前幾咁輝煌 而家都回曬塘
No matter how brilliant my past, now it's all gone.
你覺得仲有希望? Sorry呢度係香港
Do you still think there is hope? Sorry, this is Hong Kong.

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